153 – Gaia (9)

Fast Deuk-!


Iris, who was taken aback as she watched the cut-down tree fill up with flesh right in front of her eyes, eventually came to her senses when she saw the roots of the trees entwined around her, and hurriedly retreated back.

In the meantime, seeing as she swung her sword and swept away the roots of approaching trees, Iris was obviously quite strong.

Chow ah!


Avoiding the blood protruding from the cut tree roots, Iris reached the place where we were once again.

…How did you get away with that?

It’s not to the point where I can just say that I’ve become stronger.

Given the number of roots that entwine around and the amount of blood that was splattered from them, it is impossible to imagine that one could escape without getting hit. No, there is no physical space to avoid in the first place.

“It’s a spirit!”

As if realizing my question, Iris, who swung her sword quickly and wiped off the blood on it, looked at me and said so.

No, so it’s a spirit, and even if you sleep, there’s just no physical space where you can’t get any blood? But why the hell… uh huh. Okay, I don’t know either.

[…I don’t understand. Why are you blocking it?]

At that moment, Gaia’s voice was directed at us.

I even slightly doubted if she was being sarcastic, but Gaia’s words were perfectly sincere. Really don’t understand why we block Gaia.

[I didn’t mean to kill you guys. After experiencing the collapse of life, you can live peacefully in a world where life is no longer threatened. But why?]

“…There’s no meaning to such a world, right?”

[No, there is a meaning. Faust and you all had to live as the ancestors of all humans and subhumans in the world created that way.]


The moment Gaia finished speaking, everyone tilted their heads.

Being the progenitor of all humans and subhumans, doesn’t that literally mean… become an ancestor?

In other words, to put Gaia’s words in a different way–

“There’s no way you could do something like that!”

Lena’s slightly reddened roar breaks the quiet atmosphere of the warriors’ party.

As if it should never have happened, as if the very thought itself was a shame.

“Everyone thinks like that? No matter how much Gaia-sama says, how could she come up with such an idea–… Hey?”

“Ah… that’s…”


“Uh… well…”

Lucia, Iris, and Celestine do not answer Lena’s questions.

She was just blushing and pretending to be different, and Lena, who saw such a scene, stood still with her mouth open as if she couldn’t say anything.

“…Enough, focus on fighting first.

Eventually, when I came forward and spoke, the atmosphere that had quickly hardened was finally resolved.

…What are you doing with something like this?

If I did that in the first place, all human beings around the world would become my descendants, so I would live with one or two genetic diseases due to inbreeding.

“Gaia, instead of such a ruthless way, find a more sound way. Isn’t there another way to break the life limit?”

[…Didn’t I already say no. If that was possible, you would have stayed awake for thousands of years, Faust. Are you saying you know more about life than I do?]

“Hmm… well, got it.”

After my words were finished, Gaia’s expression brightened, although at a very subtle level.

As if I were persuaded by his words.

…What do you think, I can’t do that.

“It’s just that you couldn’t find it because you’re stupid. Give me the spirit of life that dwells in your body. I’ll take care of the rest after that.”

If Gaia couldn’t find it, I wouldn’t be able to find it.

No matter how much Lucia would be alive and well, she couldn’t let other lifeforms be wiped out and live in a world where only a few remained.


Gaia did not hide her anger at my answer. Well, I didn’t hide my anger from the beginning.


“…Be in a hurry.”

Gaia’s fingertips stretched out toward me condensed countless spheres of light, like the light of fireflies, and eventually, the condensed spheres turned into huge beams of light and headed toward us.

Leaving aside the destructive power, the divine power contained in that attack was too dense. Obviously, there were only dry soil and stones without any reaction of life, but as the rays of light passed through them, countless moss and sprouts bloomed as if it had never happened.


“…There seems to be a limit to blocking it.”

And what makes moss and buds bloom includes the shield I spread.

The shield that blocked the beam of light collapsed on its own without my intention and was scattered in countless amounts of powder. Eventually, in the place where the powder was scattered, innumerable moss and sprouts grew.

