The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 342: Welcome back (on)

So Ulysses saw Hydra's undisguised eyes, the lustful, naked eyes, as if telling him "coming soon."

Hydra is still the same! Ulysses, who was sweating on his forehead by the look in his eyes, unconsciously hugged Helen in his body.

"Dad." Helen, who was hugged by Ulysses, made a very comfortable voice and automatically moved closer.

"It's getting late, Ulysses, let's find a place to sleep together." He looked at Helen in Ulysses's arms, and at Arseria and Lufa, they were ethical. Lady Hydra felt that her proposal was very good, and she was full of ladylike demeanor.


"Absolutely not!"

"That kind of thing! It's too shameless!" The trio centered on Lufa unanimously lodged a serious protest.

"..." Alzeria remained silent.

"Dad." Helen has entered the world of two people with Ulysses, I am afraid she will not take a look at the destruction of the world now.

"This...I don't think so!" Ulysses shook his head surely. Although he was a little tired, but if he went with Hydra, she would probably be eaten by her without leaving any bones. He hadn't forgotten how fierce Hydra was under the lovely appearance of Hydra.

"Ulysses doesn't want to go, so don't force him." Arcelia intentionally or unintentionally stopped between Hydra and Ulysses, holding her invisible sword in both hands.

"Come here to stop me again, don't think of you..." Hydra shook her green hair tress, just showing a fierce expression, but suddenly stunned.

A green petal drifted past her ear, and then fell on her hair. It conveyed to her a message sent by someone, or an order.

"Really, let's do it for the time being today. Go and stare at him!" Hydra in the four-in-one form grabbed Hydra in the smallest form and threw it out forcefully. Then he flew another Hydra along with his hand and disappeared into the night sky.

"Understood!" After a beautiful three somersault in the air, the trumpet Hydra aimed at Ulysses' embrace and fell down. According to her calculations, Ulysses would definitely reach out to catch her.

And Ulysses did prepare like this. Seeing Hydra falling from the air, he stretched out his hands, ready to catch her.

But at this time, Helen, who had lost the embrace of Ulysses, flashed a cold light in his eyes, suddenly stepped on the ground, jumped up before Ulysses, and caught Hydra who had fallen from the sky.

"What are you doing?" The hugged Hydra stared at Helen with an unfriendly look.

"You stay away from Dad." Helen who hugged Hydra unceremoniously threw her to the ground, except that she didn't break her head as before.

"Oh!" Ulysses could only sigh. The relationship between these two people is really terrible and hopeless.

"By the way, Lufa, where did Sila go?" Ulysses did not see his former teacher (now a pet and slave).

"She went to the snack shop over there and ordered a lot of iced drinks, and she is probably still drinking..."


"In other words, you are actually Ulysses? The head of the group of apostles?" Lufa was really taken aback. This was a big event. Until now, the bounty of Ulysses, the leader of the Apostles, is still hanging in various mercenary unions and churches.

"Yes, because I lost my memory for a while and couldn't remember my real name, so I'm so sorry." Ulysses apologized to Lufa, Kay and the others sincerely.

"It's only one word, it doesn't matter. Ulysses, Ulysses. Well, I'll call you Ulysses from now on." Zofi read it three times in a row, and then quickly remembered it.

"That's it." Kay thought of a lot of weird things, and now he has reasonable answers. If it is really just an ordinary light wizard, Ulysses's nerve response ability and physical fitness are also too strong.

"So, do you remember what happened with us?" For Lufa, Euses or Ulysses' past is not important. The important thing is to meet the time everyone is together now, and the sweet and happy memories for her that will never be forgotten.

"Of course I remember, I just retrieve the lost memories, not who I became." Ulysses stared at the three people in front of him, and different memories of the three appeared in his mind one by one.

Lufa, a gentle and generous girl. Sometimes a little confused, but with extraordinary leadership skills, it is the veritable core of this three-person team. And that time, by the creek, he and she...

It seemed that Lufa had thought of the same thing. The two of them blushed all of a sudden, and they looked away at the same time.

