"Hahahaha, Ulysses, have a hand. Tell me, how do you do it, it's not like your style. Don't worry, I won't tell Laxia." No need to ask, like Ulysses Kanka can see through the thoughts of people who write everything on their faces at a glance.

There is definitely nothing wrong. Unexpectedly, when his friend didn't know, Ulysses's relationship with women, who was still in the ascetic life not long ago, had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

This is not unimaginable. At this age, Ulysses, who has become a seventh-level powerhouse (although he still doesn’t know when he broke through that limit), no matter what country he is in, he will be Talents that all forces pay attention to. As long as he is willing, not to say one, two, three, four, or five, even if it is doubled, it will not be difficult. Seventh-level powerhouses, no matter where they are, are respected and yearned by everyone.

On this continent, those with absolute power are above everything else. Seventh-level powerhouses, but a powerful existence that can't be restrained even by the king's orders, the supreme power represented by the church and the wizards' union is more admired than the power of the world.

What's more, Ulysses is still so young, and his future prospects are almost limitless, and he has powerful companions around him. With such a powerful force, not to mention a few girls, even if it is to build a country and then build a huge harem, it will not surprise people. If it weren't for the majority of the seventh-level powerhouses who were not interested in politics and governing the country, it would have been impossible for the king of this world to have ordinary people's turn to do it.

Even the current kings will definitely look for one or two seventh-level powerhouses as the country’s ultimate force. Some countries can hardly find a small country that the seventh-level powerhouses can protect, and they will even voluntarily become other nations. The subject country, in exchange for the help of the guardian sent by the overlord when facing a huge crisis.

Now that the mainland is basically peaceful, the crisis is not necessarily a war, it may be a natural disaster, or it may be a powerful monster. In the face of these disasters that ordinary people cannot resist, the absolute power possessed by the seventh-level strong is people's last hope.

What he was curious about was how Ulysses's somewhat clumsy personality got along with those beautiful girls. For this, he is not generally interested.

"Kanka, please, can you not ask this question." Thinking of Hydras who like to be hard at all times, Ulysses had a terrible headache. Among all the girls who have made friends with him, the Lord of Karaal is probably the most difficult to deal with, and the degree of danger even exceeds the sum of the others (the number also exceeds the sum of the others...)

Moreover, because of Hydra's special physique, every time he gets in touch with each other, he will feel a heavy sense of guilt. Especially when seeing the blood that represents another pure and disappearing Hydra, this sense of guilt is even stronger than it can be.

"It's okay, man, it's okay to be bothered occasionally, and I often have something embarrassing to say." Ulysses showed a helpless expression when he heard Kanka's words. Ah, has he fallen to the same level as Kanka?

"I can't help but feel that feeling when I see a woman I like. I know how you feel. But you can't let your fiancé find out, otherwise she will chase you to the end of the world with that huge sword. "Kanka patted Ulysses on the shoulder, and said solemnly.

"I am more worried that she will get lost to the end of the world than she chased me to the end of the world..." Ulysses knew exactly how serious Laxia's road madness was. It is better in Mila Village, where there are acquaintances everywhere. If she leaves Mila Village, where will she go. Only the omnipotent Supreme God will know.

"Well, what do you want to do with me? Don't you come to communicate with me the secret of pursuing women." Kanka looked at Ulysses with some expectation. If this is the case, he would be happy.

There is a saying, dyeing a piece of white paper is one of the most pleasant things. Originally, he planned to introduce the female warrior by him to let Ulysses understand what a woman is.

Having a friend who can exchange experience in this area is something he has been looking forward to. He did not expect that after Ulysses, who had lived a life of asceticism, became a seventh-level powerhouse, the fate of women suddenly became like this. good. Even one, two, three, four, five... this extremely difficult achievement has been completed.

"No. Actually, I wanted to ask about Laxia." Ulysses shook his head. The reason why he came to Kanka, apart from reminiscence, was his best friend of the opposite sex, the only one. As a childhood sweetheart, La Xia was always worried about him.

Although he disagrees with the fiancée's agreement, Laxia is Laxia. In this world, the only girl he cares about, who grew up with him, is the only girl who will not discriminate against the girl who was once regarded as a girl. When he was in Mira Village, she was his best friend, and when he decided to leave Mira Village, there were only two women who made him think about it (the other was Aunt Lana who scared him a little) .

"Raxia is fine, of course, except for being depressed because I can’t find you. I said, Ulysses, it’s no way to avoid her all the time. You should think about how you should face her, she is a Good girl." Kanka said to Ulysses really seriously this time.

Even from the perspective of an orc warrior, Rasha is a powerful and beautiful girl (it is important to be strong). In the concept of an orc warrior, being strong is the most important thing. In addition, Rasha also has a noble dragon bloodline, which is a powerful bloodline that no matter which race will envy. In this world where power is supreme, it is worth boasting 10,000 times more than any great noble lineage.

"I understand that at this brave conference, I will definitely meet her. Participating in the brave conference has always been Laxia's dream. I also want to see how she completes her dream." Ulysses revealed. With a gentle smile, as Rasha's best friend, even if he used the power of the leader forcibly, he would let the Apostles help Rasha to win the championship.

That champion, for him and the Apostles, was originally not an important thing, they only came to participate because of the commission of the Supreme Church. But Rasha is different. She has always been looking forward to the career of brave and has been fighting desperately for it. For her, the proof of bravery should be a very important thing.

However, speaking of it, it seems that he has never used the power of the head of the group. I don't know if Helen and Lasputin will agree. Besides, if Laxia's strength is the same as Kanka said, maybe he can get the championship without his help.


At this time, La Xiazheng and Lin were walking together in the small town where the preliminaries of the brave tournament had been held. After the preliminaries were held, it became a gathering place for countless merchants selling souvenirs of the Brave Conference. The merchants who saw the business opportunities made almost all the statues of the strong men who entered the second round, even the statue of Lasha Can be found here.

Rasha, who was in the state of the eyes of the void, could clearly feel everything around him. Although he closed his eyes, he did not touch anyone. I even bought a few interesting statues as a small collection.

Because he often went to and out of the extremely dangerous beast gathering place (not intended), La Xia collected a lot of valuable things in his hand. When passing through some big towns, she would pack these things together and throw them to the mercenary union to sell. More than one of the mercenary union halls used to be because of the big parcel carried by Rasha (all of which were killed by Rasha). Good things left by Warcraft) caused a big riot.

Therefore, Lasha is actually very rich. She didn't even think about it, but she made a lot of money. She destroyed those monsters only because they came to attack her (because she broke into their sphere of influence.)

"Hmm... this..." When she reached a certain stall, Laxia stopped and turned her head to the ground.

Is it an illusion? Why, she felt that there should be nothing here. However, there seems to be something strange. The businessman there was different from everyone here. She couldn't clearly feel whether he was really standing there, as if he had just seen a shadow.

However, in the state of the Void Eye, it should be impossible for her to see the shadow. In the world of the Void Eye, there is no such thing as a shadow.

"Lovely little guest, do you want to buy anything? There are many statues with incredible power. If you can choose a statue that suits you, it can bring you extraordinary luck." In Raxia's perception The businessman who didn't seem to exist inside smiled and said.

Did you make a mistake? It's still the effect of some magic props...Raxia lowered her head when she heard the sound. This is not impossible. The Void Eye she used has many shortcomings, after all, it is a technique that is not very skilled. However, there was something on the ground that caught her attention. It was a statue that made her feel very familiar...

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