When Voldemort noticed the strangeness of the surrounding situation, he became serious.

And the real situation around him made his heart, which was originally filled with fear and rage, feel as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him.

Although in his sight, the battle between the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters was still so fierce that Voldemort subconsciously ignored the specific details. However, once he came back to his senses and concentrated on observing carefully, Only then did I realize that this so-called"fierce" battle was just an appearance.

In fact, behind this appearance is a strange loop - just like a video that is played over and over again. In his eyes, all battle scenes and everyone's actions are just routines that are repeated over and over again.

However, the connection between the beginning and the end of this routine was so smooth that he didn't find anything abrupt.

Therefore, after being attracted by Ye Ting's remarks, even a sinister and cunning dark wizard leader like him was deceived for a while.

Of course, this is also because Ye Ting's remarks are sharp enough. These words that penetrated Voldemort's inner secrets and unbearable dark history had a considerable effect on Voldemort. While arousing a wave of hatred, they also successfully made Voldemort lose his vigilance to everything around him.

It wasn't until Ye Ting took the initiative to remind him that he saw the clues.


Finally, Voldemort's gloomy voice came

"On earth...when did you arrange such an illusion?……"Voldemort suppressed the shock and asked his own question,"I didn't realize how you did it... This is not magic that can be used easily, right?"

"Of course."Ye Ting smiled softly,"If I could really use illusions that could deceive a wizard of your level, I wouldn't have been playing games with you until now."

"Play... games?"

Hearing this, Voldemort felt a little bitter for the first time in his heart.

He suddenly realized that although he claimed to be the Dark Lord, he had never taken any advantage in his confrontation with Ye Ting until now.

On the contrary, every step he makes seems to be calculated by the other party. Even the"advantage" he thinks he now seems to be in the other party's plan.

Otherwise, this deceives him and makes him in a period of time. He was unable to pay attention to the illusion on another battlefield within a short period of time, and there was no need to exist. Of course, it is not ruled out that the other party was just bluffing to undermine his self-confidence, but this possibility was basically zero, because as Ye Ting himself said In that way, it was obvious at a glance that an illusion of this level could not be used simply. However, even Voldemort himself did not find any clues about the appearance of the illusion, and it was just concealed. In other words, the process of casting the illusion Almost zero.

Then, if the illusion does not have a complicated spell-casting process, it must be prepared in advance.

Although due to the lack of magic storage technology, there are few magic systems in the Harry Potter world that are as pre-prepared as magic scrolls. Prepare magic props to store magic, but it is not impossible to prepare magic in advance.

So, how did Ye Ting do it?

Seemingly seeing Voldemort's doubts, Ye Ting added faintly

"Why do you think I keep spinning around you?"

This is what happened after Voldemort's backlash due to the destruction of the Horcrux caused by Nagini's death.

At that time, Voldemort was in an unprecedented weakness because of the destruction of his soul fragments.

However, the boy opposite seemed to be because of his lack of strength. Knowing the characteristics of Horcruxes, or suspecting that Voldemort was showing weakness to the enemy and setting a trap, he was cautious and did not take advantage of the opportunity to take action. Instead, he walked around Voldemort while confronting him. In fact, such behavior was In a one-on-one duel, I originally thought of a normal strategy.

When the two sides confront each other, the dominant player will use constant movement and verbal words to put psychological pressure on the disadvantaged, and on the other hand, try to divert the disadvantaged's attention. , thereby finding the weakness of the inferior, and finally killing him with one blow.

Therefore, Voldemort was not surprised by this behavior. At that time, he was still laughing at the opponent for being too young. Although he had strong strength at a young age, his experience was not insufficient

——If Ye Ting can seize the opportunity and attack decisively, then no matter how powerful he is, in this case, he will have to abandon all his subordinates present and run away in a hurry. In this way, the Ministry of Magic will truly win. , and he would not be able to organize a Death Eater army of the same size in Britain for decades.

This is of course what he thinks.

However, now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The other party must have known the characteristics of the Horcrux at that time, and also knew that he was indeed weak, and not the so-called"showing weakness to the enemy". Otherwise, the other party would not have been able to secretly arrange the magic circle under such circumstances. After all, in front of a group of people. A prosperous top wizard does this kind of thing under his nose. Even if the magic circle nodes are prepared in advance, it is just a meat bun beating a dog, because once discovered, Voldemort can easily destroy the magic circle before the magic takes effect.

The other party seems to be using this opportunity to"turn in circles""、""Confrontation" behavior, he took the opportunity to set up a magic circle that produced illusions. With Voldemort's magic level, although he could not do it, he could still infer that as long as Ye Ting prepared the props as nodes of the magic circle in advance, and then took advantage of Voldemort's If your soul is weak and your sensitivity to everything around you is reduced, you can also secretly arrange a magic that produces an illusion.

——What a formidable opponent, who laid a trap without even realizing it.

Voldemort thought

"Your next sentence is, 'But why would you do that?'’"

"But why would you do that...what?"

Voldemort was shocked again when Ye Ting said his next sentence accurately.

However, what Ye Ting showed next was the truly shocking fact.

"You are wondering why I have to do such a thankless thing when I can end this dispute immediately."

Ye Ting said with a smile, but from the smile, Voldemort felt full of malice.

Such malice made him, the Dark Lord, the most evil dark wizard, feel shuddering.

Before he could In agreement, Ye Ting waved his hand casually.

"Okay, let me show you the real facts hidden by the magic of illusion."

With Ye Ting's gesture, the automatically looped"video" immediately dissipated.

Voldemort finally saw the real battlefield behind the illusion... and what was really covered up by the illusion.

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