The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 404: Things that can't be seen

"It's started..." In a hidden corner of the world expanded by the space demon, Darwin, Hal, Black, Lecutoru, and the still half-dead Hamel are stepping on a huge magic circle.

The distance from here to the control room of the space demon ten-dimensional cube is about one kilometer. However, in the world of space demons, distance is something that is hard to describe. Because in this world, there are many different types of small worlds, such as the battlefield of the brave tournament that is currently being used. To describe it, it is something like a Rubik's Cube that can be constantly transformed.

Each small world is a part of the Rubik's Cube, and the clever connection and combination of them through space magic is exactly the horror of the life of space demon.

As long as the space demon body is not completely destroyed, then these cubes that can be continuously regenerated can be used to trap all attacking enemies. This is the ultimate territorial defensive magic life created by the magicians of the ancient language magic generation. The magic circle hidden in the earth absorbs unlimited magic power as energy. Space demons of the same level can kill more than ten times. Opponents of the same level. Unless, the opponent has special treasures that destroy space.

The method of finding the core of the space demon to give a fatal blow is generally difficult to establish, because as the master of space, the space demon can easily manipulate the different cube worlds, making you think that you are running forward, but the result is Reversed and retreated. The unity of offense and defense is the greatest feature of this kind of life form.

However, nothing in this world is perfect. In addition to the huge energy needed to support the operation of the body, the space demon also has a weakness that cannot be said to be a weakness, that is—

"The blood of the space devil has finally come into play. It is a pity that half of the stock will be used up. This is a precious material that can support the launch of more than a hundred ultra-long-distance teleports..." Doctor Black Somewhat reluctantly, he took out the blood he had drawn from the space demon whose core was destroyed by him shortly after awakening.

"Use it when it's time to use it, Lecutoru, get ready." Darwin took the small half bottle of Space Devil's blood in Doctor Black's hand and threw it to the white goblin who had closed his eyes and rested.

"The blood of the space devil...cough... I haven't used this for a long time. Maybe, in addition to the planned effect, it may also come up with something very interesting." Le Cottoru covered his mouth and used it. An expression that makes people unable to see through staring at the magic circle he drew.

Compared with the materials used in the northern wilderness last time, the materials this time are several levels higher, maybe, really...

"Le Cottoru... better to warn you. This time the plan must not fail, and there is no reason to fail. Everything is in our hands, although we are not the main force of this plan. However, if it fails, , We won't have any good fruit to eat." Darwin carefully reminded the weird-looking white goblin that now, if anything goes wrong, it will really be in big trouble.

"Don't worry, everything is under control...cough..." Lecutoru held the bottle thrown by Darwin with some trembling hands, and then uncorked the bottle. The transparent silver liquid stored in it quickly flowed out, but it did not fall to the ground, but turned into a water ball, and then gathered on Lecutoru's pale palm without blood.

"It's really been a long time since I felt this kind of blood that is full of spatial power...cough..." Le Kutoru coughed violently, and the scarlet blood was floating in the air. Gathered with the small ball made of the blood of the space devil, a strange change occurred.

A small spiral drill appeared in front of the white fairy, making him smile with nostalgia. It was the first time Darwin saw him show this expression since he met the white fairy.

"It's going..." Le Courtoru grabbed the drill and pressed it to the center of the magic circle. The blood-colored ripples spread violently like a boulder hitting the calm lake water, heralding the beginning of something.

"It's started!" Fali looked at her opponent nervously. This was the thirteenth round of the Brave Congress. Although this is a very lucky number for the heirs of the dark magic family, Farrie is not at all relaxed. Because, her elder brother is watching her fight on it.

To win, must win! She will definitely win, she is no longer the little girl who couldn't do anything in the past. At that time, it was precisely because she had no strength and could not do anything, she could only become a burden. That's why her elder brother left her, not wanting her to encounter dangerous and terrible things.

"Little girl? Speaking of it, there are really a lot of little girls in this brave tournament. Really, those guys are really useless." Farrie's opponent is a middle-aged wizard wearing a wizard robe. scholar. His name is Ford and his age is about thirty years old. In his hand, he is holding a mirror. The front of the mirror can't be seen clearly, as if it is covered by some mist.

This is a sorcerer who has not figured out how to fight since the brave tournament began. Because all the people who fought with him passed out in a coma. In the course of the battle, everyone couldn't understand it, as if he just enlarged the mirror and placed it in front of him, and the opponent would automatically fall.

Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, you are not the same you used to be, Fali! You are the dark bride of your elder brother, and you are no longer the weak and feeble child before! Farrie took a deep breath and began to summon her dark bridal gown.

"I don't have any interest in women or children. Just like those guys, feel your dreams." Ford held the mirror in his hand, and under his control, the mist on the mirror It slowly dissipated, revealing the mirror surface of the mirror, which was a black mirror surface with no light visible.

"When human beings are young, they will have experiences that are so horrible that they don’t want to recall. The trauma of that time, no matter how long or how old they are, will be lurking in the hearts of human beings. Let me take a look at the nightmare hidden in your heart. What is it!" The mirror in front of Ford continued to expand, and soon Fali's whole body was reflected in the mirror.

"Big brother!" Fali opened her eyes vigorously, the gorgeous black bridal gown had already descended on her, and a sense of peace of mind instantly enveloped her body.

She won't be afraid, she won't be afraid of anything. Because she already has the power to be with her big brother. Whether it is the power of darkness or the power of curse, she will bear it all with this body, as her bride of darkness.

"It's useless, no matter how much power you have mastered, a child is just a child. The injuries suffered in childhood will never disappear. Let me see, the things you are afraid of are the things you least want to remember. Something, hidden in your body, what is the deepest thing in your memory..." Ford put his hand into his mirror, where the other person's figure was seen by the mirror called "Reflection of the Heart" In an instant, the victory or defeat has actually come out.

This mirror itself can't hurt anyone, but it allows him to touch the deepest part of the opponent's heart, the most horrible, and least want to recall memories.

Because he had been hurt and betrayed like that before, he needed such a treasure, so he had such a treasure. After those painful things happened, he no longer believed in anyone in this world.

Wait, what is this? At the moment when Ford's hands touched his treasure, an unbelievable image appeared on the back of a mirror that only he could see.

It is a scene that is unbelievable no matter how you look at it, like the end of the world. In the boundless darkness, a huge void that seemed to be able to swallow everything was dripping with black mud, and the space infected by those black mud became something foreign.

Darkness, death, despair, destruction, in that huge void, there is no hope, no light, all existence is swallowed up by greed.

The only person there was a blonde woman in a black robe. In that terrifying black hole, she tenderly hugged the little girl named Fali in front of her, beside them, there was a strange dress and a black gun.

"Did you see it?" In that heterogeneous space, the dark sage with blond hair slowly opened his eyes. It's really unexpected, there are still this type of treasure, but that's it.

"Boom!" Ford's mind roared, and then he didn't know anything.

"Huh?" Fali looked at her opponent in a puzzled manner. She obviously didn't even summon the Dark Holy Grail, why did he fall.

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