Yes, Ulysses felt that he must have known this person. Unlike him who put on the face of the virtual moon to hide his own aura, the other party seemed to simply put on a black dress. The lonely aura floating around this person called "Mithril" could not be simply concealed. Covered by that suit.

Who will it be? ? This is not the first time Ulysses feels this way. In fact, recently he often felt that some people who should be meeting for the first time would give him a strange sense of familiarity, as if they were the people around him.

However, no matter what he thinks, it is difficult to connect those people with those he knows well. It's like the feeling that many people will have before. What makes no sense is that a certain scene or picture is very familiar.

Because Ulysses' own contacts are not very wide, this inexplicable sense of familiarity is even more strange. Obviously there is no possibility of someone he knows, but he himself feels very familiar with it. If this kind of thing is known to other people, it is a very ridiculous thing.

Could it be someone who appeared in his dreams... Looking at the Mithril opposite, Ulysses sighed. He shouldn't be the kind of person who can be passionate about himself. Among the seven-level powerhouses he knows, only Rasha might come to participate in the brave tournament, but why do so many contestants feel familiar?

I heard Kanka said that Rasha has become an outstanding 7th-level powerhouse, but there is no improvement in the problem of that road idiot, and he has been lost on the way to the North Pole on the way from the village of Mira to find him...

"Huh!" The cold breaking sound came from the air again. Ulysses was already very careful this time, but I don’t know what weapon it was that brushed his right shoulder, cut his black clothes, and left a deep space on the Earth Demon Bear’s leather armor he was wearing. Deep traces.

So fast. I can't see it at all! It's different from the first time. This time Ulysses had already noticed the opponent's attack, but he still couldn't completely avoid the unknown attack. If it hadn't been for the last moment to lean his body, this attack would have penetrated his shoulders.

If Ulysses had any fatal weakness, it was the strength of the body. Now that Lapis was sleeping, he could no longer summon the phantom weapon that could freely change its form, that is to say, no matter what kind of attack it was, as long as it could break through the defense of the abyss and conviction. All can cause fatal damage to him. This body with a lack of physical strength can't even fully withstand the power of the full form of the abyss conviction.

Of course, to do this kind of thing, not anyone can do it, to break through the defense of Ulysses's abyss conviction. It is definitely a very difficult thing. Because Ulysses' own sword skills are characterized by super fast speed and super destructive power. Before that terrifying destructive power. Even Buster of the Zerg and Anakin, the black warrior of the Paladins, failed to achieve this.

Ulysses, who possesses the realm of infinite desire and the light of fallen angels, possesses overwhelming power and speed. Those who have fought with Ulysses can feel this, the powerful force seems to swallow everything. Even though his physical body's defense power is slightly lacking, the power and super fast speed to destroy everything have completely concealed this.

I am afraid that few people can think that the body that supports this terrorist attack power and speed is a body that, relatively speaking, has not even reached the level of a real 7th-level powerhouse. If the use of all treasures and magic is restricted, only physical power, Ulysses may be ranked in the bottom of the group of apostles. After all, his own strength is still too weak.

"Since you don't want to admit defeat. Then just take a good night's sleep here, and I will give you a dream that will never wake up immediately." Mithril's figure floats easily in mid-air, faintly, how many Black shadows drifted around him.

"Huh! Huh!" This is the third time Ulysses heard such a voice, as if something small broke through the air and flew freely.

"The fastest sword!" Since you can't avoid it, you don't have to hide! Ulysses, who was very aware of his weakness, swung the fastest sword he had realized.

Countless deep black sword shadows crisscrossed in the atmosphere, forming an ocean of swords that swallowed everything. The Infinite Sword, raised by the power of the domain of infinite desire, once again demonstrated its power.

"Ding! Ding!" Something was chopped up, but Ulysses still didn't know what it was, but the feeling from the conviction of the abyss told him that this time, his early judgment was not wrong.

The black sword light didn't stop like this, and countless black sword auras shot at the opposite Mithril in the sea of ​​swords like raging.

"Huh... Is it faster than..." Mithril sneered, and stretched out one of his own hands. It was a small hand that didn't look like an adult at all, as white as the moonlight of a full moon, but, at this moment, On this white hand, a dark shadow was about to move.

It is a vortex ball composed of some high-speed moving objects. With a certain core as the center, some black objects are moving at a high speed that the human eye can't recognize. It feels like a tornado.

"Illusive Feather, Disperse!" Facing the raging sword energy, Mithril opened his hand and liberated the power in the whirlpool. Dozens of tiny black shadows flew out from the vortex, dissipated the sword energy that Ulysses shook, and then rushed into the Prison of Speed ​​Sword formed by the body of the Abyss Condemnation.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The abyss conviction that was swung at a high speed was met with unprecedented resistance, as if it had chopped up a lot of extremely hard but easy to explode objects. Ulysses, who had been swinging his sword at a special rhythm, trembled violently, and almost couldn't control the abyss in his hand and was convicted.

"It's Feather?" This time, Ulysses saw clearly, what was it that had attacked him in the first place and now disrupted his sword skills. Those were feathers, black feathers, very similar to the feathers on the black wings of light formed by the light of his fallen angel, but the attack was incredibly powerful.

Moreover, it was the feathers that made him a little familiar. Where did he see it? By the way, before coming to Sofia City, that night.

"You're not a human being..." Ulysses recovered from the abyss and convicted him, staring at his opponent. This time, he finally recognized what this loneliness and loneliness was.

On that night, he did meet such a girl, who did not look like a human at all, but was as beautiful as a black angel, and was a poor child who was seriously injured.

He had encountered the pair of black wings more than once. Among the people he knew, except for himself who had practiced the Light of Fallen Angels, only this girl who had only met once had such black wings. However, unlike his black light wings, the wings that this girl possesses are real and part of her body.

Although she was still in a coma when she saw her, the breath of loneliness still accompanied her; it seemed that she had been alone for a long, long time.

The first time he met, he noticed the breath, the breath of loneliness and loneliness, and the heartache hurt, so he made the decision to treat her without hesitation. It was ridiculous, at that time he hadn't even discovered that she was not a human being.

It was not until he discovered the cracks in her body that he was clumsy and realized that this was not a human girl.

No, it should be said that it is not a life in the ordinary sense at all. Judging from the strange joints, she is a doll, a doll made by others.

Although he had never thought before that, there are puppets that are so close to humans in this world. No matter the appearance, body shape, or the feeling of hugging, they are exactly the same as real human beings, including body temperature.

However, he is not a person who will prejudice against anyone because of race, so even if he understands that this girl who is so fragile as if she is likely to collapse at any time is not a human being, and may not even count as a real life, he still does not He hesitated to choose to treat her.

At that time, he also had a feeling that he liked her very much. Although he must have seen such a life for the first time, he just liked her very much. It seemed that it was not the first time I saw her. It seemed that he had held a similar life and loved her a long time ago. It was an incredible feeling.

It's really strange, he doesn't seem to be given a doll like a girl, but why does he care about her so much! Is it because she is a special existence completely different from ordinary dolls? still is……

"Why would you know that kind of thing!" The Mithril hidden under the black cloak opened wide, and a trace of confusion flashed in the bright red eyes.

"Speaking of which, I don't know your name yet, is Mithril your name?"

"my name……"

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