Although Sobeksav was a slave and his clothes were quite simple, he was completely different from the man in front of him.

But this strange man was not at all arrogant because of his low status.

Even when dealing with him, the man smiled

"Since we are all in the vast desert, we are destined to meet each other. Since your master invites you, I will go and meet you. Then I will trouble you to lead the way."

Although Sobeksav was a slave, he was entrusted with an important task by his master because of his intelligence and agility. As a slave, he learned a lot of writing and calculation knowledge - in Egypt, there were only a few noble people. Knowledge that can only be learned.

However, such Sobeksav still has difficulty understanding the man's words.

He does not know what"fate" means, what"borderless" means, and he has difficulty with the auxiliary adjectives in many men's mouths. Understood, but this made him believe in the nobility of this man even more.

Only a true aristocrat would learn so much rhetoric after understanding the basic words.

But what made him respect the person in front of him from the bottom of his heart was not these, but His attitude.

Even though he is in a high position, he is still kind to a slave like him, which is very rare among nobles in Sobeksav's impression.

Especially on the way back to the caravan with him, this man actually asked him. Name, asked about his life, God, there is such a noble person to care about a slave like him, this is something Sobeksav has never experienced.

Sobeksav felt a warm current in The heart flows.

Perhaps, this is a quality only possessed by the descendants of gods - after all, in the eyes of gods, all mortals are the same. Even mortal nobles are the same as slaves in the eyes of gods, nothing more than ants. Therefore, they would treat all mortals with the same attitude.

Soon, when the man met his master, he further confirmed this idea.

Facing his master, the man did not change his attitude.

"Hello, respected traveler." After seeing the man brought by Sobeksav, the businessman immediately noticed his extraordinary nature. Instinctively, he immediately placed himself in a lower position,"I am Necht, a businessman from Avaris, is honored to meet you in the desert. Because I saw you traveling alone in the desert, I wanted to ask, is there anything we can do to help you?"

"Ah, thank you for your concern, Mr. Necht." Ye Ting nodded to the man in front of him and said with a smile,"My name is Thoth. I am a traveler from a distant country. I am currently traveling throughout the world. Traveled around with the goal of Egypt."

As he spoke, he extended his hand to the businessman in front of him.

"It turns out to be Mr. Thoth. It's an honor to meet you," Necht replied, feeling a little strange about his actions."What do you mean by extending your hand?"

"It's a handshake ceremony," said the man named Thoth."When two people meet, they hold hands, which represents the initial establishment of friendship. It is a etiquette in my hometown."

"It's such an honor.

Necht excitedly stretched out his hand and shook Thoth's hand. This etiquette seemed to be equal etiquette, and there was no lack of physical contact. Doesn't this mean that the guy in front of him was willing to interact with him?

Although merchants were considered one of the nobles in Egypt, they were still a lower class than nobles and priests, and just above the common people.

Now the man in front of him is obviously a very noble person. He has the opportunity to form friendship with the person in front of him. How can Necht let it go?

"You are really an admirable person." Then Necht complimented the man named Thoth,"A noble person like you can actually condescend to the goal of a chess piece to completely travel throughout Egypt. This is the goal of many high-ranking people. Something difficult that no one can do"

"No, I just love traveling and want to see the scenery from all over the world." Thoth shook his head,"It's funny, in Egypt, I have only been to one city, Rosetta, and this is where my journey in Egypt started. Place, it’s funny to say that I want to see Memphis, the capital of Egypt, but now I have lost my direction in the desert."

"Oh, that's it," Thoth's words made Necht's eyes light up."It just so happens that the goal of my caravan is Memphis. If you don't mind, how about you go with me?"

"I have my wish, but I dare not ask for my ear."

Thoth readily agreed with Necht's words.

"Your words are so beautiful. Necht smiled and flattered him.

So a traveler named Thoth joined the caravan and followed them. To entertain him, Necht even gave him a camel to ride on.

This foreign man named Thoth was Ye Ting. Thoth was just his pseudonym in Egypt.

After crossing the barrier of the God's Domain, he came to the Egyptian God's Domain.

But the barrier he crossed was on the sea. The same was true after he came to the Egyptian God's Domain, so he traveled all the way on the sea and landed in Egypt from Rosetta, a city at the mouth of the Nile River.

Egypt at this time was in the Sixth Dynasty of the Old Kingdom, which was also the end of the Old Kingdom..

Different from the Greek God Realm, although the Egyptian God Realm is not as big as the Greek God Realm, the humans here are under the rule of the same kingdom. Their kings are called pharaohs and are descendants of the Egyptian gods. Today's

Egypt is led by Heli The Opolis theocracy ruled. The original god Ra gave birth to a pair of twin brothers and sisters, Shu, the god of air, and Tefnut, the god of lakes. They combined and gave birth to a pair of twin brothers and sisters: Geb, the earth god, and Nu, the sky god. Specially, this brother and sister reunited and gave birth to the fourth generation of gods...

The original Nine Pillars of Gods, each generation once personally ruled Egypt as a pharaoh, but after the last generation of Horus, the gods all returned to the sky. , Egypt began to be ruled by pharaohs, descendants of the gods, and the pharaohs’ rule has been passed down from generation to generation until now.

However, according to Ye Ting’s observation, today’s Heliopolis pantheon no longer controls the mortal world. Why are you so interested?

Perhaps it stems from the tradition of the Heliopolis pantheon. Each generation of gods has a period of time when they become the rulers of the divine domain. At that stage, they will be extremely diligent, but after that, they They will hand over all responsibilities to the next generation just like mortals, while maintaining the most basic priesthood.

In this way, the rule of the Buddhist system is indeed quite unusual compared to the Olympus system.

Now, the rule of the gods over Egypt is actually It is quite loose, much looser than the Greek pantheon where gods frequently walk on the earth. Because of this, the power of"people" in the country of Egypt is now stronger in comparison, and this is why it has always had a unified world. Empire.

Ye Ting still appreciates what the Heliopolis pantheon has done.

However, perhaps it is for this reason that the Heliopolis pantheon will gradually be replaced by Hermopolis in the future. The Tan god system replaced the god Amun, who rose as the main god and replaced the rule of the sun god Ra._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel A

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