At the same time, Saber, who was standing opposite, could not help but grit her teeth deep in her heart when she saw Cu Chulainn looking like he was confident of winning.

"Hmph! You just stabbed my arm lightly and showed so much joy. Lancer, do you want to laugh me to death?"

Saber also activated the taunting skill.

Afterwards, Saber once again restrained the surrounding atmosphere, and the Wind King's Barrier around the Sword of Oath of Victory weakened the range of the entanglement, but also increased the length of the sword's tip.

Although the wound does not have much impact on the strength of holding the sword, I am afraid that if I use the power of the Noble Phantasm twice at most, my arm will not be able to hold the sword.

However, at this point, Saber's fighting spirit has not diminished but has become even higher.

The opponent's high martial arts and his bold move of throwing away one of the Noble Phantasms in the middle of the battle deceived her, causing her to be carelessly injured and weakening her fighting ability a little.

This method did not make Saber angry at being plotted, but instead wanted to appreciate Lancer's strategy.

This is an enemy worth fighting with all your might.

In the first battle of the Holy Grail War, we encountered such an impeccably good opponent. As a samurai who relied on swords for a living, he had to fight with high morale when he encountered such a good opponent.

Lancer, who is now standing here confronting her, seems to Saber to be doing his best to cope with this extreme battle, which requires not only tricks but also resourcefulness.

Of course, if Saber knew that Cu Chulainn already knew her true name and the length of the sword, her current mentality would probably change.

However, Saber, who didn't know this, just raised the sword in her hand with high spirits and pointed the tip of the sword directly at Cu Chulainn!

Cu Chulainn stepped forward without hesitation at this moment. As the ground cracked and gravel flew, the blue figure intertwined with scarlet, creating a brilliant light...

Suddenly, a torrent of magical power blew from nowhere and turned into a dark figure.

Bang————! !

Seeing this sudden scene, Cu Chulainn and Saber quickly retreated several meters back and looked cautiously at the guy who interrupted the battle.

That shadow stood in the center of the battlefield between Lancer and Saber. Even if it could be observed within a few meters, his figure could only be described as a "shadow".

The tall man with broad shoulders was covered in armor, but it was different from Saber's silver armor.

The servant's armor was black, with no fine decorations or polished colors.

It was dark, extremely black like hell, even his face was covered by a helmet.

Deep within the tiny cracks in the helmet, one could only see the penetrating light from his eyes that were burning like fire.

"That ominous figure...could it be..."

Cu Chulainn couldn't help but think of the real names and job descriptions of the other six heroic spirits that Xia Qing had mentioned before.


Seeing the sudden intervention of Berserker, Xia Qing couldn't help but feel a headache. Although he still didn't know who the master of Berserker was, the other party was obviously prepared, otherwise it would be impossible to offend two masters at the same time so simply. force to end this duel.

"Has the plot started to change..."

Probably because he directly killed Matou Zouken before, Matou Kariya did not become the master, which led to the current situation, that is, another unknown magician became the master of Berserker and gradually destroyed it. Original plot development.

Chapter 24 Rider (Fourth update!)

But even so, Xia Qing didn't feel any regret for saving Sakura. It could even be said that he was glad that he went in time. Otherwise, Sakura would have been treated the same way even if Matou Zangyan died ten thousand times. Ways to make up for it.

"Who is the one."

Xia Qing held her chin and looked at Berserker who was in the center of the battlefield, thinking carefully.

At this moment, there was another thunderous sound from the sky!

Everyone looked towards the southeast sky. As their eyes focused, the source of the sound became clear.

I saw a flying object crossing a straight line in the sky, accompanied by blue sizzling thunder and lightning, and the sound got closer and closer.


Irisviel was stunned when she saw this scene and opened her mouth in surprise.

Judging from the appearance, this is an ancient chariot with two heads. The chariot is not pulled by horses, but by bulls stepping on the void with hooves, pulling the luxurious and magnificent chariot. .


And at the same time.

Matou Kariya, who was hiding in the sewer not far from the center of the battlefield, frowned, surrounded by a disgusting rotten smell.

"Did you still run away... In that case, Berserker, destroy everything and kill all those guys!"

Berserker, who was able to use it easily before coming here, after Matou Kariya came here, saw the battle between Lancer and Saber, and ran out like a fool.

No matter how much Matou Kariya tried to communicate, Berserker just kept trying as if he was deaf.

He is now only three streets away from the Warehouse Street that is indulging in the battle, but it is impossible for those magicians who consider themselves arrogant to stoop to such a dirty and putrid atmosphere.

So now he can control the flying insects to reconnoiter the battle without any scruples.

Of course, because Matou Kariya is different from other magicians in that he is just a quick magician, he is not as careless or arrogant as other magicians.

Even if he fights on the front line with his followers, he does not have the confidence to directly confront other magicians. In addition, his follower is Berserker, even if he wants to give strategic instructions directly next to Berserker.

Berserker also has trouble following his orders.

In this case, it is better to let Berserker go directly and mess around. The more chaotic the situation, the better!

Matou Kariya had noticed the aura that Lancer deliberately continued to exude before, and tracked it here. He had just arrived when the battle on Warehouse Street reached a certain stage.

Under such circumstances, Berserker rushed out. He could only put the "sightworm" on the ground to observe the dynamics outside.

However, because he had endured the marking insects all over his body, his body had been destroyed long ago, but the magic power of those marking insects extended his life.

But even with the magic power provided by those marking insects, the magic power he provided to Berserker to rush over to fight already made him feel heartbreaking pain.

"Killing Matou Zouken, kidnapping Sakura, and letting the servants leave so many traces of spear blades in the mansion. Master of Lancer, what kind of person are you? I'm really curious. .”

Naturally, it was impossible for Matou Kariya to be able to obtain so much information, but with the help of others, although he did not think that person could be called a "person".


At the same time, in the battlefield of Warehouse Street.

The chariot is not just simply floating in the air, the wheels are rumbling continuously, and what is stepped under the bull's hooves is not the earth, but blue thunder and lightning!

Every time the hooves of the oxen and the chariot pedaled against the empty sky, purple lightning spread around like a spider web, rolling up the atmosphere with a deafening sound.

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