The distance to Lancer's Master was less than 300 meters, so Emiya Kiritsugu carefully adjusted his aiming point.


At this time, the sound of swords and halberds between Berserker and Saber has spread throughout the street. However, if the mad Berserker and Saber continue to fight, it will be difficult to resolve the battle in a short time without Saber using her Noble Phantasm. .

After all, the ability parameters of the mad heroic spirit other than luck and magic power will directly increase by one level.


If Assassin mistook Maiya, who was pretending to attack, as an enemy, but Maiya was far enough away from Assassin, it was possible to escape. Perhaps before that, Assassin simply ran away because he was afraid of showing up in front of other Masters.


However, when all possibilities fail, it is possible that Assassin will immediately attack Emiya Kiritsugu next to him, and then he will have no choice but to fight.


Emiya Kiritsugu's breathing gradually stabilized, and the crosshairs in the scope also stabilized at this moment. With the gradually enlarging field of view, Xia Qing's head was already under control.

Just when he was about to pull the trigger, a loud noise came from the battlefield below!


Chapter 32 The end of the first chaos (third update)

It was a thunderbolt that suddenly visited the battlefield. Its dazzling purple light, which was enough to turn day and night upside down, made an impact sound that was enough to shake the earth!


The lightning did not fall from the sky, but passed across the ground. If you look closely, what looks like lightning is a racing chariot full of thunder and lightning.

After Lancer noticed the momentum behind him, he quickly dodged to the side and avoided the chariot in time, but Berserker, who focused all his attention on Saber, didn't even have time to look back and see what happened.

Following Rider's cry, the two sacred bulls kicked the dark knight to the ground with their four front hooves. The hooves of the bull were wrapped with rolling purple thunder and lightning. Just one kick was a very heavy blow.

Berserker was trampled eight times by the cow's hooves. Looking at this scene, Xia Qing almost wanted to shout "Good job!"

After Rider's chariot roared past, Berserker no longer had the strength to stand, and his figure in pitch black armor rolled to the ground.

Rider was sitting on the stopped chariot, looking down at the beaten enemy and laughing.

"Oh? What's wrong with you, you man with backbone?"

Berserker still hadn't breathed his last. He was trembling weakly and slowly getting up. The dark knight, who had been trampled by the sacred bull, finally climbed out of the track of the chariot.

"It looks like you escaped a fatal attack. You're lucky."

The power of the "Divine Wheel" obviously lies not in fighting with people, but in marching and fighting. Rider had obviously carefully considered even the galloping past just now. If Rider wanted to wipe out everyone in one fell swoop, he was able to do it in one fell swoop just now. He charged towards Lancer and Saber without stopping.

Of course, if that is the case, Xia Qing's so far unknown substitute will also be noticed when it is used.

Although the others cannot see it, these heroic spirits can detect the attack of the Platinum Star.

After all, avatars are originally manifested by spiritual energy, and Servants, as heroic spirits, can also detect this energy.

This is something that has been determined in the previous communication between Xia Qing and Lancer.

Of course, being able to detect it doesn't mean that you can beat it, but it just doesn't mean you have no power to fight back.

His attention returned to the battlefield again. At this moment, Berserker weakly wanted to stand up, but due to the heavy blow he received, he seemed to realize that he could no longer fight.

The outline began to blur in the next moment, dissipating like mist, eliminating the entity, transforming into a spirit body and escaping.

After Rider saw the other party running away in embarrassment, he laughed boldly and then turned his attention to Xia Qing and others.

"There are only three of us left now. Although I want to fight you, it is still too early. However, if you insist on fighting, I will be happy to accompany you!"

Saber looked at Rider, who had just hit Berserker suddenly and ran away, with a somewhat complicated look in her eyes.

"Why on earth did you come here...? King of Conquerors."

"Ah, I haven't thought about this carefully either."

Facing Saber's question, the sturdy man seemed to have nothing to do with him and shrugged indifferently.

"What's the reason? What's the plan? Let the historians of later generations give me a reason for those troublesome things. We heroes just need to do whatever we want and run passionately on the battlefield!"

"...Those are words that only a king can say."

Saber's disappointed reply was firm. She believed in the integrity of chivalry and was far from Rider's unscrupulous principles of action.

"Oh? Is my kingly way alien? Huh, that's a natural thing."

Rider sneered, ignoring Saber's provocative gaze.

"All royal ways are unique. As a king, I and you as a king are incompatible. You want to completely divide this world into black and white."

"This is what I expected, and here I am today..."

Rider immediately interrupted her.

"Okay, okay, don't be so arrogant."

Rider smiled and then said.

"Let's wait until next time to fight again. I don't want to fight an enemy who is not at full strength. That would be a lot less fun. So, King of Knights, when we meet next time, I will use all my blood to fight you... Master, do you have anything else to say?"

At Rider's feet, the boy lying on the driver's seat did not answer. Rider grabbed his collar and picked him up to take a look.

"...Hey, cheer up, you guy."

Rider sighed and shook twice, his tone seemed helpless.

Then he waved to Saber and Lancer and pulled the reins of the two sacred bulls. The bulls brayed, emitted thunder and lightning, and shot lightning from their hooves as they galloped towards the sky.


With the roar of thunder and lightning, Rider's chariot left towards the southern sky.

Irisviel finally couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Rider leave. The power this king had shown since his debut was really jaw-dropping.

"The battle in the first round was so intense. Has there ever been such a Holy Grail War in the past..."

Just as Irisviel was murmuring, a voice broke her murmur.

"Hey, have you forgotten me?"

Xia Qing patted his coat in a cool manner, shook off the dust from the previous battle between the heroic spirits, and smiled with a relaxed expression.

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