The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 356: Super soldier is born

Alexander, who had been watching his brother's changes, witnessed everything.

After being wrapped in that cocoon, his brother never made any more noises. Then, from the indestructible cocoon, there was a strange pulsation.

That is an extremely powerful life pulse, a seed of life that can survive even in the harshest environment and then survive by unscrupulous means. Even in a state where the host's ontological consciousness and body have completely disappeared, one can rely on instinct to find a new host.

Now Pushkin was chosen by "it".

At Alexander's level, he couldn't understand what this level of life pulse represents. He just felt dangerous instinctively. It seems that human beings are born to understand what a monster that is taller and stronger than oneself represents. This is an instinct engraved in the blood of this race of human beings.

When Pushkin came out of the cocoon, he was no longer a human being, but became another kind of life, a life with terrifying combat power and evolutionary instinct.

The crystal eyes with a gem-like structure, the energy cores distributed on the head and waist, the sharp head horns and elbow blades, and the physical structure strengthened from the inside to the outside, are extremely powerful. And it is not a state of incompleteness, but a perfect individual.

The body of "It" is the latest research result of an organization, using the remains of the dead Zerg mother emperor and the outer armor cultivated with many precious materials. Once had a human controller who had mutated insect veins and became a new 7th-level strong man.

However, when facing an extremely terrifying opponent, the body of "it" and its controller were all destroyed, and only the last core organization escaped by chance and fell into this small pond.

While waiting for the next qualified host to approach, "it" relied on its own instinct, coupled with the last remaining battle memory of the core, and began to evolve a new form.

An hour ago, as a result of evolution, Pushkin was born as Pushkin is now.

Not an armor form, but a thorough fusion form. Only by completely changing the host's body structure from the very beginning, and integrating with the host, can "it"'s combat capabilities be truly brought to the limit, and this is "it"'s strongest state.

Only in this state can one fully exert one's combat effectiveness without burden. In the battle with the terrible enemy in the core memory, if it was in this state at the beginning, the support time could be at least ten minutes longer.

After the fusion is over, "it" ceases to exist, leaving only the strong fighting instinct of the race and the host chosen by "it" to evolve to a higher level.

Infinite evolution, infinite choices, and continuous advancement to a higher level, this is the belief of the "it" race. This is an endless process, and it is also the meaning of its racial existence.

"It" has no name, no past, and no future.

However, even in the last second before it was about to disappear, "it" did not have any sadness.

If there is any regret, it is probably that before "it" completely disappeared, the same kind of figure that was vaguely felt in that battle was not seen.

That is a stronger and more perfect kind than it is now. The mature body that is almost evolving to the final stage of combat is also the only advanced class of its kind that it senses in its memory.

However, it is no longer necessary.

Let Pushkin come out of the cocoon, "it"'s short life has come to an end.

It will be replaced by a Zerg body in a perfect state and a new individual with extremely high intelligence, code-named "Pushkin."


"What is this?" Pushkin hurriedly slapped a fist and exploded with a strong burst of air, blowing Alexander, who was caught off guard, into the pond.

"Oops!" Pushkin looked at the pond where Alexander fell without tears. He actually attacked his brother, and he will definitely be retaliated next.

"Guru! Guru!" After a few large strings of bubbles emerged, Alexander was wrapped in a lot of water plants, crawling out of the pond like a drowning dead person.

A few snails sucked on his hair leisurely, seeming to like the damp kelp head very much, and they are very willing to make a home here.

"Very good, very good." Alexandra shook his head, then grabbed a knife and killed his own brother.

The feeling of the world slowing down again appeared, and the slowness of everything under control gave Alexander's body magical power.

"Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!" Continuous blade lights flashed, and the criss-crossed icy light blades exuded the chill of cutting everything, tearing the weird-looking armor to pieces in an instant...

Of course, this is just a unilateral fantasy of Alexander. The actual situation is that even if he used all the power of breastfeeding, he did not make even a visible mark on Pushkin's strange armor.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" Like an old bull who had been squeezed for three days and three nights, Alexander was so tired that he almost fell to the ground, and the result of the battle was only a shock to Pushkin at first.

"Brother, what should I do? I have become a monster." Pushkin, who was much taller after changing races, squatted in front of Alexander, a strange milky white mist oozing from the gem's eyes.

"Huh! Huh! Ask me what to do, how do I know." Alexander slapped his unsatisfied brother on the head in an unpleasant manner, and the resentment from his knuckles made him gritted his teeth.

"I'll die if this goes on." Pushkin obviously didn't adapt to his new body at all, even if the level of this body even surpassed the average seventh-level powerhouse. He tried very hard to change back, but in the end he only managed to put away the elbow blade and head horns.

"Idiot, you are an idiot when you become a monster!" Alexander couldn't do anything about his useless brother.

As expected, a child is a child, he just turned into a monster, and he didn't die. It's not bad to keep a life in that weird state. As long as it is not dead, it is a good thing.

"You put on this red round helmet, and then put on this new type of fiery red soft armor. Well, it looks almost like a human. Before you can find a good way, you just forget it." I don't know where to find it. Alexander, with a set of weird equipment, looked at his weak brother with satisfaction.

"From now on, your name will be Kesa, the mysterious super soldier I recruited. If you don't like red, there are yellow, green, blue, and black for you to choose from here..."

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