The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 391: Voice (below)

By the way, she is still participating in the competition, participating in the brave conference that she has always dreamed of, proving her strength as a brave. Although a true brave does not need this kind of conference to prove it, she still loves this conference, who has set her life goal to be an outstanding brave since she was a child.

Even if he has become the heir of the true dragon hero, he has the legendary treasure Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword. However, she is still eager to come to this conference and fight against all kinds of strong people. Besides, didn't it just happen that the person she most wanted to see would appear in front of her soon.

Go...Raxia shook her head vigorously, carried the huge Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword on her shoulders, and walked into the teleported magic circle in Lin's somewhat worried gaze.

What appeared in front of Laxia was nothing, from the ground to the sky, the land was shrouded in barren sand. She has seen this kind of unbelievable scenery more than once. In fact, in a sense, this was an enemy she could barely defeat.

The desert, this is a terrifying place where even many normal people can't find their way. In the boundless sea of ​​sand, apart from the sun in the sky, there is no sign that can prove the direction. Many people think that they have found their way and have been moving forward, but in fact they have been spinning around the place unknowingly, eventually dying of thirst because of the lack of water.

Moreover, even the most experienced desert guide can't guarantee that under the seemingly calm sand surface, there is a sea of ​​quicksand that can swallow everything. If you are involved in the sea of ​​quicksand, even a seventh-level powerhouse may be eaten by several powerful beasts that are active in that sea of ​​death.

"It's hot..." Although he didn't open his eyes. But relying on the visual image from the Void Eye, Rasha already knew exactly where he was. The sunlight in the sky seemed extremely venomous, making her already restless and uncomfortable.

My head hurts, as if something is always talking in it. However, she could not hear what it was. In my mind, the boy's smile before death always appeared unconsciously. It was a satisfying and peaceful smile, a smile that calmly faced the most terrifying end of all life-death.

"What are you going to tell me?" Laxia pressed her head, the dry air, the hot sun, and her bad mental condition made her headache terribly painful, as if it were about to split.

"..." Nothing, no one answered her, no one told her. What she should do, what she needs to do, she doesn't understand anything anymore. The only thing I knew was that his sword was stained with blood that shouldn't be stained. It was the blood of a young man who yearned for the dream of a brave like her, but finally died in her hands, her indisputable evidence of sin.

The white light of teleportation magic lit up about a hundred meters in front of La Xia, and soon, the figure of La Xia's opponent appeared in front of her.

The slender body, the thin-edged swords worn on the waist, and the emerald green hair make it impossible to distinguish the beautiful face of gender. This is the first friend Ulysses made in Sofia City, the sword dancer of the fairy clan-Kira. Under the random extraction of the space demon ten-dimensional cube, he became the opponent of Rasha in this round.

"Fairy..." Laxia put down the hand holding his forehead. In the image transmitted by the Void Eye, the opponent is a beautiful creature with pointed ears and a comfortable breath of life. Through the eyes of life, she also saw some other things. However, this has nothing to do with the game. It seems that this is her opponent in this round.

"Desert?" Kira raised her hand unaccustomed to, shielding the omnipresent vicious sunlight, and then squinted at the vast expanse of desert. There is no doubt that this kind of environment is the worst and most annoying environment for the fairies who love the breath of nature and especially the forest full of life.

There was only a breath of heat and death in the air, and the space demon ten-dimensional cube of the Wizards Guild completely restored the environment of the dead desert. Kira couldn't even feel the breath of life, there was only the endless yellow sand, and the sunlight that could kill people.

"Can you start." Laxia felt her head hurt more and more. If this continues, she will be unable to control her attack power because of a headache. She has already sworn to herself that this time, she will never make the same mistake as last time.

"I can do it anytime, my name is Kira, and my career is a sword dancer. Your name is Rasha. I have seen you in the last few rounds. You are really strong. However, I did not intend to end this way. The battle of my brave tournament. For me, this is my first and last brave tournament, as a sword dancer.” Kira slowly pulled out the double swords he was wearing on his waist, and turned back. Hold it in both hands.

In this battle, he didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to lose anyway. After finally coming here, he will fight with all his strength and bet on the time of his last sword dancer.

The slender double-edged sword reflected a beautiful light under the shining of the sun, which was the light that represented Kira's will and determination. The two swords transformed from the flower of his life seemed to understand the master's intentions at this moment, and became sharper and tougher.

