The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 344: Sad Song (Part 2)

"My dear, you can sleep in peace. The beautiful flowers and the gentle wind are all blessings to you. Close your blue eyes and sleep quietly. The beautiful sky and the vast sea will treat you Open your tender embrace, and give you the most peaceful singing. Honey, sleep well..." Yu Fei’s singing echoed with soft brilliance in this closed world constructed by magical arts. It should have been used for combat. The enchantment has become a garden of lullaby.

This is the song she sang for her child...

This is her lullaby of sadness and tears...

This is her farewell song to the poor, weak child...

This is love and a sad song.

"This song is..." Lala frowned. She didn't feel any special power in this song. It seemed that she was really just singing. What's the point of the cardinal on the opposite side doing this?

Moreover, this kind of development was originally very strange. The cardinal of the Supreme Catholic Church would definitely not be able to attack people casually. She couldn't understand why the cardinal did this suddenly. The question she just asked was also very strange, it seemed that it was more than just asking her name.

"Boom! Boom!" This is the sound of heart beating. Accompanied by Yu Fei's singing, Lala's heartbeat gradually calmed down, and her tight body relaxed as she prepared for battle.

"This is..." Lala clearly heard the sound of her heart beating soothingly. From the beginning of the singing, there was something wrong with her body. Although it was not so uncontrollable, some subtle reactions were out of her control.

Unconsciously, this body gave up all vigilance and entered a state similar to sleeping. This will definitely not be her own reaction, no matter when, she will not give up her vigilance easily. On the battlefield, a moment of relaxation may be equivalent to death. Having experienced countless battles, she has long formed the habit of being ready for battle at all times.

No matter how sad or painful, she would only choose to hold the sword in her hand to fight. The evil in this world cannot disappear, but she who is determined to become "righteous", no matter what age or form she appears, she will not hesitate to hold the sword in her hand to fight.

Even if she knew that it was an impossible task and that the evil in this world could never be eliminated, she would not regret it in the slightest.

Putting her will into her sword and casting an invincible sword with faith is the purpose of her existence, and it is also the meaning of the existence of "the hero of the sword". Challenge those powerful evils to the limit that mankind can reach. It is her belief that she has carried through her life, even if she has died several times, she will not regret it.

Her body, her soul, all exist to protect "righteousness", even in the end, she can only stand alone on the hill of swords made up of countless weapons, and live lonely and lonely in a strange way. , She has never regretted it.

Yuffi's singing continued, it was her sad song of her child's departure. This lullaby should have been the favorite song of that child and Ulysses, but that child now has no way to listen to this favorite song with her body anymore.

"Strange..." Lala shook her head vigorously. It was obviously a singing without any magic power, but why could it affect her to this point. Even the eighth level of spiritual magic, it shouldn't be possible to cause any damage to her spirit. Unlike her current body, her soul, which has reached the limit of human strength, is almost impossible to be destroyed by magic.

But, now, this common sense was broken, and it was just a song, which actually made her shake to this point. Her spirit was affected by this body to such a point, it was really unimaginable.

There is no reason, just ordinary singing, no matter how touching, it is impossible to affect her to this point. Then, this feeling is not that her soul is affected, but the natural reaction of this body.

After all, it's not my original body, and there are some incomprehensible phenomena that are excusable. First, start to search the body's self-memory, and calculate the source of the song backwards.

Lyrics and melody retrieval-confirmed as a lullaby, a song that mothers have sung to children since ancient times.

Memory retrieval-mother, mother, gentle singing, favorite song, you can sleep with your brother...

This is it? Lala got an unexpected answer, but this is indeed a reasonable explanation. The melody of this lullaby has been engraved in the memory of this body. Then, she can't control her body, it's not so strange.

The next question is why the cardinal would sing this song in front of her. If it is not a coincidence of more than one in ten thousand, then she must know that this body has a natural response to this song.

However, in the memory search, there was no memory of cardinals, not even high priests. The only thing that is relevant is that the boy named Ulysses has a dream of becoming a priest.

"Who are you?" Adjusting her body to a state where she can fight at any time, Lala calmly asked the cardinal who was extremely strange to her.

"Sure enough, is it gone..." The lullaby ended, and Yu Fei looked sadly at the silver-haired girl in front of him. Although the eye color, height, and hair color are completely different from when I was a child, the outline of the face still has some shadows of the child.

This is the worst result, and it is also the result that she has long understood. From the moment she answered that her name was "Lala", she understood that the cute child with pink hair was gone forever.

Lana's expectation is too naive, this child is a complete swordsman, and definitely not the child who admires Ulysses with all his heart. The only thing that belongs to that child is this body.

Ulysses probably understood this a long time ago, so he was so sad that he chose to forget everything about that child. If this is not the case, this sad fact may directly cause him to suffer a nervous breakdown. After all, he loves that child so much, and treats her as the only and most important sister.

All, it's her fault! The root of everything lies in her! If, she can notice how dissatisfied the child is with her weak self; if, she can be more concerned about the child who looks cheerful but is actually very inferior. This kind of thing will not happen.

The sadness that cannot be expressed in words, the irretrievable fact, because of the mistakes she made in the past, that child disappeared forever. Perhaps the child didn't regret it much herself, and she might have been prepared for it before she came into contact with that taboo.

However, she would not know how much harm her choice caused to her favorite brother and her unsuspecting mother.

"The disobedient child must be punished. This is the only thing I can do for you." With tears, Yu Fei raised the Scripture of Light in his hand and began to recite.

"Come! Projection! Devourer Sword!" From the beginning to now, Lara felt danger on Yuffi's body for the first time. She didn't hesitate to choose a treasure with a powerful magic breaking ability, and this weapon should be effective in the face of opponents who use powerful magic.

A long sword engraved with black magic runes appeared in Lala's hands. This magic sword is a famous treasure of a swordsman in the age of magic in ancient words. It has the power to swallow all the power that exists in the nature of magic special power. It has a very good effect on the power of magic and magic, and it can be used as a killer for magicians and priests.

"The Lord announced that the seven seals will be opened by a lamb with seven eyes and seven horns. At that time, seven messengers will come and blow seven horns." Yuffi's sad voice is at the knot of the magical structure. Reverberated in the world, announcing the beginning of the battle.

Desperate feelings can also be the power to open the door of magical magic, and it is the favorite feeling of attacking magical magic of the "Sacred Punishment" series. Yuffi, who was in sorrow and pain, is now using the "Divine Punishment" high-level divine art, which can be included in the top ten powerful attack divine art.

The crimson hail falls from the sky with flames. This is not the power of magic, nor the power of nature, but the rain of destruction with the help of the power of God, the song of ice and fire that burns all the sins of all creatures.

If it is a devout who believes in God beyond his own life, if he is completely innocent like angels and babies, these attacks are equivalent to illusions. However, Lala is not. She has crossed countless battlefields, her hands are stained with unknowingly many blood and lives, and she, who has carried out justice and destroyed countless lives, is burdened with crimes that are as heavy as the justice she possesses.

Justice is not an idea that can be achieved by just talking about it. In order to protect it, there will be sacrifices anyway, and there are times when it must be killed anyway. Faced with the difficult choice of killing the enemy without killing the enemy, most people can only choose the first one.

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