The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 367: The truth about Kira

In other words, Ulysses did not know "that".

This is not a special secret among the fairies, but for humans who have little contact with the fairies, it may be difficult to understand such things.

"Ulysses, what do I look like in your eyes?" Kira thought for a while, but decided to take the initiative to tell Ulysses about what happened to him, anyway he would be aware of it sooner or later.

"What's it like?" Ulysses looked at Kira in front of him with some confusion. This is not the first time he has been asked such a question.

And the first time he asked him this question, it seemed to be Lasputin.

Vaguely, he noticed a strange atmosphere, but he didn't know where it came from.

"Look carefully, what is the difference between me now and me at the festival." Kira guided Ulysses patiently.

Unfortunately, this seems to have no effect. Ulysses was very careful and observed very carefully for a minute, but he didn't see any difference between Kira and before. If you want to say it, it seems more beautiful than before, the kind that makes girls scream at a glance, and the prince is worthy of the name.

"You seem to be better than before." Ulysses was not an exaggeration, but really felt that way.

Kira at the festival, although also very good, but there is a kind of invisible melancholy, as if he has been carrying something very heavy.

But now Kira has lost that melancholy, and has more confidence. That unusually heavy feeling has disappeared unconsciously.

"Thank you, but I didn't mean that." Kira shook her head, and decided to speak out on her own initiative. Ulysses is a good friend in combat, but he is a bit slow in other areas. He hadn't noticed such an obvious change.

"At the time of the festival, I was actually not an adult, and belonged to a juvenile state."

"Juvenile?" Ulysses looked at Kira in a puzzled manner, and couldn't see that he was actually underage at the festival. However, the life span of the goblin tribe is much longer than that of humans, and it may be very different from the concept of human adulthood.

"It looks like you didn't understand. What I want to tell you is that at the time of the festival, I actually haven't chosen my gender. Among the fairies, there are no fairies who choose their own sex. No matter how strong they are, no matter how old they are. It's a juvenile body. There are also fairies who will stay in this state forever until they die." Kira explained this to Ulysses earnestly.

Due to the unique ecology of the fairy tribe, this gender concept is difficult to understand by humans. Because all the fairies are born by the blessing of the mother tree, from this concept, pure-blood fairies are essentially different from humans.

To compare it, the fairies are actually the children of the mother tree. The love between each other is just a seed, and the true parenting of offspring must rely on the power of the mother tree. The number of children born in combination with other races is very, very small. The fairy tribe, which is conceptually different from other races, is not so difficult to combine with races other than the fairy tribe.

"Well, now..." Ulysses seemed to understand. But the answer was so incredible that he couldn't accept it.

"Yes, the current me, in terms of human concepts, is completely female." Kira nodded and told Ulysses this fact frankly.

In other words, the "he" who was still in an ambiguous state during the festival has become "she", the girl who has not been separated from the juvenile body, that is, the girl recognized by this absolutely feminine realm.

In fact, she is really sorry. Since she was a child, she has always decided to change her job to become a sword dancer with gorgeous sword skills and graceful steps, and to become a handsome warrior to protect her sister.

Unfortunately, the guardians of this generation are only her and her sister. Just in case, she was not allowed to perform the gender-confirming coming-of-age ceremony at all. Even if she had already broken through the limit and possessed the sword dancer fighting skills of the elders in the clan, she would definitely not be able to do so. Therefore, until recently, she was in a juvenile state.

When her sister was missing and she was the only one of the guardians of this generation, the dream of becoming a sword dancer became an extravagant hope.

In fact, the elders of the goblin tribe have urged her more than once to inherit the inheritance ceremony of the guardian tribe early and become the official guardian of the goblin tribe to prevent her sister's tragedy from reappearing.

As a sword dancer, she went to the glorious festival to commemorate the brave, and wielded the double swords in her hands as much as she wanted, which became her final journey of decision.