"It's noisy..." Rasha was not talking about Kira, but about her own business. Since just now, the inexplicable voice she heard has become more and more noisy. It was as if there were many, many identical voices mixed together, interrogating her brain nerves. What is most disgusting is that she can't hear what those sounds are.

Kira slowly raised the two swords "Lingyin" in her hands with graceful movements. The biggest difference between fairy sword dancers and human swordsmen is their graceful posture and gorgeous dance-like swordsmanship. The title of sword dancer is to praise their dancing-like beautiful and elegant sword skills.

"My dance is the incarnation of sound, my sword is the tearing blade, and my skill is called-sound song sword dance!" Accompanied by the beautiful singing voice, Kira's figure became four in an instant . And each one is exactly the same as the real one, and no falsity can be seen. Obviously, Kira, who is now fighting with all his strength, has gone a step further than when he duel with Ulysses.

"It's so noisy!" Laxia pressed her forehead again, and her inexplicable voice became louder and louder in her mind. This voice from nowhere has already made her almost intolerable.

"Is your body okay?" The four identical Chira held the double swords in their hands and calmly looked at Laxia with an expression of pain, and did not immediately attack.

"I'm sorry, let's start!" Laxia shook his head, using the remaining hand, raised the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword in his hand, and then waved vigorously.

"Boom!" The huge wind pressure rolled up countless sand and dust, blowing over the four Kira. Even if she is not in the state at all, the power of Laxia, who has the power of the blue-eyed white dragon, is still far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is a power that cannot even be viewed with the general concept of hierarchy.

"Then, I'm not welcome anymore!" Kira felt the tremendous pressure after seeing Laxia's power with his own eyes. That is a huge pressure that bystanders will never understand. It can be done with just a single blow. How much physical strength should it take? Is this really the power that humans can have?

The dance began, not the kind of dance that only has gorgeous steps, but a beautiful sword dance full of grace and danger. The four Kira, simultaneously raising the swords in their hands, spun and moved leisurely in the fierce storm.

Soft waist, green hair fluttering in the wind, dancing with the trajectory of the storm. Kira now, like a petrel in a storm, dances naturally and gracefully in the storm rolled up by Laxia's Dragon Emperor's Destructive Sword.

One after another, the green sword lights crossed in the storm, along a mysterious trajectory, dividing the power of the storm again and again. In the end, the huge storm was completely resolved, the dust flying all over the sky also fell from the sky, and the earth returned to dead silence again.

"Huh...huh..." Laxia gasped. Of course, it wasn't because of Kira's sword dance. In fact, she didn't observe the appearance of her opponent since just now. Disturbed by the strange noise, she has fallen into a kind of extreme anxiety.

She will not be afraid of any powerful opponents, whether it is the monster named Buster she encountered that day or the super monsters she encountered during her travels. Even when she saw the legendary ninth-level fantasy Beast Ice Phoenix in the Far North with her own eyes, she had never been afraid.

The pride of being the heir to the dragon hero, and the firm will that she has cultivated since she was a child, allows her to calmly face any terrible enemy. However, like this time, she could not find an opponent at all, and could only passively accept the passive situation of the chaotic noise, which she had never encountered before.

She would rather fight a thousand monsters, or even challenge her formidable opponents who hadn't had any possibility of victory. She didn't want to do nothing like this, listening to the noisy sound from where she didn't know.

The sound of the sword cutting through the air sounded in front of Laxia, but not only in front of him, but also behind him, on the left and right sides, all the sounds of Kira's double swords piercing the air. This is the core of all Kira's sword skills, and the beginning of his unique sword dance-the sound song sword dance.

"Ah!" Raxia raised the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword in his hand with one hand, and brazenly drew a circle around him, and the huge sword pressure blew all the four Kira figures away in an instant. The huge power contained in the Dragon Sovereign Destruction Sword burst out uncontrollably, exploding the ground on which she was standing.

The huge dust was thrown into the sky in one breath, as if some monster was about to emerge from the ground. And in the center of the sand dust, is Laxia, who is half kneeling on the ground while holding his head. Just now, her headache reached a new level. There seemed to be something exploding in his head.

The intense pain stretched from the head to the whole body. Since the body was strengthened by the blood of the legendary dragon, Laxia never felt such intense pain again. She didn't know what she was anymore, in the eyes of the void, she could not observe any abnormalities in her body. But if that is the case, what is the cause of this strong headache.

"So strong! Is there no weakness no matter where you attacked from?" Kira, who was completely shocked, looked at Rasha, who was obviously not in a normal state in astonishment. What terrifying power is contained in that tiny body. The strength of the two parties is simply not at the same level.

