161 – Recapture of Fellowship (6)

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A huge storm rages. The huge storm, sharp and sharp enough to make even Neptune, who has been downed for a long time, flinch, shakes Nero’s body as he stands with his claws on Neptune.

Even though Nero no longer has the cat-like appearance of the past, and has the body of a lion so massive that one can feel a sense of mass just by looking at it.

“I’m sorry…!”

“Lucia-sama, please avoid yourself for now.”

“What about us?”

“What is it, croquettes. Please take care of us too.”

Since a huge storm rages regardless of peers, the party of warriors who followed Faust are also caught up in the storm.

Lucia frowns and covers her face with her forearm, and Faust, who sees Lucia like that, urges them to evacuate in a hurry, and the warrior party laughs at Aigokeros, who only cares about Lucia, excluding themselves.

“Ah… I’m sorry.

“Can’t we put on a shield like we did when we fought Belial?”

“Of course it’s possible, but this place is inside, not outside, and because of that, the shockwave won’t flow out and hover around, so it will be much more dangerous. Above all… I have a duty to protect Lucia-sama.”

Irene, who wanted to watch Faust fight one more time, asked Aigokeros a question with a little dissatisfaction, but the answer that came back made even Irene, who has an arrogant personality by default, nod her head.

Clearly, this is indoors, not outdoors.

The ceilings are so high and the space so spacious that it’s easy to mistakenly believe, but this is Neptune’s temple, a place in the middle and at the bottom of a great ocean. If you fight, the shockwave won’t flow outside and will hover inside, so as Aigokeros said, unexpected and dangerous things can happen.

Of course, Faust knows this all too well, and Nero, who fights Faust, also doesn’t want to hurt Faust and Lucia, so such a dangerous thing might not happen, but fights rarely go as expected.

Irene nodded and affirmed Aigokeros’ opinion, and the other warriors who saw it hurriedly prepared to go out of this great cavity, Neptune’s temple.


please please…

Don’t try to stop me.

I hate to attack. It would be a very easy thing to just close your eyes for a moment, but why are you doing this?

All members of the household must be loyal to their master, but they have the duty to correct the owner when they go astray, and they have the duty to give the master countless glory.

Please, just close your eyes a little so that I can do that duty…!


This wind that wraps around my skin, it feels like I’m not in the wind, but inside some kind of blade.

The raging wind cuts off the hair and scratches the skin protected by the hair with goosebumps, and at the same time, it feels like predicting what will happen to you in the future.

‘I have to run away.’

To attack and be hostile to the master for the master’s sake, this makes absolutely no sense. Even if they do not fight, it is disrespectful to say that they are already hostile.

Of course, the reason why the Buddhist scriptures were created is purely because of myself, but can’t I miss the opportunity to make the two masters the one and only absolutes of the world?

Now is not the time to meet the two masters. Later, after all the work to make the two masters great is done, they must meet.


Judging that, Nero starts looking for an opportunity to escape.

It is difficult just to block Faust’s attack, but if Nero does not prepare to run away, he sees only a future where he will die if he continues like this, so Nero begins to twist his body to create an opportunity to escape. do.

Pretending to block Faust’s attack, he desperately rolls his eyes to find a way out, and saves the power to create a portal to escape to the end in order to preserve it.

‘…they’re still trying to escape.’

And of course, Nero’s appearance has already been caught a long time ago.

Of course, why would Nero want to fight Faust? Even if his head had gone to the top of the god of light, his thoughts of Faust and Lucia were genuine.

Even Flora somehow came to hate Lucia, but she cherishes Faust and Lucia more than anything else.

Faust, who knows this very well, laughs bitterly at Nero’s actions as he prepares to escape.

‘Even though the owner told me not to do it, I was forced to do it all the time. Are you even trying to avoid a fight and run away?’

Nero would think he was acting undetected in his own way, but to be honest, it’s too obvious. Even if I couldn’t act, I didn’t know that I would be able to do this.

Even assuming that the acting is perfect in the first place, it is not difficult to guess what choice Nero will make, since he does not attack me and only defends himself against attacks.

…I should feed the honey chestnuts harder.

“Faust-sama! Please forgive me for my disloyalty—”

“Forgiveness is forgiveness.”


He strikes the top of the head of Nero, who is still not grasping the situation and is fussing about.

In addition to possessing the divine power of the god of light, Nero is not incapacitated with just one honey chestnut as the original was considerably strengthened by my demonic energy.

Of course, just because it wasn’t incapacitated doesn’t mean it wasn’t painful.


For a moment, Nero’s eyes were filled with white, and then a scream erupted from Nero’s mouth. The scream was short, but as short as it was, it was very loud.

…Well, as expected, it has become much harder than many times what I remember. If it’s natural enough that he killed many gods, is it natural?

“I-I’m for my masters…”

“Yes, your sincerity is commendable. So I will repay you.”

Go oh oh!


After placing his hand on top of Nero’s staggering head, he uses that hand as a passageway and pours a tremendous amount of magic energy into Nero.

If you inject demonic energy into Nero, who is included in the category of monsters, this will lead to him becoming stronger, so it doesn’t seem like something you should do to Nero, who can still be called an enemy, but in the current situation, this is the best way.

Even if I forcefully beat him down, he won’t listen to me because his head has already been turned around by the divine power of light and divine power.

In other words, there is no other way to restore Nero to the original state than to erase them by emitting my demonic energy to the extent that it completely covers the divine and divine powers of light.

Of course, if things go wrong, I will have to deal with a stronger Nero… But to be honest, that doesn’t matter. Even if there were ten more stronger Nero, I was confident that I would win.



Where is this…?

Obviously, I remember that I was fighting with Faust-sama just a moment ago, that I was doing a very disrespectful thing, but the scene unfolding before my eyes is not at all like that.

It is such a warm and nostalgic sight.

Lucia-sama living alone in a house untouched by anyone, and the seniors who protect her, this is a sight I have seen throughout my life, and it is a sight I want to see forever.

[Nero, did you sleep well?]

Lucia’s warm voice fills my ears and her soft hands run down my body.

It feels so good. It’s as if I just want to close my eyes and leave my body alone.

But… no.

[Nero? Where?]

Because this is an illusion, an hallucination.

Because I definitely have to make Miss Faust and Miss Lucia great.

It was because his duty as a member of his family prevented him from sitting down like this.

But… unfortunately I can’t.

Despite clearly knowing that it was an auditory hallucination, Lucia-sama’s voice was enough to make all the boundaries in her body unwind.

The hair that had risen up was lying on its back to make it easier to stroke, and the muscles that had been pulled tight due to tension lost their strength and became soft.

Even though I know that all of this is false, I can’t do anything.

Instinct, reason, wants this.

…Yes, what. It would be better to give up like this.

Right now it will be just a fantasy and hallucination, but if you give up, it will become the truth.

[Whoops, nice.]

The majestic figure of the lion has disappeared, and Nero, who has just returned to being a black cat, crouches down and digs into Lucia’s arms.

Even though Nero clearly knows that this is an hallucination and auditory hallucination, he entrusts himself to the fake.

‘…tsk, you’re bothering me.’

Although Faust clicked his tongue as he saw Nero sleeping very comfortably, throwing off worldly affairs as if he did not know the troublesome things in the world.

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