The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 407: No choice (below)

"Sindy?" Although I only met once, the girl with a lively personality (it should be said to be too strong) left Ulysses with an extraordinary impression. To put it bluntly, this is the type he can't help the least.

"Answer... That's right! Cute little sweetheart, did you know that I didn't see your smile last night, I never slept peacefully all night." Sandy stroking passionate, sweet taste of love all over her body With Ulysses' soft black hair, she loved the lovely "girl" in her eyes as if she was loving her pet.

" are mistaken, I am not a girl." Ulysses felt cold behind his back, as if being entangled by some evil spirit.

"It's really difficult to convey love, but I won't be discouraged. As long as I work hard, I can definitely let you call my sister." Sandy obviously ignored Ulysses' pale explanation. She gently picked the fresh white lily from the flowers beside her, and then inserted it on Ulysses' head.

"This flower is very beautiful, but in my eyes, you are more beautiful than it." Sandi looked affectionately at the somewhat bewildered Ulysses. In her eyes, this is an innocent little white sheep, a flower that has not been polluted by any evil, a pure and natural lovely girl.

No, I don’t understand with this person! Ulysses was desperate, Sandy didn't listen to his explanation at all, and even moved. What should he do at this time? Do you directly resist violence?

Ulysses' hesitating expression was placed in Sandy's eyes, and it directly turned into the cute girl's shy affection. She came to Ulysses even more boldly, their bodies almost touching each other.

"These hands are so beautiful." Sandy took Ulysses' hands and looked at these beautiful hands with admiration.

"You, your hands..." Ulysses was stunned as she watched Sandy stretch out her hands indifferently, and then hugged him.

"Isn't my hand hugging you? In the evening, I will hug you more enthusiastically."

"My lovely flower, do you want to try something interesting with me? It doesn't matter, it won't hurt at all, I won't come to my room tonight..." At this point, I have nothing to do with innocence. Because of the relationship, Sandy almost directly sent out an ambiguous invitation to Ulysses.


"No!" The two voices rang at the same time. One of them is naturally Ulysses who resolutely opposes, and the other is the savior who came to save Ulysses.

"Sandy!" Kira grabbed Sandy's ears unceremoniously, and then all kinds of ravages made Sandy almost cry.

"It hurts! It hurts! Kira, don't pull my ears like this. Even if it's love, it's too hard."

"Who is showing love to you, Sandy, I can't watch you stretch your fangs to my good friend. It's enough for your flowers to have a flower show." Qi La pointed at Sandy's point. Separate her from Ulysses.

"No, it's just a basket of flowers..." Sandi gave a rare humility. Her goal is the garden, the garden of the harem!

"Anyway, I don't allow you as an idiot to shoot at my friend. My friend doesn't like your type." Kira only knew her friend when she saw Ulysses' overwhelmed look. There is no way to get Sandy.

She was very strange, how could Sandy be teased like this because Ulysses was so superb. In this situation, it would be fine if he refused directly.

"Come, Ulysses, go with me, don't worry about Sandy." Kira, who appeared as a savior at the most critical moment, knocked Sandy aside and sent an invitation to Ulysses.

"Wait, this is too ruthless! Why put me aside, aren't we good friends!" Sandy protested, protesting severely.

"Kira, actually I..." Ulysses wanted to explain why he was here again, but before he could say clearly, his hand was already held by Kira.

"No need to say anything, I trust you." Kira holding Ulysses's hand showed a comprehensive smile, and then directly pulled him to start running.

"Wait, don't forget me, leave me here alone!" Sandy shouted dissatisfied, and then hurriedly followed.

"Vine, get up and bind." Kira pointed to the ground at Sandy's feet.

Dozens of sturdy tree vines rose from the ground, and then directly wrapped Sandy and tied her tightly in place.

By the time Sandy broke away from the vine formation, Ulysses and Kyra had run away without a trace.

