Caster answered crazily with an evil smile on his face.

"But...if you are willing to honor me and sit down at the table, I will be overjoyed. Gilles de Rey has prepared the final feast of death and depravity. Please enjoy it to your heart's content!"

Caster laughed loudly, and beneath his feet, the dark water began to stir.

The countless monsters gathered at the summoner's feet shot out countless tentacles and engulfed Caster, who was standing above them in a cloak.

At first glance, it looked like rebellious familiars were attacking Caster, but Caster, who was covered in tentacles, raised his hands in the air and laughed wildly at the top of his voice.

"At this moment, we once again hold high the banner of salvation! The abandoned people gather around me! The despised people gather around me! I will command you! Lead you! The resentment of us who are bullied will soon be conveyed to "God" ! O Lord of heaven! I will wash away my sins and praise you!"

The foamy water surface expanded, pushing up Caster who was swallowed by the tentacles.

The number of monsters that once served as his foothold increased dramatically. Judging from the depth of the river bottom, the number was unimaginably terrifying.


Saber felt trembling all over. In her eyes, the number of monsters gathered around the summoner's body continued to increase.

The summoning ability of "Luoyan City Teaching Book" is really endless. Countless tentacles are entangled and fused together to form a lump of flesh.

The meat was covered in disgusting mucus and shimmering. Not only that, the meat continued to swell.

Author's message:


After a long period of coding updates, I finally discovered that there is a limit to the growth of book collections, so...

I'm crazy! ! !

Book title: "The Cross-dressing Junior Brother and the Invincible Me"

Introduction: 1224, the first year of the Emperor’s reign


This is another hair-raising cry. How could a boy have such a nice lolita sound?


Hu Xifeng swallowed, lowered his head and saw this familiar figure again, with long white hair, snow-colored pupils, big flashing eyes and long white eyelashes, which made his heart skip a beat. Why did he see this person again? Boy.


Chapter 39 The Sea Demon Appears (Second Update)

In the nearby sea water, if it weren't for the ban on going out at night in Fuyuki City at night, there would definitely be huge waves tonight at this time.

Caster's figure was completely invisible at this moment, only his voice was still echoing arrogantly.

"O arrogant "god"! O cold "god"! We will pull you down from the throne of God! Lambs favored by God! People with bodies similar to God! We will tear you apart and trample to our heart's content! The ridicule of our rebels will knock on the door of heaven with the cry of the Son of God!”

The filthy piece of flesh gradually expanded and took shape, or it could be said that this image was the true form of the monster from another world. All the monsters Caster had driven so far were just fragments of it, just looking at the soldiers.

"That is……"

The alien shadow towering in the darkness had an indescribable sense of terror and oppression, and Saber couldn't help but sigh.

Even the kings of the deep sea, whales and king squids, do not have such a huge size.

This nightmarish figure that dominates all sea areas in the world is an aquatic behemoth worthy of the title "Sea Demon."

Fortunately, except for Lancer and Xia Qing, there was no one else where she and Irisviel were standing.

But the residents on the other side of the river all turned on their lights. Even though it was late at night, a huge noise was still heard. Such a weird thing happened in full view of the public, which of course caused a commotion.

Fortunately, due to the thick fog blocking the view, the places where the monster could be seen were limited, and the panic of the residents was only limited to specific areas.

"What about the stipulation that the Holy Grail War must be conducted secretly...?"

Saber murmured somewhat speechlessly.

"We underestimated this guy... we didn't expect him to summon so many monsters."

Xia Qing put her chin on her head and looked at the growing "Sea Demon" and said.

"If you don't consider the "control" after summoning, just summon it out. No matter how powerful the monster is, it can theoretically be summoned. All that is needed is the magic and spells to expand the "gate"."

After hearing Xia Qing's words, Irisviel looked at him in surprise.

That delicate face looked like she was nineteen years old at most. She was a little surprised that a young man could know so much knowledge.

"You should be right to think so..."

"The so-called magic refers to "the art of controlling demons." However, that kind of guy is a real "demon" that cannot be understood with this small concept. His body is full of gluttony, the product of swallowing up this desire and materializing it. The act of summoning such a thing can no longer be called a "skill"."

Saber clenched her fists angrily, thinking of the magician's crazy actions.

"So, who is this monster not challenging?"

Irisviel asked.

"Yes, it's just an invitation to eat. A town like this will be swallowed up by it in a few hours and nothing will be left."


"It seems that Caster doesn't realize the purpose of fighting and the significance of victory at all. That crazy guy intends to destroy the Holy Grail War itself and destroy everything in this city."

While she was talking, the mobile phone that Irisviel carried rang at this moment, and she quickly picked it up to answer it.

"Hey, Kiritsugu..."

After the brief call ended, Irisviel said to Saber.

"Kiritsugu just informed me that Kotomine Rimasa, who is the supervisor of this Holy Grail War, has issued a mission. As long as Caster can be defeated, you can obtain an additional Command Seal."

After hearing these words, Saber's pupils widened slightly.

Command Seals are not only used to control followers. If used properly, they can even increase a certain amount of combat power to the followers, which is the power that can turn a dangerous battle situation around.

"But, if I use the Noble Phantasm, it will take a certain amount of time..."

"Don't worry, I can buy you some time."

Xia Qing said with a chuckle.


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