The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 354: The **** battlefield (part 1)

The gentle wind slowly blows across this vast land. The battlefield of Laxia is a huge stone field. On the hard ground, there are only a few weeds struggling to grow tenaciously in the cracks of the rocks. There are no mountains or lakes around, and it seems to be a wasteland that has never been set foot by anyone.

However, today, this wasteland is destined to be no longer peaceful.

The first to come to this wasteland was the girl carrying the Dragon Sovereign Destruction Sword. After she stepped out of the white teleportation magic circle with her eyes closed, she stood there without moving.

The wind blowing from a distance made the girl's short hair tremble gently, and the eyes that had hidden infinite power were being restrained by its owner, but the astonishing pressure emanating from the girl's body continued unabated. It is hard to imagine what the world in front of her will look like when she actually opens her eyes.

This is Rasha, the new generation of dragon heroes, the heir to the Dragon Sword Destruction Sword, and the powerhouse who has awakened the power of the blue-eyed white dragon.

Soon after, on the other side of the wasteland, white light flickered faintly, and a boy in black who didn't seem to be much older than Laxia appeared in this world. He has a crystal eye with a carved eye pattern on his right eye, and a large pocket watch hung on his chest, not like a magician, and certainly not like a warrior. From the first impression, it seems to be closer to scholars.

Before he came to this brave conference, no one knew his name or who he was. But after the first round of the Brave Congress, everyone knew that this young man named Weijin was a genius in illusion.

In that game, his opponent did not find his true body from countless phantoms until the end, and finally approached a nervous breakdown and voluntarily surrendered. This result seems to be a bit surprised even by Wei Jin himself.

The second round of the Brave Conference, the 30th duel. The scheduled plan was abandoned; revised, it was found that the parasitic object prepared by Buster was presumed to be of dragon clan blood, and more than 50% may be the real dragon clan; the plan was temporarily modified and the battle started; the probability of victory was infinitely close to zero; the information was obtained Probability, high... Wiggin, who would not have appeared in the second round of the Brave Tournament, calmly calculated the information he knew. After all the conditions were combined, the answer he got was--

This battle must be waged.

Even if the chance of victory is infinitely zero, he needs to do one thing for the great Lord Zergji and Buster, the Zerg’s strongest fighting doom fighter besides Her Majesty Zerg. One thing that may lead to his own destruction, but must also be done.

Is this the opponent of this game...Raxia closed his eyes. With the help of the Void Eye, she clearly saw the other side's figure. Although it was just a simple humanoid line, it seemed to be slightly different from the other people she saw. However, that is just a feeling, specifically what is different. She couldn't tell.

The virtual shell began to proceed. Weijin took the pocket watch in his hand and closed his eyes like Laxia. At the same time, his figure gradually became blurred.

This is! ! Rasha almost couldn't help but open her eyes. Because, in the world of Void Eye, she "sees" that the other party is splitting.

Yes, it is not magic, nor is it an afterimage caused by high-speed movement, but a genuine split. Originally there was only one opponent, automatically splitting up and becoming two identical individuals.

There are no false things in the eyes of the void, only things that cannot be judged and understood. In other words, the other party really split into two people, rather than using phantom magic to create a false image.

Which one is true? Although the other party's ongoing changes were indeed observed with the eyes of the void, Laxia still couldn't help but carefully observe the differences between the two identical individuals.

The result is incredible, there is no difference, or at least no difference can be seen by the Void Eye. In the world of the Void Eye, those are two entities without any falsehood.

In the real world, what people see is that Weijin's figure is divided into two, turning into two identical phantoms. In their eyes, this is undoubtedly a superb illusion, an illusion that can deceive everyone's eyes. Substantiating the existence of phantoms is no longer aimed at one person, but can deceive the entire world, which is the realm in the dreams of phantom masters. And what Weijin showed was undoubtedly this kind of fantasy-level illusion.