"Call ...... call ...... so hard, Chilla is not eating you." Sandy looked up sweat rag, just that vines can be extraordinary array, Chilla is certainly to her under the black hand.

"Is she jealous? Haha, if that's the case, does she love me so much? No, you must know the answer." Sandy, who felt that she had found the correct answer, was not frustrated and continued to track Ugasis And the traces of Kira.


"It should be safe here, Sandy is really messy. Ulysses, why don't you just refuse her?" Kira took Ulysses back to her room again, not feeling anything at all. inappropriate.

"I said I was a man, but she didn't believe it." Ulysses replied helplessly.

"She doesn't believe... um... not surprising..." Kira looked at Ulysses. Look left and right, look up and down, and then almost came to a conclusion that Ulysses was hurt.

"I look so girly?" Ulysses tried to puff up his muscles to prove his masculinity. At this time, he hoped that he could learn the explosive potential skills of the legendary berserker, just like Hercules had the kind of body shape.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

"It looks a little like that." Kira obviously didn't want to hurt the self-esteem of her best friend.

"Oh!" Ulysses sighed, not going to comment on this matter.

"By the way, I haven't asked you why you are here. Did you come to meet me specially?" Kira was very skilled in making tea for Ulysses.

This time there was no Golden Orchid, she used flower tea from the fairy clan forest. In the air, the fragrance of flowers soon drifted, as if flowers were in full bloom here.

"No, I actually want to live here." Ulysses had nothing to hide from Kira. After all, he is also very distressed, how should he live here.

"Live here? But it's not..." Kira looked at Ulysses curiously. My friend, is it possible that he still hides his gender, but it is actually a girl?

"No, it's actually like this." Ulysses told Kira of the information he had obtained from Aya, and explained the reason why he came here by the way.

"That's the case, indeed, there is no explicit stipulation that men cannot live here. It turns out that this is a public campus. Then, I will help you." Perhaps because her gender has not been determined before, Chira's concept of gender is very vague. I didn't think there was anything wrong with Ulysses coming to live here.

Since this is not an area exclusively for women, Ulysses can naturally also live here. Instead, she was very happy to be with her friends.

"Thank you, thank you very much." Ulysses was really relieved to see Kira naturally accepting what he would live here.

In this area, Kira is the only friend he knows. She was willing to help herself, she really helped a lot.

In fact, he already has a preliminary plan for his life here. But having a good friend who is familiar with the situation here is obviously better.

"Since you are coming to live here, how about staying with me? My room is very big, and it doesn't matter if I live with two people." Knowing that Ulysses is going to live here, Kira directly sent him a sincere invitation . Perhaps, in her opinion, it's no big deal to share a room with her friends.

"No! How can this work, absolutely not." Ulysses shook his head desperately. Although Kira's friendship moved him very much, this is not enough anyway, it is simply a suggestion to make his heartbeat explode!

"What's wrong, then, what kind of room do you want to live in? Here, I am still a little capable." Qi La deeply expressed regret. But since Ulysses was unwilling, she would not force it.

"I'm not very familiar with this place, Chira, do you know any place that is far from crowded?" Ulysses made a simple idea. As long as you don't get in touch with the girls who live here, and meet them less, there will be no problems.

In short, it is ghosting, and it's best to let everyone make him non-existent, like a ghost in the day. In this case, there will be no problems and no troubles.

"Do you like a quiet place? Independence, and a beautiful environment, a place suitable for reading and practicing..." Kira seriously considered the requirements of her friends, and then quickly found her goal.

"How is there?" She took Ulysses to the window of her room and pointed to the other side.

There was a beautifully shaped spire tower that resembled a palace building, and it was distributed diagonally with the place where Kira now lives.

If you take a closer look, you can find two other similar buildings in the remaining two corners. Including the place where Kira lives together, it happens to form the ruler of the four corners. In the middle of them is a beautiful large garden.

The four buildings are of different styles, but the same beautiful and primitive buildings are connected together in a clever way, and the final result is a small palace full of flavors and customs of different countries.

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