Xia Qing is not completely clear about what is in Academy City. After all, he is an anime fan.

In the sea water, the deeper the body sinks, the more palpitated the deeper darkness becomes below. Xia Qing looked down, always thinking that an eye or a big octopus would appear.

Who told this world to be a world where technology and magic are mixed? It is not surprising that monsters and the like will appear. Xia Qing is already a little prepared.

The first thing to do is…

‘Can’t be the first time traveler to drown! ’

The time was undoubtedly spring or summer. Xia Qing guessed this because the sea water did not make him feel cold, but rather comfortable.

With her long hair fluttering messily in the water, Xia Qing stuck her head out of the water, opened her hazy eyes, and looked around.

"Huh... there seems to be a park ahead..."

As he murmured like this, he maintained his freestyle style and swam towards the river bank. However, because it was a river branch in the city, Xia Qing could only use his hands to punch holes in the wall, and then leaned against it after stepping on it. Use your legs to push yourself up.

Finally, there was a street near where he stood, and adjacent to it was the park that Xia Qing had observed before.

I probably can only sleep in the park tonight.

"Really, why do I have to sleep on a park bench as soon as I arrive in a modern city...?"

Xia Qing lowered his head and thought quietly.

His disheveled appearance made him look like a madman.

Under the moonlight, Academy City, which is nearly one-third the size of Kyoto, is filled with couples.

The three spiral blades of the power-generating windmills that can be seen everywhere glow eerily like the tears of a single noble under the blue-white moonlight and night lights.

Further forward from where Xia Qing climbed up, there was a large iron bridge, about 150 meters long, with not a single car on the bridge.

The simple steel bridge has no lighting and is completely integrated into the strange darkness like the sea at night.

Xia Qing walked all the way to the park and was stunned when he saw the bench.

"Oh my God, what a comfortable bench! Oh my god..."

There were plastic bags and various beverage bottles thrown away by some bad boys after eating them. Xia Qing picked them up and threw them into the trash can, then found a cleaner place to sit on them.

Xia Qing did not immediately check the task-related information, but first sorted out the information related to this world in his mind.

The first is [Academy City] of the science camp, which occupies one-third of Kyoto (a circular city that occupies the western part of Kyoto and occupies part of Saitama and Kanagawa prefectures). It is home to 2.3 million people, 80% of which are students. huge city.

Divided into 23 school districts. It is isolated from the outside world and has the most cutting-edge technology that is more than 20 to 30 years ahead of the world. All students receive superpower development. It is fully managed by the "Council of Oversight".

In order to prevent the leakage of technology and superpowers, there are strict restrictions on the entry and exit of the population. There are no police in the city. Instead, disciplinary committee members selected from students and teachers who volunteer to maintain law and order are vigilantes who can even be organized into an army.

The organization that is hostile to [Academy City] is the [Science Association].

This organization has had contact with Ayao Akai in the past, so it knows the "tree diagram designer" quite well.

In the "Wreckage" incident, a plan was dispatched by a certain country's Cape Kennedy (the space base at Cape Canaveral) to invade Academy City and seize the core "Wreckage" of the "Treemap Designer".

As for the magic camp, they are [Crucianism], [Roman Orthodoxy], [Golden Dawn], etc...

There is no doubt that magic exists in this world, and it is similar to the magic Xia Qing learned, but it is also very different.

[Magic] in this world, with some exceptions, is basically a technology created by "people without talent to catch up with those with talent."

By pouring magic into your own blood vessels and nerves, you can use magic by expressing symbols through body movements or gestures.

In addition to magic based on personal refining of magic power, there is also magic that utilizes the power originating from the earth such as earth veins and dragon veins, or is called "angel power" and is stored in different phases of the same world.

Therefore, it is not necessary to create energy to use magic, but to choose the magic to use according to the nature of the energy.

In addition to having magic power as a magical medium, the brain must also be implanted with magic-specific circuits. Because the basic circuits are different, espers cannot use magic, and magicians cannot use superpowers.

If a person with superpowers reluctantly uses magic, the out-of-control magic will tear the blood vessels and nerves throughout the body, ranging from internal bleeding to the bursting of a large number of body tissues, and even death.

Magic power is a product of processing human beings' original power (lifespan, vitality), so it can be relatively easily controlled according to human will. Humans use their heads to refine magic power in their bodies.

Before using magic, you must first refine the life force you possess into magic power.

If the energy that originally flows in the human body is regarded as crude oil, then it needs to be refined into gasoline before using magic.

Most of the organs in the body cannot be controlled by one's own will, so by reluctantly transforming one's own organs, one can extract power that is normally unobtainable.

To control the body, simple methods include breathing methods, meditation, preparatory exercises, diet control, etc.

To put it simply, as long as you can control the rhythm of breathing, blood flow, and internal organs to the values ​​you want, there will be no problem.

Once you obtain the magic power required to perform magic, you only need to manipulate this magic power "in the form you want."

For human beings who originally had limited lives, the difference between the strength of magic power and the weakness of magic power lies only in whether the refining technique is excellent or clumsy.

"Ah... my head hurts... I can't continue thinking..."

After just sorting it out for less than half an hour, Xia Qing felt that her brain was about to be overwhelmed by the complicated information.

He rubbed his temples while looking up at the starry night sky.

"Um...this classmate, why don't you go home so late...?"

The voice coming from beside her made Xia Qing stop rubbing her temples with her index finger, and then looked down at the person who came to her side.

After hearing this voice, Xia Qing suddenly realized that he was wearing a modern student uniform.

Chapter 2: Stay at Teacher Xiaomeng’s house temporarily (4/4)

That was everyone's favorite class teacher. He was one hundred and thirty-five centimeters tall. He was obviously a teacher, but he suited Yue Yong Xiaomeng who was carrying a red schoolbag.

Her age is unknown, but judging from the fact that she is older than her friend Yomikawa Aiho, she must be over twenty-eight years old.

However, no matter how you look, he looks like a primary school student of about twelve years old. His voice is sweet and greasy, like the voice of a little girl before she has entered the development of secondary sexual characteristics.

She has cherry-colored hair, is wearing a white and pink dress, and even her shoes are small and cute. She looks no different from a primary school student.

However, her eyes revealed the color of an adult. At this moment, she was looking at Xia Qing with some concern.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just sleeping here."

Xia Qing replied to Yue Yong Xiaomeng's question.

"Al...why don't you go home...?"

Yue Yong Xiaomeng tilted her head, her pink eyes widened, staring at Xia Qing and asked.

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