Although pure warriors are not powerful, with the blessing of the Holy Light, the combat power of these people has soared, and they can almost compete with the top enemies - of course, they are just competing. ——Almost every one of the five Paladins of the first generation was very powerful, and each of them left a mark in the history of Azeroth.

Although in the future where there are so many strong men, the combat power of these Paladins is slightly insufficient, but now, the appearance of each of them is a considerable supplement to the alliance.

Compared to the high-end combat power of the Horde, the Alliance is as strong as a cloud in terms of spellcasters, but its top talents in the physical profession are far inferior to its opponents.

Among the orcs, Orgrim Doomhammer, Kargath Bladefist, Varok Saurfang (Overlord Saurfang) and his brothers Brox, Grom Hellscream, Ki Errogg Deadeye, Samuro and a bunch of other sword masters... Take any one of them and they're all top-notch warriors.

As for the Alliance, apart from Anduin Lothar, only Genn Greymane and Daelin Proudmoore are somewhat capable. The other powerful warriors such as the Bronzebeard brothers are all dwarves.

The emergence of the Paladin has greatly made up for the gap between the elite and top powerhouses in the physical melee profession, between the Alliance and the Horde.

It's really gratifying.

However, the first meeting between the alliance's supreme commander and his future strongest melee warriors was obviously not a pleasant one.

After Faao left, Lothar and Ye Ting were surrounded by these Paladin candidates.

Some of them, like Turalyon, looked cowed. Others, like Uther and Tirion, seemed relaxed.

While Lothar was still thinking about what to say to them, Uther broke the silence.

"My lord, the Archbishop told us of the coming battle and of the Horde's approach. We will obey your orders and fight for the people. You can command us when needed, and we will defeat our enemies once and for all, drive them from here, and let the Light protect this land."

He is a tall man with determination in his expression, and has sea-blue eyes.

Ye Ting can feel his piety from this man, which is not inferior to Faao himself, but he lacks the enthusiasm of the archbishop.

"Were you once a knight?" Lothar asked

"Yes, my lord. replied the paladin candidate."But long ago when I was still young I became a follower of the church, a devout believer." With the arrival of these evil creatures, I know it is necessary for us to receive the blessing of the Light to defeat them in order to protect our land, our home, and our people."

Lothar nodded. He thought he had understood the answer to this man's belief, or part of the answer.

Ye Ting and Lothar spent the next one talking to each other with the four paladin candidates. When these holy warriors As he left to attend afternoon prayers, Lothar looked at Fa

"So. he asked."How are you and the others?""

"In my opinion, the strength of the Paladins should depend on their piety to their faith," Ye Ting analyzed,"And there is no doubt that Uther is the most powerful among them, but his shortcomings are also obvious. I sincerely suspect that he will refuse to use noble methods to win victory because he cares too much about glory and faith - but war itself is neither glorious nor noble, and true war does not justify the means. Lothar nodded in agreement. At the same time, he was also very happy that his consultant could tell the essence of the war to the point. He suddenly realized that the mage in front of him was actually better than he imagined.

If Ye Ting knew his This idea must be taken for granted.

In terms of research on war, whether it is the human nations in World of Warcraft or the medieval Europe similar to them, there is no doubt that they are completely inferior to the ancient Celestial Empire. And after experiencing A Song of Ice and Fire The Ye Ting of the world is no longer just talking on paper when it comes to applying the war wisdom of the ancient celestial dynasty. If it were not troublesome, Ye Ting could completely replace Lothar and take command personally. Defeating the orcs is not a big problem.

Next, Ye Ting continued analyze

"Uther can definitely be the leader of the paladins, I don't think he can lead anyone else besides the paladins. His piety is so firm that many soldiers may not be able to tolerate it"

"Saidan Dathrohan does not have the same shortcomings as Uther, but he may be too fanatical. This is an advantage and a disadvantage. Such fanaticism allows him to kill decisively on the battlefield, but it can also easily make him impulsive and fall into extremes."

"Tirion Fordring is not as pious as Uther, nor as fanatical as Dathrohan. He is relatively mediocre, but in my opinion, he has the greatest potential among them all, because he has a calmer mentality and is more able to learn from others. Absorbing opinions is the source of understanding and making further progress as a Paladin."

"And Turalyon," Ye Ting finally said,"is the one with the worst faith among them, but he is also the strongest in my eyes. He was trained to be a clergyman and a devoted follower of the church, though without the dazzling zeal of the others. And he has more wisdom, so he is more suitable to be a commander."

Ye Ting's analysis amazed Lothar. With just a short conversation, the mage was able to see through several paladins and analyze their personalities quite thoroughly. In some aspects, even Lothar, who knew countless people, could He didn't expect it - this is natural. After all, through his previous life, Ye Ting understood the future experiences and endings of these paladins. Through these, he knew them even better than they themselves.

However, in Lothar's eyes, Here, Ye Ting appears to be completely different from the unsociable mage image that Lothar had in his mind.

However, all in all, Lothar fully agrees with Ye Ting's evaluation.

"Totally agree with you, I will talk to Fao about it. The commander said with a wry smile,"What you said is very complete. I have nothing to add." The value of the Paladin is unquestionable. I will bring Uther with me as our liaison with the church."

"I will also recommend another candidate."As expected by Ye Ting, Lothar mentioned this matter.

"His name is Gavin Ladd. He is one of my knights in the Kingdom of Stormwind. He is very loyal to us and a good person. I think he might make a good Paladin."He said with a smile."But Turalyon, I will make him one of my lieutenants."

"I must say this is a great choice."Ye Ting agreed - in fact, he wished that Lothar had as many lieutenants as possible, so that he could hand over his daily work to others."Now we should expect the tribe to give us enough time to prepare. These saints The only problem for the Cavaliers is a lack of experience and time to grow."

However, the mage is not as worried as he said, because in his opinion, the difference between the divine system and arcane magic is that divine magic does not pay attention to knowledge and accumulation, but pays more attention to faith and heart - this is different from the ancient system. Chinese internal strength and immortality have very similar views on cultivating the mind. The strength and clarity of faith and heart determine the strength of their magic, which is different from wisdom and can be"enlightened"

"But Fao trusted them, and maybe we must too. Lothar said absently. He was already thinking about how to deploy the troops that the kings would provide."At least, we have to be as prepared as possible. This is the only thing we can do.""_

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