However, this is nothing, the fairy sword dancer, originally did not rely on strength to knock down the opponent. The essence of sword dance lies in the fairy sword dancers' understanding of nature and their mastery of themselves. Pure power has never been the pursuit of fairy sword dancers.

"Beginning, the second stage of the Singing Sword Dance." Kira closed her eyes, and the four identical figures gradually approached, then overlapped and superimposed...

When Kira opened her eyes again and raised the double swords in her hands, the Singing Sword Dance had evolved into a new form. Different from the body acting alone and three clones in the first stage, all clones are now superimposed on Kira's body, forming a wonderful symbiotic relationship. No longer like before, those clones can only passively accept his instructions and act. Now, they have become part of his body and are completely controlled by him.

"Boom!" Amidst the dust of the sky, a domineering sword aura struck from Laxia's location, and everything was thrown away after it passed. The intense sword pressure, like an invisible monster, rushed towards Kira.

Kira lightly nodded the ground under her feet, did not choose to retreat, but directly faced the sword energy that contained terrifying power. In this sword aura, he felt unprecedented pressure. Sure enough, his opponent this time was exceptionally strong.

The three avatars following him made exactly the same movements as him. After a series of graceful dance-like movements, Kira's double swords slashed into the sword aura of Laxia's dragon killing and destroying sword style.

The earth-shattering scene did not appear, because Kira did not use power to directly fight against Laxia’s sword aura, but used a clever cutting method that is indescribable to cut the imposing giant sword aura into several segments. , Let it crash automatically.

"The flaw is too big, is she abnormal? Although she looks super powerful, the use of power is obviously inaccurate. What happened?" After cutting off Laxia's sword energy easily, Kira did not relax. alert. From the very beginning, he clearly felt the gap between himself and Laxia. It was not a gap that could be reversed with simple moves. He must use all his power to have such a first-line chance of victory.

Laxia stood there silently, and the hand holding her forehead unknowingly loosened. This was not because the headache disappeared. On the contrary, after the battle began, this headache became more and more serious, and as the battle progressed, there was a trend of getting worse.

If you observe carefully, you can find that her hands are shaking violently, which is a precursor to her inability to accurately control the strength in her body.

However, even if the power began to be out of control and the headache was terrible, La Xia was still La Xia, a super warrior who inherited the blood of the Dragon Warrior and possessed the most destructive treasure of the mainland-the Dragon King Destruction Sword.

"Enough!" Laxia held the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword in his hand with one hand, and huge power gathered on the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword's huge sword. One after another, she became more and more impatient.

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" Vaguely, something was entangled in Laxia's hand, and then entered the huge sword body of the Dragon Killing Destructive Sword. It was a dragon shadow, a cyan dragon shadow!

"Boom!" Laxia's body disappeared with the sand flying all over the sky. From the beginning to the present, she finally moved. This also means that she has really started to fight in earnest.

So fast! Why, using such a huge sword can still have such a fast speed! Kira, who stood in a row with her three avatars, was shocked. This speed was a foul.

Where! The four Kira standing together looked in different directions. However, no matter from which direction, he couldn't see La Xia, as if La Xia had completely disappeared from this world.

Impossible, where is it! Kira raised her head to the sky, did she fly into the sky?

No, there is only the poisonous sunlight in the sky, not even a trace of clouds, there is no figure of La Xia.

Oops, it's underground! When Kira realized this, the ground under her feet had collapsed, and a huge dragon-head-like phantom roared out of the ground. In the huge mouth is a row of steel teeth that can shred everything.

Dragon Slay Destruction Sword Style·Earth Dragon Bite Slay, Laxia used to deal with huge sand worms in the desert. Those large monsters that lurch beneath the ground and feel the breath of prey nearby will emerge from the sand and swallow their prey. They are one of the most famous monsters in the desert. That huge mouth can swallow ten people in one bite.

However, after they ran into Rasha, they were all killed. At that time, Rasha used this move, this move that transformed himself and the Dragon Slay Destruction Sword Body into a dragon head to bite and kill everything, to hunt down the sand worms that lurked in the ground.

"Ah!" One of Kira's clone was bitten by the huge dragon head, completely torn apart, turned into countless light spots and disappeared into the air. This kind of magic clone that is not afraid of ordinary physical attacks, encounters the dragon head formed by the dragon killing and destroying sword-like incarnation, and there is no resistance to it.

