For a moment, there was another moment of silence. Mikoto, who had just experienced the pleasure of conversation, immediately lost her composure and spoke.

“Those guys are so slow.”

"...Hmm. What should I do? The magician's target seems to be Binghua, and the spell also has a London style. I really hope she is safe..."


The word "magician", which was rarely heard, filled Mikoto's heart with suspicion.

When Shirai Kuroko sent Index to the surface, instead of thanking him, Index chased Shirai Kuroko and made a fuss, saying things like "Why did you take me out first" and "Send me back quickly?" Class words.

At that time, Index seemed to have mentioned the mysterious word magician.

After thinking for a moment, Mikoto decided not to delve deeper. Judging from Index's clothing, she is obviously a religious person of some kind.

What's more, in the eyes of people without scientific knowledge, superpowers may look like magic.

" that girl with you?"

"Yeah. Ah, but it wasn't Xia Qing who came here this time. I was the one who met Binghua first."

"Isn't it this time...? Haha..."

Mikoto turned her head and showed a dark smile.

The innocent Index didn't notice it at all. She just held the calico cat and kept shaking her body from side to side as she said.

"Wow, I'm so worried. Whether it's a girl being left alone in such a dangerous place, or Xia Qing and the girl being alone in the dark, it's all very worrying."

"...I don't know why, but I always feel that in this regard, we are kindred spirits."

Mikoto was silent for a moment, then continued.

"Speaking of which, aren't you worried about that guy's life?"

For a brief moment, Index's movements stopped.

"Huh? Are you talking about Xia Qing? You don't need to worry about him. It's better to say that the enemy of those magicians is Xia Qing. You should even feel sorry for him..."

Mikoto recalled the previous scene when she faced Accelerator and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

At this time, there was a rumbling vibration on the ground, and both Mikoto and Index felt it.

"Ouch! Why did the earthquake start?"

"It's not an earthquake."

Mikoto said.

"If it was a natural earthquake, there would have been a warning, but now it seems that the earthquake is coming from the underground street..."

As she muttered like this, Mikoto suddenly felt a bad premonition in her heart.

"I want to go down and take a look!"

By the time Mikoto took a step towards the entrance to the underground street, Xia Qing had already walked up with Feng Zhan Binghua.

" are you? Are you hurt?"

Mikoto quickly stepped forward and asked.

"What, are you concerned about me? Miss?"

Xia Qing asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"It seems to be okay."

The corners of Mikoto's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Go back first."

"Well, let's go."


St. George's Cathedral.

Although called the cathedral, it is actually just one of many churches located in central London.

Although the church building is not small, it can be said to be very different from world-famous tourist attractions such as Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Of course, it is nothing compared to Canterbury Abbey, the founding place of Puritanism.

In fact, in London, there are countless buildings with the name "St. George".

In addition to churches, there are also department stores, restaurants, clothing stores, schools, etc. There are probably dozens of them in the downtown area alone.

Not only that, there may even be more than ten churches with the full name "St. George's Cathedral".

The close relationship between "Saint George" and people can be seen even in the national flag.

This St. George's Cathedral was originally the base of the "Church of Necessary Evil".

But this is not a glorious thing.

The duty of the "Church of Necessary Evil" is to completely annihilate and eradicate various magic associations and their magicians in the country. In order to achieve this goal, members of the "Church of Necessary Evil" must use those things that are considered filthy by the church people. magic.

Because of this relationship, these people had a very low status within the Puritan Church, and were eventually even forced to leave Canterbury, the headquarters of the Puritan Church, and move to this "St. George's Cathedral".

But then, things took an unexpected turn.

The "Church of Necessary Evil", which was originally just a peripheral organization of the church, quietly contributed countless achievements.

These achievements allowed the "Church of Necessary Evil" to gradually accumulate trust and real power within the huge organization of Puritanism.

Today, although the apparent organizational heart of Puritanism is still Canterbury Temple, the decision-making power has been completely transferred to St. George's Cathedral.

Therefore, this cathedral, located slightly away from the center of London, has now become the core institution that governs the huge national religion of Puritanism.

Chapter 118 Laura Stewart (3/4)

The red-haired priest Steele Magnus was walking on the streets of London in the early morning, feeling quite confused in his heart.

The street scene itself is not unusual. Stone apartments that are more than three hundred years old are lined up on both sides of the road. Office workers holding mobile phones are walking hurriedly on the ancient streets.

The old double-decker bus moved forward slowly, and workers on the roadside were busy dismantling the also old red phone booth.

The old and new history blend together, no different than usual.

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