Looking at this vast and even scary library, even Ye Ting had to admit that the girl in front of him, this guy who was demoted from a god to a demon, did have a lot of trouble.

Regardless of the fact that Ye Ting and Danterian were reading 103,000 and 990,000 magic books each, you would think that magic books are very ordinary and common things.

In fact, any magic book is a treasure-like existence for ordinary mages.

Because the magic books on Danterian's bookshelf are completely different from ordinary magic books.

They are all"original canons" or existences similar to"original canons".

The so-called"original canon" is the product that is completely recorded on paper in the form of a book for the first time after the magic theory was discovered or compiled. Although such"original canon" is similar in content to future"copies", it has"Replica" has absolutely no meaning.

Because the"Original Code" is the only magic book that can fully explain the theory of magic, and this process of accurately elaborating the principles and knowledge of magic is like the incantation recited when casting a spell. It has the ability to cast the"Original Code""The effect of magic in", and this effect will be far superior to ordinary spell casting.

In other words, the"original book" of any magic book is also a magic prop that can cast the spells as long as enough magic power is input.

Although the casting of magic is a very precise process, it is people who cast magic. As long as people are doing things, errors will occur. Generally speaking, there is a certain error tolerance rate for errors in the process of releasing magic. Within this range Errors will not affect the correct casting of magic, only the effect of the magic - the smaller the error, the stronger the effect.

At the same time, the more powerful and complex the magic, the smaller its error tolerance, and the higher the requirements for the caster.

However, there is no error in the"original canon". The"original canon" is like the most accurate ruler, able to present the original appearance of the recorded magic. Therefore, the power of magic cast through the"original canon" will be far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

But as a price, reading the"original canon" also has considerable requirements - because the"original canon" records real knowledge, and this knowledge is beyond nature, the use of rules, and taboos in the world, therefore, any The process of reading the original text is quite difficult.

Unless there is psychic protection, even a glance can cause great damage to the psyche - this is the world's resistance to the spread of forbidden knowledge.

But if you read it with a strong will and endure the pain of mental destruction, you can gradually gain mental immunity to this knowledge.

Of course, people who are reasonably adaptable to this knowledge can be immune to most mental shocks.

Compared with the"original classic", its copies are different.

In fact, due to this resistance of the world, Pindu was unable to completely reproduce the content of the"original canon" and could only give a roundabout explanation and partial misinterpretation of it.

This leads to the fact that the copy does not record knowledge, nor does it produce the characteristics of magic props like the original. The spells learned through such copies will also deviate from the original spells, and the power will naturally be weakened accordingly..

The terrifying magic guides on Danterian's bookshelf are all"original" existences.

Among them, as a god who records knowledge, even after becoming a demon, Danterian still retains her most original ability and hobby-recording knowledge and preserving it in the form of books.

However, unlike general knowledge, magic, clergy, abilities, and fields, these powers themselves exist outside of knowledge and cannot be recorded—even their owners may not be able to describe their principles.

However, after being sealed and losing her divine power, due to her own weakness, Danterian actually used her incomparable talent to find ways to further her abilities.

With a past as a god, a wealth of knowledge accumulation, and her own abilities as a foundation, she actually used the abilities of the gods and angels she met in the Sealing Ring to become demons and used magic to Elaborate in the form and record it in the form of a magic book.

You must know that although magic has various shortcomings such as complexity, slow release, inflexibility, and insufficient power compared to divine arts, clergy, abilities, fields, superpowers, etc., it has the only one and the best , the most popular advantage - magic is knowledge and wisdom, which can be recorded, learned and used by anyone.

You know, except for Africa, North America and Oceania, where Shinto is barren, Jehovah was originally used as a tool for Ye Ting to eradicate the gods. However, in order to increase his divine power, all the weak gods on the earth except the strongest gods were destroyed. Departments and gods were plowed.

In other words, during the most heyday of the Ring of Sealing, there were tens of thousands of gods and fallen angels from all over the world. These gods and fallen angels mastered more than just their own power and knowledge. After losing their divine power, in order to survive, , they did everything they could, and even used a lot of knowledge and skills they learned from other gods and gods.

Danterian, on the other hand, took advantage of the other gods' melee to eke out a living while secretly recording. As a result, she recorded a total of one hundred and three thousand magic books.

Most of the contents of these 13,000 magic books are the first time a certain god's abilities and skills were recorded in the form of a magic book - the so-called"original". Even if the rest are not The original, under Danterian's accurate records, was almost the same as the"original".

So, this terrible big library——"This is how Danterian's bookshelf was born.

By the way, although Danterian's abilities are strong, they also have limitations. That is, although the magic books she recorded have entities, they are actually the condensation of concepts. , which is why it is as accurate as the"original canon", and precisely because of this, these magic books are unique - even she cannot do the wholesale"original canon". Of course, magic is against the power of God Deterioration and translation are no more powerful than the original power of God, but the advantage of magic is that it can be learned. As long as you have enough IQ, you can learn as much as you want. With these one hundred and three thousand magic books, Danterian can deal with almost anything. The enemy successfully survived the melee between the demon gods and became the seventy-first ranked demon god.

To be fair, Danterian's so-called ranking of seventy-one is not due to lack of strength. He has so many magic books. She can almost reproduce the power of all demons in the form of magic.

How can she be ranked in the top thirty among demons like this, but because she is only interested in recording and reading books, and feels that ranking at the bottom is too ugly, so I just casually arranged seventy-one.

In short, Ye Ting asked her to be his secretary... ah no, assistant and secretary. It was a perfect fit.

—————————————————————————————————— ps: It’s really hard to pick out the settings. It’s even harder to find unpopular knowledge. I need to be more prepared next time I write a novel.

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