Hearing Xia Qing's words, Tetsuo Mori Kozo immediately jumped up from his lying position like a spring, stared at Xia Qing and shouted.

"Did you know that forging a Nichirin sword not only takes time, but also requires our swordsmiths to put in the hard work and energy until the hair falls off to make it..."


Xia Qing was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

There seems to be something wrong.

"In short, every [Nichirin Sword] made by our swordsmiths is equivalent to our hard work, but you broke it so easily!"

Tiexiangangzang was so angry that he hit the wall on the spot.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Xia Qing quickly went to stop him.

"Sorry, sorry, I promise that the new knife will never break so early!"

After stopping Tetsuo Sengangzang who was pretending to be bleeding, Xia Qing assured him.

"This is what you said! If you dare to break your promise, I will come to your door with a kitchen knife!"

"No problem, no problem, I will definitely do it, I will never break my promise!"

Xia Qing nodded and promised with an expression of trust in me.

Seeing such a serious expression on his face, Tiezanao Morigangzang couldn't help but believe it, and finally left with the sentence "Get the knife in ten days."

Author's message:


ps: Give me your tickets~~~

Chapter 47 I’m going to be the pillar...? (2/5) Please subscribe!

After the incident with his knife forger ended, Xia Qing began to wander around the village.

Then, because there were members of the Demon Slayer Corps stationed in the village next door, Xia Qingxian came to another village not far from the village of the swordsmith without anything else to do.

Xia Qing met here with several members of the "Ji class" stationed here. He originally thought that these members who were several ranks higher than him would look arrogant when they saw him, a "Ren class" two levels below him.

However, this is not the case.

"You must be Lord Xia Qing! I have heard about your deeds before!"

"Me too, everyone in the Demon Slayer Squad is talking about your killing of the "Obvious Demon". Your story has spread throughout the entire Demon Slayer Squad!"

Xia Qing asked with some confusion after hearing what they said.

"So, have I leveled up now...?"

Because when Xia Qing came here from the previous village, Xia Qing's own "bird", the pigeon that promised Xia Qing that it would not coo, was not there, so he had no way of knowing those things for a while.

"That means...I am now a "Level A" ghost hunter??"

Listening to the facts that these members of the Demon Slayer Squad wanted to tell impassionedly, Xia Qing suddenly felt like he had become a master from bronze overnight.

This feeling came too suddenly, catching him off guard.

But this feeling didn't stop. As the Demon Slayer members with adoring expressions on their faces continued to talk, Xia Qing became more and more orgasmic.

"Not only that, Lord Xia Qing, the reason why you are still a member of the "A-level" after killing the "Xiaxian Ghost" is because the master is still discussing with the "Pillar-level" adults to let you become a pillar-level member. matters."

"I guess it won't be long before you can legitimately become a [Thunder Pillar]!"

After hearing this, Xia Qing nodded and murmured to himself.

"It turns out that it's not impossible to kill a "Second String" and be promoted to the pillar level. After all, he is one of the Twelve Ghost Moons."

The Twelve Demon Moons, whether they are upper or lower, cannot be fought by ordinary members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Even the combat power of the lower one cannot be underestimated for these members.

However, those who can become "Pillars" are those who can easily deal with Xia Xian, and his successful killing of Xia Xian in the previous village was an opportunity for him to become a pillar.

After figuring this out, Xia Qing took a long breath.

Xia Qing couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he looked at the few members of the Demon Slayer Team in front of him who looked like groupies with their eyes twinkling after seeing Xia Qing.

I originally thought that I was lower than them, but suddenly I received the admiration of the other party. This dramatic reversal is really interesting.

Just as Xia Qing was thinking about these things, not far from where he was talking to several members in front, a girl with pink hair walked towards the stone bridge.

"Huh? That's...!"

Xia Qing suddenly became alert when she saw the pink-haired girl.

That's... Kanroji Mitsuri! !

However, before he could say anything, the other members of the Demon Slayer Team beside him spoke at this time.

"Master Xia Qing, that girl is a famous weirdo in this village. Her strength has been far beyond ordinary people since she was a child. She can easily lift a fifteen kilogram pickle stone when she was one year and two months old. It is really too horrible!"

"That's right, and it's said that after eating too many cherry cakes in a row, even his hair turned pink and green, which makes him look ugly and disgusting."

"Also, some villagers were chased by a bear from the mountains. One of them escaped into the village. We were about to rescue the people, but the girl came over and punched the bear to death. It's not true. To tell you the truth, I was so scared that I peed.”

"I became incontinent on the spot!"

After hearing what they said, Xia Qing looked at them as if they were fools, and then raised his right hand that was clenched into a fist.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

When Xia Qing waved his hands and left, the three members of the Demon Slayer Squad who didn't know what was going on looked confused and covered the swollen bumps on their heads with tears in their eyes.

"Why was I beaten...?"

"I don't know. Did he hit us because he was too happy to become a pillar?"

"It hurts so much, it feels like my head is going to split."


Xia Qing came to a cherry blossom tree near the river.

Because it has just entered autumn, the leaves of this cherry blossom tree are becoming fewer and fewer, and it is gradually bald.

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