The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 327: The world is for you (middle)

This power... Ulysses stared at the Demon King's Sword in his hand. It was indeed in an ordinary state, that is, the state before awakening. But why can he use such a powerful power so easily?

I don't understand, I don't have a clue at all. I had a terrible headache just now, and it was very hard even to stand. How did I suddenly become such a state.

Just now, he seemed to see something, it seemed to be some broken pictures and sounds, but now it was a little fuzzy in retrospect. Is this change because of those things? Or because of...

"You are very strong... hehe." The Mercury Sword retracted his wings, and a strange smile appeared on his pale face. Under such an absolutely unfavorable situation, such a smile certainly did not represent welcome. It's bitter hostility.

"Am I strong..." Ulysses raised his head and looked at the Mercury Sword still standing on the bell tower. There was an unspeakable feeling. This feeling was the first time he felt.

It seems that now, he is indeed very, very powerful, not only physically, but also spiritually. It seems that in this world, it is impossible for anything to hurt him.

Is it an illusion? It seems that the world itself is beating with his breathing. It seemed that the whole world was calling his name, and at the same time, it was giving him a steady stream of power.

What's even stranger is that he accepted it without the slightest resistance, accepting the earth from under his feet, the sky, and everything in this world.

He has become a little strange, what is this mood?

"However, here, I will never lose again." The Mercury Sword raised the silver long sword in his hand high, and the dark wings behind it spread out quickly, sprinting down from the bell tower at high speed, the goal was naturally to stand blankly. Ulysses standing still.

Since all long-range attacks are neutralized, then only close combat can be used. Here, she doesn't have to worry about energy loss, she has powerful moves that can determine the outcome after getting close.

So slow...Although the flying speed of the Mercury Sword has reached the level that ordinary people can't catch it with the naked eye. But in the eyes of Ulysses now, that action was still too slow. Slow to the point where he seemed to be able to knock into the air easily with just one step.

Even if he doesn't move a step, it seems that as long as he stretches out his hand, he can block it at will... Strange, why there is such an idea, his only melee treasure, breaking the fist lock, doesn't seem to be that strong.

Just stretch out your hand...what will happen when you stretch out your hand? Ulysses unconsciously stretched out his left hand, and then—

"Ding! Ding!" Under the ground, there was a sound of condensation and growth. Immediately afterwards, clusters of sharp deep purple crystals rose from the ground, completely blocking all the advancement paths of the Mercury Sword.

"This is!" The Mercury Sword temporarily changed the trajectory of its flight, flashed away the sharp crystal facing her body with a difficult back spin, and then waved the silver long sword in his hand to cut off the other clusters. The crystal coming from directly below.

"Ding! Ding!" The transparent purple crystal was shattered by the sword of the Mercury Sword, but it did not disappear. Instead, it fell to the ground and condensed into a new crystal cluster again.

The attack this time gave her a different feeling from all previous attacks. Because, from those crystals, she felt the power that belonged to this world.

Except for the Rozen Maiden, no one can use the power of this world, that is to say, the only person who uses this is...

"This power is..." The Mercury Sword looked up at the sky. There, three stars appeared brighter than the other four, which was a sign of the Rozen Maiden who had awakened from a deep sleep.

One of them, she already knew, was the Blue Star who had signed a contract with a magician, and the other was the last mysterious girl among the Rozen Maidens that she had never met.

So, will the Astaroth on the opposite side be the last Rozen Maiden?

"This power is..." Ulysses looked at his hand inexplicably, what is this? Why can he use it so easily? It seems to be done completely unconsciously, it is almost as natural as breathing.

However, this was definitely a power he hadn't cultivated before. It felt like the power used by the girl in white clothes next to Zhong Yayu, but it was slightly weaker. However, it seems that this is far from the limit of this power, as long as he is willing, he can continue to strengthen, somehow, he feels this way.

Things seemed to be getting more and more weird. When using this power, he felt that it was a power drawn from the stars in the sky. Is this starry sky magic? However, in this kind of closed world, starry sky magic doesn't seem to have that much power...

"That's it, you don't need to hide anymore, just show your true colors!" It is 100% sure that "Astaroth" is using the Mercury Sword belonging to the power of this world. Standing on the top of the crystal cluster, staring at it. Ulysses.

"Show your true face..." Ulysses touched his mask. In fact, no one was watching in this closed world, and it didn't matter if the mask was taken off.

However, it seemed that the Mercury Sword didn't intend to give Ulysses that chance, and once again held the silver long sword in his hand, the black wings behind him spread out in one breath, and then exploded, starting to sprint at a faster speed than before.

It became faster, but still very slow... Ulysses himself felt strange, why he felt that his opponent's movements were surprisingly slow, as if he was not watching with his eyes, but the world gave him the image of the opponent. , And even the opponent's flight path can be seen clearly.

Gently moving his left hand, countless huge crystals immediately rose from the ground, and then stretched out indefinitely, blocking the front of the Mercury Sword.

No matter how the Mercury Sword accelerates, changes direction, or even slashes the sword to smash the obstacles in front of her, there are still endless crystals surrounding her, compressing her action space. If you continue like this, you don't need to say attacking, it's good not to be locked by the cage made of these crystals.

"It looks like you are a smart little sister." Ignoring the crisscrossing purple crystals around, the Mercury Sword held the silver long sword in his right hand, keeping it at the same level as the shoulder. Then, the wing on the right side of her back merged with the sword and turned into a deep black long sword.

Originally, this trick was used as a deadly stunt behind the body. However, now Ulysses' fierce attack forced her to use it in advance.

"Deep Black Feather Kill!" With a wave, a huge deep black sword mark tore apart all the surrounding crystals. This time, it was no longer a simple chop, but completely turned those crystals into nothingness, as if something had eaten them.

Eaten by the wings, fully integrated with the wings, the sword with the ability to swallow can break through magic and most physical defense attacks, very strong... Ulysses is still in that strange state, as if against the sword of mercury The attack is well known. Even the way to crack it was quickly thought of.

Compared with this, the "sister" mentioned by the Mercury Sword made him care more about whether she had made a mistake and regarded him as a female.

Well, he admitted that he is not tall now, his body is not the kind that looks very strong, his voice is a bit weak, and his Adam's apple is not particularly obvious. However, it is impossible to be a girl no matter how you look at it!

"Although it's the first time I met, it's really a surprise sister, disguised as that, I really didn't see it at first. However, since you are also the Rozen Maiden, then this duel is our game. I was almost deceived by you." The Mercury Sword floating in the air stared at Ulysses on the ground, and his bright red eyes contained a strong killing intent that could not be concealed, as well as a desire to seize something.

The battle between Rozen Maidens is of special significance to all Rozen Maidens, and only the strongest among them can be qualified to become the ideal girl of the father, the perfect existence. Rozen Maiden originally existed for this goal.

Among all the Rozen Maidens, the only one who is qualified to be the most perfect existence is her, the first doll-the Mercury Sword.

"Girl..." Ulysses's mouth twitched, showing a helpless smile, which is really a big misunderstanding.

Hurry up and end this meaningless battle. He has a feeling that if he stays in this world, he might become even stranger.

No way, but fortunately, the Mercury Sword is a doll girl, so if you use this trick, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Let’s start, capture the black angel flying in the sky...

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