Maiya nodded, picked up the remote control of the TV, and pressed the switch.

If it were Xia Qing, he would definitely feel that the old TV screen lit up, showing the images that were recorded from the beginning to the end of a part of the Tohsaka Mansion last night.

Although it is not clear enough, it is enough to make people understand what is going on.

In the somewhat blurry black and white picture, a Servant (Servant) wearing a skull mask was helplessly eliminated by the Golden Servant.

Chapter 18: So confident (Third update!)

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at this scene and said with his chin.

"What do you think of this unfolding?"

"I think they went too far."

Maiya immediately answered Emiya Kiritsugu's question.

"The time between Assassin's invasion and Tohsaka's Servant's attack was too short. I don't think they discovered Assassin's breath blocking skills in advance. They must have known that someone would invade."

Emiya Kiritsugu nodded.

"If you think about it this way, it's incredible. Since Tohsaka had time to wait for the enemy to come to his door, why didn't he use this time to go out and attack him directly? Instead, he deliberately revealed his servant."

The Tohsaka family has experienced the Second and Third Holy Grail Wars, and its owner must be familiar with various theories. Therefore, it is impossible for him to not know that his home base, the Tosaka Mansion, is being monitored by others.

However, Tokiomi Tosaka sent his servants without hesitation. To most people, this was definitely a bad move.

"In battles between servants, it is an ironclad rule to hide the identity of a heroic spirit, but why did Tokiomi Tohsaka allow his servants to be seen by everyone?"

"Because he wants to be seen, right?"

In response to Maiya's words, Emiya Kiritsugu nodded again.

"Indeed, if you do this, what value will it have to whom? The answer to this question will come out after thinking about it. By the way, how is Assassin's Master?"

"I took refuge in the church last night and was protected by supervisors. In addition, Assassin's master is named Kotomine Kirei."

Hearing this name, Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes seemed to have a hint of cold fear.

"Maiya, go to Fuyuki Church to arrange a familiar, just one first."

"Is this okay? Master's interference in the church's territory is strictly prohibited."

"Get as close as possible without being discovered by the priest. Don't worry too much about controlling it. Just keep it hidden."

Maiya was a little confused after hearing such instructions, and she couldn't help but frown.

"So it's not used to monitor the church?"

"Just act like you're watching, or be careful and hide in a place where no one will find you."

"Yes...I understand."

Later, Emiya Kiritsugu walked to the bed and checked the weapons box placed on it. The most obvious thing inside was a semi-automatic sniper rifle.

Of course, for Emiya Kiritsugu, what he needs to use in the battle against the magician is the bullet called the Origin Bullet, which is his most important weapon in this Holy Grail War.

"By the way, according to the news I got from my family before, one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, the monarch of the El-Melloi faction, Kenneth El-Melloi Archipelud, was booked at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. On the 32nd floor, he was killed by unknown forces, and the sacred relics for summoning heroic spirits were probably also taken away. When those people arrived, there was only a pile of vague minced meat left."


After hearing the news, Emiya Kiritsugu took a deep breath.

"We have already found the opponent before the war started, and were able to kill the genius magician... If one person acted alone, then just thinking about his strength would make people feel a little frightened. It is simply terrifying."

"Although the identity of the mysterious man is not yet known, it seems that the battle pattern will undergo some changes in the future."

Maiya frowned and looked a little confused.

Emiya Kiritsugu had a rare confident smile on his lips.

"It's been a long time since this kind of situation has happened... But no matter what, as a magician, the stronger the opponent is, the higher my chance of winning will be."

As he spoke, he opened a box, took the flintlock rifle lying quietly inside in his hand, and quickly put the bullet into the magazine with his left hand.

"Two seconds... It seems I have regressed..."

When making his own costume, Emiya Kiritsugu made the most of his extremely unique "origin".

The first and second ribs on the left and right sides of his flank were removed, and the removed ribs were ground into powder, then condensed using soul engineering, and used as bullet cores to seal into sixty-six bullets.

This bullet will materialize the "origin" of the "hit" object. If it hits the body of a living creature, there will be no wounds or bleeding, but the area where it was hit will become necrotic. Same old wounds.

The surface layer may appear to be healed, but the nerves and capillaries do not regenerate accurately and lose their original functions.

Moreover, this bullet with the function of conceptual weapon will pose a more serious threat to the magician.

Among the sixty-six bullets, Emiya Kiritsugu had consumed thirty-seven before, but not one of them was wasted. The bullets made from part of the bullet he shot at you have completely destroyed thirty-seven of them. Thought he was an excellent magician.

Emiya Kiritsugu said with a rare joking tone.

"It will be the same this time. No matter how good a magician the opponent is, he can't catch a bullet moving at high speed, right?"

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Chapter 19 I’m fine (Fourth update!)

At this moment, Xia Qing was leaning on the single bed on the inside, using pillows to cushion her position to make her posture more comfortable.

Xiao Ying was sitting on another single bed holding the book Xia Qing had bought for her before and reading quietly. Every once in a while in the quiet room, she could clearly hear the sound of turning the book.

While listening to the conversation between Emiya Kiritsugu and others next door, Xia Qing was bored and cracked his knuckles, making continuous clicking sounds.

On the floor next to him, the platinum star that had appeared at this moment was the reason why Xia Qing could clearly hear the conversation in the guest room opposite through the wall.

He looked up at the gray ceiling and was thinking about something.

'Such a rare opportunity...should we kill them both directly...'

Sensing this idea in Xia Qing's mind, Platinum Star's figure floated forward.

'No, wait... Emiya Kiritsugu can't leave so early now. ’

Platinum Star returned to Xia Qing's side.

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