Since you are here to fuck people, then naturally you have to be arrogant.

"Old guy! I've got something good for you!!"

Bang——————! !

As the mansion's door shattered and sawdust flew, the sound of Matou's inkstone slowly came from the stairs at the end of the corridor.

"I wonder what the Matou family has done to offend this little friend, necessitating such a dramatic visit?"

An ancient-looking oil lamp placed at intervals on the right side of the corridor suddenly lit up at this moment, with flames swaying in it.


The footsteps gradually became closer and closer, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, but Xia Qing's eyes had a hint of coldness, and he also took steps to gradually shorten the distance between them.

Gradually, a short, skinny old man walked out of the stairs illuminated by lights.

Matou Zouken, who appears to be the grandfather of Matou Shinji, is actually the first head of the Matou family six generations ago. He was a great magician and insect user who lived for five hundred years. He abandoned his original body and manipulated the nature of magic. of insects to form a temporary body.

Cunning, cruel, and possessing a strange obsession with survival. In order to prolong life, he can take advantage of others and sacrifice them to the end.

He seemed to be a person with lofty ambitions in the past by using sweet words to push people around him and gradually get closer to his goals, but that ideal has long since disappeared from Matou Zōyan's spirit.

The Fourth District hated the decaying soul and decaying body, and did not want to accomplish anything. Over time, it turned into obsession.

He turns himself into a bug and parasitizes others to extend his life. His body is no different from that of a monster, so he doesn't like the sun and usually hides in dark places.

He has a bald head, four limbs as skinny as a mummy, and a slender figure exposed from the deep-set eye sockets. He is a short man with a hunched back. He is unusual in both appearance and behavior. He is wearing a cyan and dark gray kimono and is leaning on a wooden cane in his right hand.

As he walked slowly towards Cu Chulainn, he was accompanied by an unpleasant rancid smell.

"Oh, my Master wants your life, so as his knight, of course I have to fulfill my loyalty."

As soon as Cu Chulainn finished speaking, a scarlet spear pierced the air and penetrated towards the sharply contracted pupil...


Three days later, Shenshan Town.

At noon on a holiday, the warm sunshine shines on the lawn, and the smiling faces of the children playing and chasing each other and the smiling adults guarding the children come into view.

The park square surrounding the fountain is loved by the general public as a place where the whole family can play together and gain peace of mind.

A man named Matou Kariya is waiting for a woman to appear.

Chapter 12 Tohsaka Aoi (Second update!)

He was confident that no matter what kind of crowd he was in, no matter how far away he was, even if he couldn't see her for almost a month, he was just like a stranger...

He is confident that he can immediately and easily find the "only" woman for him among the huge crowd of people.

Matou Kariya walked next to the woman enjoying the shade under the shade of a tree, and the woman finally realized his visit.

"Hi Aoi!"

With an endearing and dignified smile on her lips, Tohsaka Aoi raised her eyes from the book she was reading.

"Ah, Kariya, long time no see."

There was a trace of haggardness on Tohsaka Aoi's face, as if she had experienced something disturbing and was now feeling sad about it.

Matou Kariya, who noticed this, wanted to ask her the reason immediately. No matter what it was, he wanted to do his part for her and solve the source of her pain.

But even if there is such an impulse, this is impossible for Matou Kariya. He is not close enough to this woman to help her without any scruples.

"We haven't seen each other for three months. This business trip is really long."

"Ah...well, yes."

In sleep, her smile would definitely appear in gentle dreams, but once he saw the smile in reality, he did not have the courage to face it head-on.

It has been like this for the past eight years, and I am afraid it will continue to do so in the future. Until forever, I will never be able to face this smile directly.

The person who made Matou Kariya so timid, as soon as he finished the initial greetings, he didn't know what topic to start, and there was a wonderful blank period, which happened every time.

In order to prevent it from becoming an embarrassing silence, he began to look for traces of the person he could talk to casually.

over there--

The girl was mingling with other children on the lawn, chasing and playing around energetically. Although she was very young, she had already begun to show the beauty she inherited from her mother.

"Xiao Lin."

Hearing this call, the little girl named Rin immediately noticed it. When she saw the source of the sound, a smile appeared on her face.

"Uncle Kariya, you're back! Did you buy me another gift?"

"Rin, you kid is so ungrateful..."

The young child didn't seem to notice the embarrassed voice and face of his mother Tohsaka Aoi. Facing Rin's big eyes shining with expectation, Kariya responded with a smile and took out the two hidden gifts. one.

"Wow, so beautiful..."

The exquisite brooch made of large and small glass beads immediately made the little girl named Tosaka Rin smile with joy.

Although this gift seemed a bit premature considering her age, Kariya clearly knew that Rin had an aesthetic taste beyond her age.

"Uncle Kariya, thank you so much for giving me gifts every time. I will cherish this."

"Haha, as long as you like it, uncle is also very happy."

Kariya replied with a smile while looking for another gift recipient.

But for some reason, no matter how much Kariya looked around, he couldn't find any trace of him anywhere in the park.

"Strange...where did Sakura go?"

As soon as he heard Kariya's question, Rin's smile immediately became very hollow.

It was the unique expression of despair and stasis in thinking that a child has when he has to accept an incomprehensible reality.

" no longer here."

With stiff and empty eyes, Rin said this sentence stiffly as if he was reciting lines, and then ran back to the children who were playing together as if refusing to answer anything Kariya wanted to ask later.


In response to Rin's incomprehensible answer, Kariya turned his attention to Rin's mother, Tohsaka Aoi, and asked with doubtful eyes.

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