The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 422: Happiness and pain (middle)

"Ah!" Ulysses stood up abruptly and looked at the figure standing on the podium who had just entered the classroom with unbelievable eyes.

Like, too much! The weak posture, the slightly tired eyes, and the pale skin are all surprisingly similar to the gentle outline in his memory. Even he would have an illusion, remove the veil on her face, and he would once again see the gentle face that has passed away.

Mom, the most beautiful woman in Ulysses' mind, the representative of gentleness and kindness. He and Yuna's favorite and most respected person, the person who left him earlier than Yulia.

Already, I can't act coquettishly to her as I did in the past...because my mother is no longer there... Ulysses who realized this was extremely sad, but did not resist this sadness.

This sadness, just like losing Yulia, is his past, his pain, and the scar he can't forget. When he personally convicted the abyss through Yu Liya's body, he took on everything from the past and could no longer forget it.

"Sorry, I made a mistake." Noting the strange glances from the students around him, Ulysses apologized sincerely, and then sat down.

What he didn't notice was that the object of his attention was even more excited than him.

In the beginning, she didn't notice him. But hearing his voice-without even seeing him, she recognized him from his voice.

She was not deceived by the "lucky yellow ribbon", nor was she misled by the surrounding environment, just hearing the voice, she knew who was there.

Perhaps she was too shocked, or she was too surprised, she stood motionless at the door, her face pale. Because not long ago, the sequelae of exceeding the limit to perform the highest magic arts broke out untimely.

The doorway where she was standing was opposite to where Ulysses was. Her hand rested on the silver-plated doorknob, until Ulysses sat down, letting it hang weakly.

After staring at the familiar figure sitting in the middle of the classroom several times, she religiously drew a cross on her chest, raised her eyes to the sky, her face was extremely grateful, and her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. .

However, when she finished praying, the tears had disappeared without a trace, replaced by grateful and happy eyes.

As long as he is healthy, she has no other prayers other than that.

Then she stepped onto the podium. The job of this temporary teacher, who is now in recuperation, requested it herself. Staying alone in the temple all the time, the sequelae did not show any improvement, and she even struggled to use basic magic arts.

Fortunately, light magic below level 7 can still be used without knowing why. So she asked the Ana family for this temporary job, which was a recuperation and also contributed to the future of the church.

"Are you uncomfortable? Teacher?" More than one student noticed the slight tremor of the teacher's body, which is usually a manifestation of physical discomfort.

The students who come here to learn light magic may not be very talented, but they all have a tolerant and beautiful heart. Otherwise, they will not come here to study if they are not talented.

They, just like Ulysses in the past, are serious and hardworking students, and they are excellent students who are using their diligence to complement their talents. Seeing Ulysses now, they were envious and surprised, but not jealous. Girls who have chosen this career in therapy can be said to be good girls.

Seeing these girls looking at her with worried eyes, she thought of her past.

I remember that she also studied in this classroom for a while, although she soon transferred to the school of the priesthood of our school. But here, she also had fond memories.

This college is really incredible. Meeting and reunion, loving and being loved, different stories are constantly happening here. The past and the present seem to be connected by an invisible line of fate.

However, at this moment, she is grateful for this invisible line of fate that allows her to see her beloved child again. Although, in his memory, she is a person who has long since disappeared.

The mistakes she made were too big and too deep to be with him as she used to be. Although she knew that he would definitely forgive her, forgive her, but she could not forgive herself, forgive herself.

If it weren't for the big mistake she committed, all tragedies could have been avoided, and the two children would not turn into such a tragedy.

Neither this child nor Yulia is at fault. Yu Liya is only for her little wish, and this child is completely innocent. The only thing that was wrong was she, a mother who could not take good care of her child, and could not even understand her child's mind.

"No." Ulysses and Yulia's mother, once a genius girl, and now the saint of light-Yuffi looked at her students with a smile, and sincerely thanked the great Supreme God.

"It's just that I encountered a good thing that saved me from my tears and sorrow. I felt a little excited. Here, I feel sorry for the great Supreme God. I am also grateful to my beloved. My feelings are like mine. The blessings come from the depths of my heart."

Yu Fei who said these words exudes a gentle radiance. She put the roses and crape myrtle flowers she had brought on the vase on the edge of the podium to make them exude a fragrant fragrance. These flowers were originally used to calm her mind, but at this moment, these flowers were given a different meaning.

Standing on the podium, she didn't speak immediately, she was deeply in a kind of thinking. Her eyes closed gradually, seeming to be intoxicated in a certain atmosphere of happiness. For her, every minute of this time is precious.

She may not be alive any longer. The two accidents that have occurred with the use of the goddess technique have severely damaged her body, and even the power of the Scripture of Light has begun to become reluctant. After all, the angel descent technique is too reluctant for her who has not really reached the eighth level of her body strength.

However, she did not regret it, never regretted it once. Because, at that moment, in that huge sea of ​​life, there was her beloved child. One is a child who is gentle enough not to hurt anyone, and the other is a child who works hard enough to give up his body.

No matter which one is her child, in order to save these two children, she is willing to pay any price.

It's just that the body was hurt by the sequelae of the Angel's Descent technique. This is nothing, she can still hold on. Compared with the pain of losing one's own child, this little pain is really nothing.

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