In other words, that beam of light used the mana contained in my shield as fertilizer to create moss and sprouts.

Since the beam of light did not attack the shield directly, but instead used the mana stored in the shield at will, there seems to be a limit to blocking that beam of light with a shield that blocks attacks.

…If you hit that with your bare body, I think there will be pretty terrible results.

Moss and sprouts grow all over the body, and vitality and mana are used as manure to grow new life… Ugh, just imagining it makes me dizzy.

From nob le mt l dot com




If so, the longer the work, the more likely it is that you will be attacked by injustice, so you must hurry up and finish it. There is no choice but to judge it as a fatal wound.

I hit Gaia’s whole body with the magic mine I made with my fingertips, and with the other hand, I hit Gaia’s limb, the World Tree, with a huge blade made by combining mana and magic.

…I don’t know about Gaia, but this world tree is pretty solid.

I thought Iris would cut it off a bit and bite it, but it feels like hitting some kind of metal.

From nob le mt l dot com

Kang-! Kaaang!



Even so, there is no way that the World Tree, no, the Witchbeast, that grew only with the power of Gaia could withstand my attack continuously.

I just ignored it and continued to hit the World Tree with all my might. The sound of trees splitting echoed over the endless metallic sound, and at the same time red blood and flesh spurted out from the area hit by the blade and scattered all over the place.

…It’s new to me to keep talking about it, but what is that, disgusting.

I think Flora’s real appearance in the past was roughly similar to that, but I finally realized that Flora wasn’t desperately acting as a normal flower for no reason. If I think I’ll show that side of myself, I’ll act like a normal flower.


Finally, the world tree is completely severed and falls down, and at the base of the fallen tree, an enormous amount of blood gushes out like a fountain, and then calms down.

Of course, it doesn’t look like it’s dead. As long as she doesn’t completely burn and kill her, if Gaia exists, she will always be resurrected.

In other words, to prevent the World Tree from reviving—


[…what did you do—- keuh…!?]

Gaia must be separated from the World Tree.

After teleporting to Gaia’s side at the root of the World Tree floating in the air, he grabs Gaia’s wrist as it is and throws it outside.

The small roots of the world tree that were in contact with Gaia’s skin were ripped off, and even her wrist was twisted by my own power, so it must be quite painful… Well, there’s no reason for me to see her hurt.


“…As expected, this was the correct answer.”

The World Tree, which can no longer absorb nutrients from Gaia, quickly loses its vitality as it is, and then quickly withers and turns into an old tree that looks like it has been dead for several years.

Apparently, the flood, that is to say, the black space was made using the World Tree, but you don’t have to worry anymore.

[Why… why are you blocking it…?]

“Yeah, like I said before, I’m a devil.”

[…You should be well aware that I’m not saying this to hear you say that.]

“Aren’t you well aware that I answered this because you didn’t want to talk to me either?”


Gaia, who had been tossed and rolled by me several times on the floor full of dirt and stones, laughed as if she could not hold back her laughter when she saw me.

Of course, that’s not because it’s really funny.

It’s just a laugh that comes out because he’s so ridiculous that his plan he’s been preparing for thousands of years has been ruined like this.

[…Can you really do well?]


[Destruction of the limit of life, can I find a way I couldn’t find.]

“Shouldn’t you try it first?”

[This is really irresponsible. But… not bad.]

After hearing my answer, Gaia is smiling heartily now, unlike before.

Even though his plans have gone awry.

[Yes, try your best. If you hand over the life force, I won’t be able to help you enough to die, but please find another way that me and my friend couldn’t find—-… Ugh!?]

At that moment, Gaia’s atmosphere changed completely in an instant.

The atmosphere that seemed to have been liberated rapidly deteriorated as if it had never happened, and Gaia’s expression distorted in an instant.

[…it shouldn’t be like this.]

And from Gaia’s mouth, an unfamiliar voice that I had never heard before came out.

It wasn’t Gaia’s refreshing voice, like a stream flowing and grass bugs chirping, but a voice that seemed to crack open.

what else is this

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