One was divided into two, and then repeated, and then repeated. In less than a minute, there were more than one hundred black-clothed teenagers in front of Laxia.

Is it all true? Although it is incredible, in the eyes of the void of Rasha, what he sees is indeed such a scene. The opponents with more than one hundred are standing in front of him, and there is no falsehood.

Is the eye of the void wrong? For the first time, Rasha doubted the reliability of this technique he had mastered, and he kept splitting his body into exactly the same clone, which was not a skill that human beings should possess anyway. In my impression, it seems that some insects have such a terrifying ability.


Self-splitting is completed, virtual shell construction is confirmed, and the plan begins! All Viking opened their eyes together and moved.

It's going to start! Facing such a weird opponent, there is only one way Rasha can think of-that is to destroy all.

Whether it is a phantom, a clone, or something else, just destroy it all. A powerful force can wipe out all enemies. If the opponent really has a hundred people, then knock down a hundred people, and if there are a thousand people, then knock down a thousand people!

Dragon Slay Destruction Sword Style, itself is a powerful sword style with a thousand enemies, no matter how many enemies there are, just destroy them all!

Holding the huge Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword on his shoulders in his hand, Laxia, with his eyes closed, instantly locked dozens of opponents who were approaching him.

The huge body of the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword trembled slightly, and then followed Laxia's swing with an extremely sharp whistling sound. Eight cyan dragon shadows whizzed out from the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword's sword, forming a perfect one. The ring drew all opponents over thirty into the attack domain of the Dragon Emperor's Destruction Sword.

This trick was once used by Ulysses to knock down the lovely combat maiden of the Southern Church of the Supreme Sect, Brigitte who has been worrying about her breasts. In the hands of the orthodox heirs of the Dragon Killing Destroying Sword style, this move is even more domineering. Moreover, this trick is definitely not just to construct a closed battle environment, but also to disperse the opponent's magic. In this ring, phantoms and so on can easily be eliminated.

However, it turns out that it is said that Viking, who is said to be the Phantom Master, is not using any Phantom at all. Even in the small area constructed by the Bafang Barren Dragon Wave, their figures showed no signs of dissipating.

In other words, they are just like what Rasha saw in the eyes of the void, all are entities, not phantoms created by some phantom magic.

cut! The huge Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword traversed an arc-shaped trajectory and slashed the opponent fiercely. Although it is completely impossible to understand what kind of power the other party uses, this does not prevent Rasha from attacking.

"Hiss!" As if a piece of paper was torn apart, the body that was cut by Laxia was chopped off all at once, and the remaining corpse even walked a few steps forward before falling down.

Bright red blood splashed in the air. This cruel image made the complexions of many people with bad hearts even whiter than paper.

"Huh!" Raxia held the two-meter-long Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword, and from left to right came a whirl slash, slashing three enemies at the same time, and countless blood was sprayed in the air, as if it had rained on blood. Same.


"Boom!" The Dragon Slaying Destroying Sword in the Dragon Slaying Sword Style exploded with power, blasting all ten opponents of Yiren into the air. All their bodies were blown to pieces, and all kinds of broken limbs were blown everywhere. , The scene like **** makes even those warriors who have been on the battlefield feel a little unbearable.

what happened!

Eight cyan dragon shadows roared frantically on the ground, and then bit each other's tails, turning them into a huge circular light wave, expanding in all directions. More than a hundred enemies were chopped up under the circular cutting light waves like wheat that had been harvested, and fell to the ground feebly. An astonishing amount of blood flowed into the earth, as if to completely stain this rocky earth red.

What is this opponent! Rasha held the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword in his hand and stood alone on the **** battlefield. Around her, there were horrible fragments of corpses. The battle will become like this, which has completely exceeded her expectations. She is definitely not a person who likes to kill. The brave exists to protect, not to destroy and kill.

The plan is proceeding smoothly, and the second phase begins...

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