Although only the clone was lost, the shock of the sudden breaking of the spiritual connection still made Kira pale. Fortunately, at the last moment, his body flashed through the opponent's attack. Otherwise, the consequences of being bitten by that kind of thing are simply disastrous.

It was too strong, it was just a blow, and the clone he created was completely destroyed. How can he defeat this monster-like opponent? Is this really an opponent at level 7?

After crushing one of Kira's clones, the huge dragon head formed by the Dragon Sovereign Destruction Sword disappeared again with Laxia, and entered the endless sea of ​​sand. This tactic is exactly the same as what Rasha used to deal with the giant sandworms at that time.

"Roar!" Another huge dragon head phantom suddenly rushed out of the sand and bit towards Kira. In a rush, Kira set up the double swords in his hands, and the six thin-edged swords slashed on the huge dragon head together, but the powerful counter-shock directly bounced him off. The current Rasha is as dangerous as a real earth dragon, and cannot be approached at all.

"Boom!" The huge dragon head dived into the sand again. This fighting method was learned by Laxia from Sandworm. She was irritated by the voice in her head, and she could no longer control her body. In this familiar desert environment, she instinctively began to use the moves and fighting methods that her body had remembered in order to reduce the burden on her mind.

The desert was shaking and tumbling, because there was a huge and incomparable thing swimming under the desert. Then rushed out of the ground from time to time, chasing and killing the poor fairy sword dancer. In the face of this immense power, all of Kira's sword skills were useless.

He felt that he was not fighting a human swordsman, but a huge monster, a monster of dragon veins. All his attack methods have lost their effect in the face of the overwhelming power. If it weren't for Yinge Jianwu's unparalleled quick response speed and skill, he would have been eaten by that monster long ago.

Can't go on like this! Although he didn't want to admit it, Kira clearly understood how far he was from the current Rasha. That was a gap that was several times larger than he expected. Looking at the huge dragon shadow, he couldn't even find a way to attack.

He hit his opponent more than once, and even used the maximum attack technique he had learned, using three consecutive high-speed piercings to form a sonic sword kill. However, it was useless. Even the appearance of the opponent Long Ying could not be penetrated. This kind of desperate gap was like fighting a real dragon.

What he is best at, using different clones to form continuous attacks without gaps is meaningless in front of this huge dragon shadow. The other party didn't even need to hide from his attack, and just bounced off like that.

The trajectory of each of his strikes is perfect, and the timing of his shots is perfectly calculated. No matter what defensive moves the opponent uses, his continuous attacks cannot be completely destroyed. This kind of sword skill, which used the skill of swordsmanship to the limit, combined with his unique sound song sword dance, made him recognized as the strongest among the fairy sword dancers of the same generation.

But now, he deeply felt his weakness. Yes, his sword skills are still perfect, without any flaws, and it is not wrong to call it the strongest. However, it was only the strongest among sword dancers on the same level as him, reaching a certain extreme in technique.

However, what was in front of him was not the strongest, but a terrifying force that was almost "invincible" compared to the strong at the same level. The huge dragon shadow incarnate from the Dragon Sovereign Destruction Sword is no longer a force that can be confronted by a normal seventh-level powerhouse.

In this hot desert battlefield, Laxia, who was in an abnormal state, instinctively chose the move she had used. This was originally a move used to hunt down those terrifying giant sandworms. However, in this environment, it is also an effective method of tactics against any opponent. At least, Kira was completely unable to detect the breath of Rasha from the churning sand sea. It wasn't because it didn't exist, but because it was too strong, as if the whole land had become the realm of Rasha.

Relying on the memory of the body's instinct, the current Rasha is terribly powerful. It was a pure strength, ignoring all the skills, and directly overwhelming all strengths with immense power. This kind of strength is the same as the prototype of the Dragon King’s Destruction Sword—the Destruction Sword, with the ultimate end point of destroying everything and destroying everything. At this moment, Laxia reached a certain state that she hadn't reached before, and touched something hidden in the Dragon Emperor's Destruction Sword.

"Cough!" All of Kira's clones have been destroyed, although he can still activate the Singing Sword Dance again to summon a new clone. However, that would only make him weaker. Moreover, even if it was reluctantly launched, he could not think of any way to win.

The avatar constructed by the sound song sword dance that entered the second stage is completely different from the first stage. If the clone in the first stage is only a high-level use of natural magic, then the second stage is the phantom clone that is truly one with his will.