The fast sword duel with Ulysses and the fierce battle with the great sword girl with the power of the terrifying dragon have become the two most memorable battles in her career as a sword dancer. And after the double sword was broken, she finally gave up that unrealistic dream, decided to accept her responsibility, and became the successor to the legendary treasure of the fairy clan, the "Chiba Staff".

On that day, her flower of life was embraced by the mother tree, and the green magic wand that inherited countless ancient memories was fused in her flower, and her flower of life "Kira" also gained a brand new power. Her gender was also officially determined.

After that day, Kira, the sword dancer, disappeared. It was replaced by the guardian of the fairy clan, the priest Kira of the rod of Chiba. In order to learn a lot of knowledge about this world, the elders of the fairy clan arranged her to study in the Guanghui Academy through the relationship of the human world.

Then, in an unexpected place, she reunited with Ulysses, her best friend she made at the end of her career as a sword dancer.

"Girl...girl...Kira?" Ulysses stared at Kira, who was generously dressed in men's clothes, standing in front of him with a stunned look. There was no way to connect him with "she".

The fairies are so beautiful. The beautiful face that can be confused regardless of gender is simply the perfect masterpiece of nature. But if that's the case, why would those girls call Kira "Prince"? Don't they know about this?

"Yes." Kira didn't mean to hide. Since it is in the realm of absolute women, Ulysses will know this sooner or later.

However, why Ulysses had not been discovered and rejected by this absolutely feminine realm was the question that made her puzzled. The effect in this area is absolute, even male corpses can't get in, let alone a big living person like Ulysses.

"Wait, Kira, you are a female, that is to say, this is really..." Ulysses had a headache, not a normal headache. Originally, he thought there were exceptions in this field, but now it seems that he is the only one who has a problem, a very troublesome problem.

"Yes, that's why I think you are cursed. Ulysses, are you really not cursed? Or my water is not hot enough." Kira looked suspiciously at the one placed next to him. The kettle may have to boil the water to be effective.

"I'm not cursed, but I don't know what's wrong, this area doesn't respond to me. Also, it seems that the butler of my teacher's house has booked a room for me there, using my name." For this matter, Ulysses was really dumbfounded. He is a man, man, he actually wants to live in that kind of place in the future.

The answer is, of course, no! He is not a man who dare not say no.

"It's really hard for you, but it's okay with me. I won't tell your secrets." Kira patted Ulysses on the shoulder easily. Since I am a good friend, I have to help at this time.

"Thanks, Kyla." Ulysses thanked his friends for their help. He has already made a decision, no matter what the reason, he will definitely not step here again.

"You're welcome, we are good friends." Kira found that even if she became a woman, it didn't change much for her, and everything was the same as before.

"Hey, what are you two doing alone inside? Let me join in. It's too ruthless to shut me out by myself." Sandy who had various unhealthy thoughts about what happened inside the door Knock harder, harder.


"Hahaha, did the master go there?" On the top of the room where Ulysses had just escaped, Aya, who got the report, laughed almost out of breath.

Although she had arranged for Ulysses to break in "accidentally" at a later stage. But she didn't expect that her stupid master would throw herself into the trap before she could use her strategy.

How did he deceive that absolutely female field? Even she carefully searched through her own memories, and found out how to cheat through this soul level check in a very unpopular corner.

This method comes from the demon king who has the most profound research on the soul in her world, and is also the most unpredictable of all demon kings. Fortunately, Lord Astaroth’s power characteristics are infinite tolerance, so with the help of Lord Astaroth’s magic power, she can also make a limited number of items related to the soul realm. It should be no problem to deceive that realm. .

However, it seems that her master can easily enter without her to make props.

Probably unconsciously, the power of the realm of infinite desire automatically simulates a similar effect.

This can only be said that her master has an incredible talent for using the power of the Demon King, far beyond her imagination.

So, the plan that was originally planned to be launched at a later stage should be able to start now. This plan, as well as the new students in that building, was originally prepared for Ulysses.

Master, you will have a relaxed and happy college life, I promise with the name of the great Astarot. Looking at the direction of the white buildings that represent the "garden", Aiya gave a very happy and expectant smile.

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