"Hey, what's going on with your expression? Huh? What? Are you still afraid of death? Look at your natural expression! Haven't you noticed yet? You were beaten so badly but you're not dead yet. How could it be human?"


"You are pale, are you trying to gain sympathy? Don't be stupid, even if you disappear, what will be lost to the world? For example, look!"

The blonde taps the side of the oily crayon in her hand with her index finger.

In an instant, the stone giant swung his fist horizontally. The arm hit the wall and broke from it.

"This is what I do to you."

Chapter 116: I told you he was a substitute (1/4)


"Even if a monster loses its arms and legs, who will sympathize with it? Don't you understand? Why should I have any feelings for inanimate things? Do you want me to anthropomorphize things and then shed tears? Isn't that just like undressing a doll? Like a pervert who gets excited?"


In front of the desperate Feng Zhan, the stone giant's damaged arm began to regenerate, absorbing the surrounding glass and building materials, and returned to its original shape. That appearance seemed to be similar to hers.

This is the essence of Feng Zhan Binghua.

After the human skin is peeled off, what remains is the ugly, true essence.

"Do you understand now? You are a monster like Alice now. You can't escape. Where do you want to escape? Is there any place that can accept a monster like you?

So you get it? Please figure it out quickly, why don’t you understand? There is no place for you in the world. "

The woman slowly shook the crayon in her hand, and the stone giant slowly walked towards Feng Zhan.

Feng Zhan maintained his fallen position in the middle of the intersection, just in a daze.

Unable to move.

Not because of physical damage. The wounds on his body have long since healed.

Not because of mental fear. My heart kept warning me to run away.


Where to escape?

Feng Zhan remembered.

Today was the first time she went to school, so she thought she was a transfer student.

Today was the first time to eat nutritious breakfast, so she said she wanted to go to the school cafeteria to have a look.

Today was the first time she talked to a boy, so she believed that she was a little timid towards him for this reason.

Today was the first time she used a vending machine to buy a drink. Although she had the knowledge to buy drinks, she had never drank one. How could she find an excuse for such an abnormal situation?

Now Feng Zhan discovered that the so-called himself was originally just a dreamy bubble suspended in the fog.

Even if you look away, there is no point.

If you don't look at the wound, the pain will not go away.

No matter how hard we try, it's too late. Feng Zhan had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. There is no paradise in the world that can warmly accept this ugly monster without consciousness.

Feng Zhan Binghua fell into self-doubt...

In the pocket of the skirt, there was also a photo of the white girl and Feng Zhan taken together.

However, Index, who was smiling happily in the photo, didn’t know that.

I don’t know that Feng Zhan Binghua’s true identity is such a monster.

When she learns the ugly truth hidden under human skin...

When the time comes, I will never smile at Feng Zhan again. Not only that, he would even treat the fact that he smiled at Feng Zhan without knowing it as a memory that he didn't want to think of. Because Feng Zhan Binghua, who also smiled in the photo, no longer exists. There is only one ugly monster left here that has broken through the false skin of mankind.

Tears gathered in the corners of Feng Zhan's eyes.

I really want to stay in a warm world. I really want to laugh happily with someone. Even if it's just a minute or a second. If you can get a short period of peace, it doesn't matter how you lower your head and plead.

But, in the end...

No one could accept this plea.

"Don't cry, monster."

The blonde woman waved the crayon in her hand with a mocking look.

"Seeing you crying just makes me sick."

The thick arm of the stone giant gradually approached, causing Feng Zhan to close his eyes in fear.

"don't want……!!"

The girl tensed her body, waiting for the coming hell of pain.

The pain didn't come.

After a while, still no sound was heard.

But this strange silence was like a gentle embrace of Feng Zhan Binghua's body. It was like returning from the stormy outside to a warm house with a roof.

Feng Zhan Binghua opened his eyes tremblingly.

There seemed to be a familiar figure standing in front of him. But tears obscured his vision, and he could only see blurry images.

However, it always looks familiar.

Feng Zhan wiped away his tears and realized that the person standing in front of him was Xia Qing.

The stone giant's fist stopped in front of Xia Qing, as if it was blocked by the air.

But in fact, what blocked that huge fist was [Platinum Star] with its right arm raised.

Shirley Cromwell couldn't see the Platinum Star, so she looked frightened when she discovered this scene.


She waved the oil crayon again and ordered the stone giant to wave his fist forward. Even standing behind the stone giant, she could feel that the giant had indeed used power.

"How could it be...is it some kind of strange magic...?"

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