
Before he could react, Hibiki had already struck the "drum of ghosts" again.


Author's message:


I don’t know what happened to the chapter, it was repeated, sorry! !

Chapter 84 The battle with Xiangkai! (4/5)

Three claw marks appeared silently and struck in the direction of Tanjiro!

He quickly dodged and evaded between breaths.

But then, the sound of rapid drum beating was heard one after another.

Vampire magic·Shangsu beats the drum!

At the same time, he hits all the drums on his body at a high frequency, causing the rooms in the Ghost House to flip over and over, and the claw marks from the claw attack also increase from three to five!

"So fast!! The speed of turning and attacking is really terrifying!!"

Tanjiro exclaimed.

Because he had been injured during the previous fight with the two "Pseudo Twelve Demons", Tanjiro felt as if the wound had opened and was in excruciating pain as soon as the fierce battle began.

No matter when he was talking loudly or when he was running, he was constantly enduring the severe pain of the wound.

But because he is the eldest son, he can endure it. If he is the second son, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

Once you stand hard, the broken bones will creak and you will lose strength.

'That ghost's... attack with claw-like marks is simply too terrifying, I really don't dare to get close...'

Tanjiro gritted his teeth.

If you enter the area inside the gap without being in a perfect state and rush in, if your feet are hard to use due to severe pain...

There's no doubt he'll be sliced.

He didn't want to let the dog lead so easily.


"Disappear, rats!!"

The frequency of the clear drum sound started to become higher.

Together with the claw marks that appeared invisibly, like a giant beast, they also changed from three to five, and they missed Tanjiro by a hair's breadth.

"Ah, so dangerous!"

Tanjiro landed on the ground narrowly, and deliberately avoided the scattered papers on the ground.

'I know, the physical activity that keeps increasing the pain is also the breathing that strengthens the muscles around the fractured foot, and there's a musty smell before the claws attack! ’

At this time, Tanjiro suddenly smelled it.

"Here it comes! Breath of Water·Full Collection!"

Five clear claw marks appeared above Tanjiro and scratched towards him!

"Nine shape, water droplets, chaos!"

Splashes of blue water would splash on the spot every time Tanjiro took a step, increasing his speed by a large amount as if it were a bonus.

"What - you actually avoided my attack!?"

Hibiki looked surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would suddenly use such a technique, but he didn't stop because of this, and beat the "Ghost Drum" again.

Whoosh! ! !

Five claw marks narrowly missed Tanjiro, cutting a gash in the Ichimatsu-patterned haori he was wearing.

"I saw it!! The line of the gap!!"

The line pointing directly at Hikikai's neck now appeared in Tanjiro's sight.

"Ah ah!!!"

In mid-air, Tanjiro spun around and slashed with his body!

Just when he was about to cut off Hsikai's head, there was a sudden sound on the door on the right.


The door was kicked in from the outside, and a burly guy wearing a gray boar-head mask, deerskin around his waist, bear fur around his feet, and a naked upper body rushed out.

"The pigs are advancing! The pigs are advancing!!"

He kicked Tanjiro's body, directly interrupting his intended slash.


The room suddenly became a mess.

Xiangkai stood there in shock, looking at the pig head that suddenly rushed in inexplicably.

"I shed...Three Fangs·Fangs tearing apart!!"

They were two blue-gray Nichirin swords. Because of the use of [Beast Breath], they were forcibly smashed into a zigzag shape.


After the two zigzag-shaped blue-gray Nichirin swords crossed, he slashed them hard on both sides!

However, just when Inosuke thought he had grabbed the ghost's head, he suddenly saw a dazzling golden thunder.

Sizzle! ! !

Thunder, flash, sudden appearance!

boom----! ! !

It was a blow that was too fast to be distinguished with the naked eye. Countless golden currents circled around the room in disorder, and the moment the golden light passed by.

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