While getting a powerful clone that has almost become a part of his body to increase his attack power beyond the limit, he must also withstand the impact of the destruction of the clone. The feeling that the clone that merged with himself was completely shattered, just like losing a part of his body, it made him extremely painful.

Kira wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth, and there was no way to go back. She used the Singing Sword Dance again, or would she just give in?

Could it be that the battle ended like this? The last battle of his fairy sword dancer? Could it be that he can only achieve this level? It is impossible for the clone in the second stage to cause any harm to the opponent at all, then, only...

Use it, if you don't use it this time, you probably won't have the chance to use it again in the future. Although that was a move that even he himself only existed on theory, he hadn't used it at all. I don't know if it can be used, or if it will have enough power.

However, if you fail in this way, you will be very unwilling to think about your life in the future. At least, in this final battle as a sword dancer, let's fight to the end without leaving any regrets!

So, come and use it, whether you lose consciousness or reduce your lifespan. Use it, the third stage of Singing Sword Dance. It is also the final stage that he infers but has never practiced before, combining high-speed sword skills with spinning sword dance and the strongest sound of singing sword dance with the sound of prayer.

However, it takes quite a long time to activate it...Huh? Kira was surprised to find that, at some point, the frantically tossing Shahai suddenly calmed down. This proves that, for unknown reasons, his opponent, Rasha, who can transform into a giant dragon shadow, has temporarily stopped his activities.

Opportunity, this is simply the best opportunity the great tree of life has given him! Without the slightest hesitation, Kira started to launch his unique sound song sword dance again.

"My dance is the incarnation of sound, my sword is the tearing blade, my song is the rhyme of nature, and my skill is called-sound song sword dance!"

The graceful figure of the goblin was spinning and dancing in the barren desert. Accompanied by his dance, a kind of natural breath began to spread in this desert full of death and unknowingly. There is no first stage nor second stage. What Kira is now unfolding is the third stage beyond sword skills. Combining the power of prayer, the power of sword skills, and the power of dance, the final sound song sword dance.

Let this world be filled with green life!

Beautiful flowers, happily spread your petals on the earth, and sprinkle your seeds to the earth, to the sky, and to the ocean!

As long as there is sunshine, there must be happiness. The breath of life, no matter where it is in the world, must exist tenaciously.

Even under the black ground, there are buds of hard work, growing quietly.

Even on the everlasting ice and snow, weak beings never give up the hope of green.

Even in the hot desert, there will be tenacious thorns, struggling to survive in the sand.

So please don't give up the tiny hope, the green hope. The sound of nature has been here, waiting for your listening.

Amidst Kira’s dance and prayer singing, something incredible happened. There was nothing, there was only a large, silent desert, and it turned out to be green. Although it is really a little bit of green that seems to be submerged by the ruthless sea of ​​sand anytime and anywhere, it is indeed the green that represents life and hope.

And this little bit of green, right under Kira's feet, where he walked. With the emergence of these greens, Kira’s appearance has also changed. The green hair gradually becomes, the vibrant light green eyes become softer and softer, and the already slender body seems to become slender. ...

"His Royal Highness Kira is using the power of prayer! But isn't that the power he is qualified to use after he has mastered the rod of Chiba?" Although Kira's voice was not heard, he saw the dance full of natural rhythm. There was also an abnormal phenomenon that accompanied that dance, and all the high-level fairies showed expressions of astonishment.

Especially the guards responsible for guarding Kira, they knew that Kira was the fairy who replaced the missing "that" who became the guardian of the Chiba Staff. However, it was absolutely unexpected that he could use the power of natural prayer unique to this fairy guardian before he mastered the rod of Qianye.

At this time, Laxia, who was supposed to prevent the opponent's strength from continuing to increase, was in a huge hole at the bottom of the sand sea, hugging her head in pain, and even the Dragon Emperor's destruction sword fell from her hand. Numerous pieces of broken sand fell from the top of the cave and fell on her, but she didn't have any consciousness. Now she has reached a limit.

"It's so noisy, it's so noisy, it's so noisy!" The voice coming from my mind has exceeded the limit that Laxia can tolerate. Otherwise, after killing the last clone of Kira, the battle is over.

Unlike Kira's beautiful and melodious singing, what lingers in Laxia's ear is the noise that makes her painful. In this world, I am afraid that there will not be a voice that anyone likes. It was a kind of irritability from the bottom of my heart, and there was even a sound of desperate destruction and killing.

It was not a singing voice, or even a human voice, but a voice that would be broken if people listened to it.

That was the sound of cicadas crying from nowhere, as if they were crying.

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