The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 317: Battle puppet team (middle)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Others can't see it, she can't see it yet? Each of those four eggs is her painstaking effort. Although the most important soul is that black cat brought, she has accumulated little by little material. These years, even for Seven Wings, it is not easy to find so many rare materials, which is an important preparatory force for the organization.

"That thief cat!" No, of course not! Because all the four battle puppets she was going to use to fight were stolen by the **** kitten, now they are on her finger! How did she steal them from her personal pocket? The three alarm detection magics set in the pocket, and the five automatic counterattack magics have not been activated!

"Meow, the activation spells for these four are...with...Kemando!" Holding the instructions stolen from Palan, Kana threw the four eggs of different colors in one go.

The moment four eggs of different colors fell to the ground, all the surrounding matter disappeared. As if absorbed by something invisible, four battle puppets of different shapes appeared in front of Hydra.

The first is a red mummy with a height of more than two meters. It has a body that is too thin compared to the mummy. The lower body is wearing a pair of dark red shorts that only reach the knees, holding a pair of sharp knives, and a pair of blood-red eyes. Fear from the bottom of my heart.

The second is a burly male about 180 centimeters tall. He is wearing a strange blue and white battle suit with a huge red five-star coat of arms on his chest. Wearing a pair of dark blue blindfolds, there were faint sparks flickering near his hands. Standing in the middle, he seemed to have the most captain's temperament.

The third is a ghost-like killer wrapped in black, obviously an assassin. His actual height with a short knife behind his back is actually much shorter than that of the captain, but the slightly bent over fighting posture always reminds people of a cheetah hunting opponents in the forest, as if it can be issued anytime, anywhere. A fatal blow.

The last one, and the weirdest one. It is a tall, metal puppet that is not human at all. Its whole body is basically made of dark green metal, only the hands are made of metal shining with silvery white light. The strangest thing is that its head is actually something like a baby statue.

"I'm using these inexplicable things again, big stupid cat, it's because of this that you always have no way to become stronger." Hydra looked at the four battle puppets that had already made the audience boil with disdain. In her eyes, this kind of thing is really nothing compared to the murderers created by the Supreme Cult during the war. At least, that murderer had caused her a lot of trouble. But these things, in front of the real eighth-level monsters, are simply waste.

"I'm afraid of meowing pain!" Kana confidently said his reason. Although she is not a pacifist, she is spared if she has to fight with others in person. The feeling of being beaten doesn't feel good at all. She was not the Hydra that could be resurrected no matter how many times she was killed, but the elegant and noble Kana of the Black.

When facing a group of seventh-level experts, it was enough to use the powerful defense of Star Guardian to grind his claws (though unfortunately he was caught that time). When she really encountered a monster as powerful as the Hydra in front of her, she would resort to gang fights without even thinking about it. Otherwise, how could you think she would be so enthusiastic about helping Palan to collect the souls of the seventh-level powerhouses scattered in the human city.

The agreement between Seven Wings and the Supreme Cult did not work for her and her master, so whenever she had the opportunity, she would go to the mainland to collect the souls of the wandering strong men, and then hand it over to the crazy alchemist Palan to make artificial monsters. . Of course, the final goal is to steal the created artificial monster and use it as her helper.

"Are you also an eighth-level beast! Stupid cat!" For the outlier in this eighth-level beast, Hydra was almost furious. Which eighth-level monsters did not grow and become stronger from countless battles? Only this kitten, no matter how many years have passed, is the same, it is simply a shame in the eighth level of Warcraft. As a decent lady of Warcraft, she shouldn't give her a lesson.

She is not required to reach the unreachable height of her master, at least she must have the level of sweeping away a bunch of 7th-level powerhouses with one claw. In terms of pure power level, the weakest eighth-level monsters are no worse than the human eighth-level strong. Kana is not lacking in strength, what she lacks, is fighting skills and will (if she has such things as fighting will...).

"Meow! Go on, battle puppet team!" Kanai habitually took Hydra's words as a breeze, and began to command the four battle puppets he had brought from Palan to attack together. During this period of time, Lance and Bill, who belonged to the mass production form, had suffered heavy casualties under Hydra's attack, and only the last few chances of resurrection were left. In order to prevent Palan from going crazy, Kanai took them back. However, their sacrifice is by no means meaningless, it is precisely because of their continuous attacks that gave Kanai the opportunity to summon a new type of combat puppet. Now, the battlefield belongs to these dead tooth horses used by Kanai, super artificial monsters on the same level as Thunder Wind.

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the four fighting puppets ordered by Kana, and immediately began a high-speed sprint, rushing towards Hydra from four different directions.

Among them, the blood-colored mummy was the fastest, and after a few strides, he rushed to Hydra. The short knives in both hands traversed a strange arc and crossed and pierced her heart.

Hydra smelled a smell of blood, and the pair of knives must have been stained with a lot of life's blood. No, it's not just blood. This sour taste must be extremely poisonous, and it is the kind of poison that can melt all the opponent's flesh and blood.

At the same time, the captain in a blue and white combat uniform jumped high into the air. Raising his right hand high, a fiery flame spurted out of his hand. It was an ultra-high temperature that could burn all the metal to ashes, and a flesh and blood body could hardly resist the flames of the street.

"Get off!" Hydra held her scarlet spear with her backhand and swiped it from bottom to top. A blood-colored light flashed through the air, and the high-speed spear smashed the tall mummy into the air, and then the violent blast wind rolled back the flames jetted from the air intact.

"Boom!" The blazing flames all returned to the captain in the air, but did not cause him any harm. The blue and white battle suit easily absorbed all the flames.

The mummy that was smashed into the air was similar, and that slender body possessed surprising flexibility. He quickly regained his balance in mid-air, and after a twisted waist, he landed safely on the ground.

At the same time, the attack of the black assassin and the attack of the green metal puppet arrived together.

There was no sound, and no one knew how the black-clothed assassin came behind Hydra. But this silent knife has already proved his strength to everyone.

The attack of the tall green metal puppet is the most direct. It uses a bizarre sprint action like sliding on the snow. It sprinted in front of Hydra in an absolute straight line and threw a heavy iron fist. The sound of the wind raised by the fist was as shocking as thunder, which shows how terrifying power this fist has.

"Huh!" Hydra raised her hand. He grabbed the iron fist that was blasting towards him, and then violently pulled it, threw the body of the huge green metal puppet out like a meteor hammer, and smashed the assassin who sneaked from behind her into the air. For her who has experienced countless battles, this kind of joint skill is really not worth mentioning. Moreover, the signs of the opponent's attack were too obvious.

"Meow, so weak!" Kanai looked at the four fighting puppets that were hard to do even close to Hydra in surprise. This level of combat effectiveness is much worse than she had imagined. Is this a man-made monster created by the organization? The action is too stiff.

"That idiot doesn't know the correct usage of these four artificial monsters at all! They are not autonomous attack forms like Lance and Bill, nor are they complete bodies like Death Tooth Horse and Thunder Wind, but they need to be manipulated by input commands. Manipulative."

"If no one is controlling, they can only attack in a fixed way! I don't even know this and use it, just to die! No, I can't watch the battle puppet I made just like this!" Pa was about to go crazy. Lan took out the four controllers at the fastest speed and handed three of them to Hugo, Clovis, and Blue Star in the lounge. Taking the remaining one, he couldn't wait to take over the control of one of the battle puppets.

"No time, guys, start the online attack right away! I'm responsible for manipulating the strongest scarlet mummy, Hugo, you manipulate the captain, Clovey, you manipulate the black assassin, and the blue star manipulates the green magic gold puppet..."

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