Index turned her head and said to Feng Zhan.

"By the way, Hinghua, let's wear it too! It will be great!"


Feng Zhan, who had a weak personality, could not correct the exaggerated imagination in Index's mind, so he could only be pulled away by Index, with a trace of tears secretly shining from the corners of his eyes behind his glasses.

Dong dong dong——

There was a knock on the door of the health room. Index and Feng Zhan Binghua, who were changing clothes, were startled and even the clothes they were holding almost fell to the ground.

"Index! Are you there?"

"'s Xia Qing's did he know we are here?"

After Index murmured something, she quickly shouted outside.

"It'll be ready soon!"

After the two girls took the time to get dressed, Xia Qing walked into the health room.

After the four of them sat on their chairs, Xia Qing asked the girl with long brown hair.

"May I have your name?"

Although he already knew the other person's name, Xia Qing still asked again with a smile because this was the first time they met.

"My... my name is... Feng Zhan Binghua... and you?"

"Xia Qing."

After hearing this name, Feng Zhan Binghua's shoulders shook for some reason.

"By the way, Xia Qing, lunch, lunch, you went out without preparing anything. If you had stayed at home, I might have starved to death."

"I'm not prepared because I will be back at noon."

"What? But don't you want to go to school?"

"Isn't it okay if you don't go in the afternoon?"


Index had a dull look on her face, while Feng Zhan Binghua had a big mouth.

Of course they didn't know how Xia Qing, as an adult and someone who had experienced life and death in several worlds, could care about skipping classes, not to mention that his status as a student could not restrain him at all.

Finally, Xia Qing comforted them.

"Anyway, you just hang around for a while, and we'll go home at noon."

After saying that, Xia Qing left the health room and walked towards the corridor.

There are not many classes in the morning, only a few. In fact, there are also quite few classes in the afternoon. Xia Qing checked specifically and found that the classes related to the AIM diffusion field were in the morning.

In the afternoon, there are meaningless Chinese courses.

While walking in the corridor, Xia Qing suddenly felt someone tugging on her clothes. When she turned around, she saw Himegami Qiusha standing behind her.

"Huh? Himegami, what are you doing here?"

"...You are really cold to transfer students."


Speaking of which, today should be the first day for Himegami to transfer to another school, but there is not even a bit of welcome, something is wrong.

"Sure enough, I am really a woman with a weak sense of existence."

Himegami fell into depression.

"Your sense of presence is not weak at all. Aren't I looking at you right now?"

Xia Qing smiled.


"Would you like some drinks?"

Xia Qing walked to the vending machine, put the banknotes in, and then turned to look at Ji Shen.

However, the girl stood there as if stunned, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes sparkling.

Chapter 104 Shirley Cromwell (4/4)

The road in front of the station was crowded with junior high school students and high school students.

After noon, all the liberated students ran to the streets to play. Especially in a corner in front of the station where a large department store was gathered, it was even more crowded by the crowd.

Kuroko Shirai walked among the crowd.

Her height is slightly shorter than the average height of junior high school girls, and her long brown hair is tied into two ponytails. She cannot be called beautiful, but she is quite cute.

She was wearing the summer uniform of Tokiwadai Middle School and had an armband on her right arm.

The armband reads "Commissioner of Discipline Inspection".

The so-called "Discipline Committee" is a security force that specializes in fighting against superpowers.

All the disciplinary committee members are superpowers, and compared to the "discipline committee members", the security force composed of teachers equipped with new generation weapons is called "guards".

The security forces are divided into two systems to monitor each other and avoid internal friction.

After all, these people are just "students" and "teachers" in nature, and no one can guarantee that there won't be people among them who abuse their power like bad policemen.

"...Really, why not spread out the entertainment facilities? Haven't urban developers studied traffic psychology and environmental psychology?"

Shirai, who is also one of the students, seems to have completely ignored the issues of land price and customer agglomeration effect when he complained.

Like many people, Shirai hates places where people are crowded.

Although summer is coming to an end, the weather is still hot. There is a special reason why she came to this crowded and steaming station.

"found it……"

Shirai looked at the figure ten meters in front of him, took out his mobile phone, and compared the photos of the people on the screen.

The woman who looked like a foreigner didn't seem to be aware of Shirai's presence. She seemed to have forgotten that she was being hunted and walked openly among the crowd.

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