There is no reason at all, the rain of gems, which is gorgeous enough to make the stars in the sky also inferior, hits Darwin one after another. As a dark priest, he knows many powerful dark magic arts that are unknown. However, in the face of the rain of gems that can make magical effects messy, the magical skills used for attack and defense have completely lost their effect.

Moreover, the effectiveness of some of these magic arts has been completely changed, and it has become something that makes people dumbfounding. He saw with his own eyes that a "wall" full of darkness that he had condensed into turned into a weird rotating ring in front of him. When the gems passed through the ring, they actually accelerated.

Fortunately, his hole cards are more than that. After discarding the black robe used for defense, he finally waited for a chance, a chance to summon.

"Come out, my cute little thing." Although the Slaughter Alien has been used for the Buster Fusion of the Zerg, he also collected many other types of alien monsters during his travels. And this one is one of the killing aliens in which the battle is second only to the Zerg. After being strengthened by him, it has an attack power far surpassing the ordinary seventh-level powerhouse.

"Woohoo!" A huge green cactus lay in front of Darwin, using its huge body to block all the gems shot towards Darwin. This cactus has an extremely tough skin and the ability to restore the body at a high speed as long as there is water. In addition, it is purely physical defense. It is an excellent meat shield used as a gemstone bomb for the heroic king Yuke.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" An innumerable number of gems hit the huge cactus and then bounced away. In just a few minutes, a carpet of precious stones was spread on the ground.

"Plant-based monsters, do you dare to take out this kind of thing in front of this king?" By the side of the heroic king Yu Ke, dozens of huge gem **** have been gathered. This kind of gem ball weighing more than several tons attacked. Li Ke is not on the same level as the small gems just now. At the beginning, the knight of the Supreme God Cult, the seventh-level powerhouse wearing diamond armor, was stunned by such a gem ball.

"Get ready!" Darwin put his hand on the huge cactus summoned by him. As a plant-based mutant monster, this cactus has extraordinary special abilities. However, that kind of ability is not available anytime and anywhere, and only when it is facing a life-and-death crisis, will it activate the power that will take several years of recuperation once it is used.

Even if it was strengthened by him, this characteristic has not changed in any way, but has become stronger, which can be said to be a one-time use of weapons of mass destruction. With its huge body and strong vitality, almost no one can stop it from making that earth-shattering blow.

"Go!" Under the command of the heroic king Yuke, the huge gem ball floating around the treasure house of Babylon first began to spin at a high speed. There were bright and colorful traces left in it, and they shot towards Darwin who was hiding behind the huge cactus.

Darwin calmed down, and to be honest, it was not his fighting style to fight people head-on. After planning everything, watching the cute life he created act according to his plan and defeat the opponent is his favorite thing.

However, since it is here. Just take a look at your current personal combat level, which is also a reference for future plans.

"Launch!" Darwin did not hesitate to give an order to the huge evolutionary cactus he had cultivated. He didn't like sluggish battles, so he decided the winner in this shot.

"Oh!" The body of the huge green cactus shrank intensely. The spikes on the surface all retracted, and even the body with it shrank a lot.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The gem ball shot from the treasure house of the heroic king Yuke Babylon relentlessly hit the huge cactus.

These are not gem **** in the general sense. Each gem ball contains magical powers with different attributes. While possessing a strong physical impact, paralysis, darkness, poison, corrosion, burning, all kinds of special abilities attached to the core gems of the gem ball all act on the body of the cactus.

This is the real strength of the heroic king Yu Ke. With the treasures of Babylon's treasure house, she can display her great combat power as long as she properly combines the almost endless treasures in the Babylonian treasure house.

However, this kind of sophisticated combination requires superb control and concentration. When using that clumsy body, due to the incompatibility of the body, it is impossible to make such an exquisite manipulation.

"Oh!" The huge cactus that was hit by the powerful gem ball of the heroic king Yuke let out a miserable cry. It didn't need Darwin's order. It instinctively used a life-saving stunt that could only be used once for several years.

The already distorted body of the huge cactus began to be further distorted, and it had been hit by the gem ball on the scarred body, emitting a strong green light. Immediately afterwards, the entire body of the cactus turned into a human-like green monster in a very short time, with limbs, mouth, and a green flower on its head.

"Oh!" The huge cactus that turned into a human-shaped monster rushed forward desperately until it was no longer able to move forward under the bombardment of the huge gem ball.

Then it jumped up and shrank all over.

"Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!" The sharp spikes that had previously disappeared from its body surface flashed with dazzling light and shot out from its body crazily at an unimaginable speed. Moreover, each one has strong penetrating power. This is not magic, it is the special talent inherent in the mutant cactus family, and the last protection at the last moment.

Shoot all the thorns in the body at one time, and their number and power depend on the strength of the cactus. The more thorns, the bigger, the stronger the attack power. This is a force developed by cruel evolution as they are naturally weak plant monsters. It is also a special plant monster like the mutant desert cactus, used to protect itself as a last resort.

The thorns of this giant cactus, specially fortified by Darwin, are probably the strongest in the history of desert cacti. The thorns it shoots were not a hundred or a thousand, but a terrifying nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine!

"What!" The heroic Wang Yu had only time to cover his face with his hand, countless cactus thorns shining with intense light shot her whole body back and forth, and the gem **** floating beside her were all continuously pointed. The thorn attacked and shattered, and the sound of broken gems echoed in the huge palace, seemingly loud.

"That armor..." Darwin focused all his eyes on the golden saint clothing worn by the heroic king Yu Ke.

The last spike attack of the giant cactus is a full range weapon of mass destruction. Although the attack power of a single thorn is not particularly high, it has the advantage of a large-scale attack without dead ends. Moreover, if hit continuously, there will be a special cracking effect. But the opposing party's looking gorgeous golden armor was obviously more than a decoration, and even ranked the highest among the defensive treasures he had seen.

This is also the power of wealth? Darwin sighed very depressed, and began to prepare for his strongest dark magic. However, he almost knew the result of this battle.

"Unforgivable! This king is angry!" The heroic king Yuke raised his right hand high, one after another exuding a beautiful luster, the preciousness of the mysterious gems that stunned the wizards of the Wizards Guild. Quickly gather in her hands.

One, two, three... a total of 108 ancient gems are gathered in the hands of the heroic king Yuke, connected by a gold thread, and combined into a single piece that can be bought by value. The gem chain of many countries.

Each gem contains a mysterious power. One hundred and eight gems are a collection of one hundred and eight mysteries. This is not a treasure, but it has an effect that even many treasures can't achieve. Only the heroic king Yu Ke, who can manipulate everything in the treasure house of Babylon, can combine so many gems with different attributes and mysterious abilities in one breath to turn into this kind of special weapon that looks dazzling.

No attacking moves are required. The action of just waving the chain of gems has caused the world to change. A powerful and chaotic force is raging in the air, and the plural mysterious fluctuations are in the air in a form that is unrecognizable to the naked eye. Stirring.

Darwin, who had prepared his strongest magic arts to the final stage, felt a nausea, and the abnormal fluctuations in the air had completely disrupted the magic fluctuations in his body. He can be sure that under the interference of the strange weapon in the opponent's hand that he doesn't know what to use to describe, any wizard who does not rely on treasures to fight should not think about using magic freely.

"Go!" The gem chain containing 108 mysterious powers was thrown out by the heroic king Yu Ke. This extravagant and wasteful move had an extraordinary power, and the mysterious power that was so chaotic that it could not be described in words smashed Darwin along with the gem chain body. In an instant, he felt the effects of lightning, corrosion, toxins, darkness, and even light blessing and healing.

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