Kay has a serious and serious personality and hates men a bit. She was very rude to him at first, but in fact she was a very simple and straightforward girl. After she recognized him, she naturally regarded him as a partner together.

"I will not marry you." This should be a resolute refusal. However, something very embarrassing happened that night. Hydra, who is always in chaos, actually manipulated Kay...

"Cough...cough..." Kay coughed vigorously. From Ulysses' eyes that were mixed with guilt, confusion, and embarrassment, she had already guessed what he was thinking.

Damn it! It must be some night, that night, that night...

Finally, Zuofei. The simplest and happiest girl among the three. The youngest is the youngest, but he is always full of vitality, like a child.

However, once the battle begins, she will transform into an indomitable warrior. No matter how strong the enemy in front is, she will always carry out the belief of "Assault! Smash! Victory!" and fight to the end.

The three of them are the partners he met during his journey here. Although it didn't last long, a deep bond had been established between him and the three of them. Even if he restores his past memories, the time spent with the three of them is a treasure he will never forget.

"Then, you are still you, introduce yourself again. Lufa, the captain of the thirteenth squadron of the Holy Knights of the Supreme Order, the heir of the Supreme Dragon Crest." Lufa stretched out his hand and looked at Ulysses with a smile. .

"Kay, a member of the thirteenth squad of the Holy Knights of the Supreme Holy Order, heir to the blue tooth dragon coat of arms." Kay also stretched out his hand and looked at Ulysses with a smile.

"Zoffie, a member of the 13th Squad of the Supreme Holy Knight Order, heir to the Dark Python heraldry." Zoffie raised his hand high, higher than Lufa and Kay.

"Ulysses, the head of the apostles, the light wizard and the dark swordsman." Ulysses stretched out his hand moved, and then placed the hands of the three of them together.

"I am for everyone, everyone is for me!" Zuofei shouted out excitedly, as if performing some sacred ceremony.

"Zoffie, what is that?" Kay asked strangely.

"I don't know!" Zofi yelled straightly.


After telling Rufa their true identity, putting Helen and Hydra to sleep, and confirming that Sila was also resting, Ulysses walked into the courtyard of this temporary hotel.

Arcelia stood there quietly, under the silver moonlight, her figure looked extraordinarily determined and holy.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." Ulysses greeted his partner embarrassedly.

"It's okay, I've been waiting for a few months and don't care about this time. It seems that you are getting along well with your new friends." Arcelia calmly looked at Ulysses, her master.

"They are all good people and take care of me when I lose my memory. Without their help, I might not be here at all." Ulysses thought of the heavy snow and the boundless wasteland. Without traveling with Lufa and the others, he probably wouldn't be able to come to this glorious city at all, and it would be impossible to restore his memories of the past and see Alzeria again.

"I have to thank them. Ulysses, is Helen's health well now?" Arseria looked at Ulysses with a deep look.

In fact, Ulysses didn't need to answer, she already knew the result. When leaving the castle, Helen's body was already on the verge of extreme instability, and he needed the full suppression of the Apostles to calm down.

Such an unstable Helen felt like a volcano that could erupt at any time. And now, it is clear that Helen has been cured.

"Okay...okay..." Ulysses was a little guilty not to look at Arseria. Because, in order to treat Helen, he had to do something, something that he previously thought was absolutely impossible even if he killed himself.

Whether that is right or wrong, he still doesn't understand until now. However, even if he was given another opportunity to choose, the choice he made must be the same.

He couldn't watch Helen so much pain in front of him regardless. The pain was not only in Helen's body, but also in his own heart. Seeing the pain of my beloved person is stronger and more sad than my own pain.

He knew about this kind of thing as early as the distant past.

"Your choice is correct. There are many things that are important, but the most important thing is often only known after you lose it. So, Ulysses, I agree with your choice." Arcelia appeared in front of her Made a face similar to myself. If she could know that at that time, perhaps, the final result would be different.

Unfortunately, she has no chance to regret, or even freedom of choice. When she knew everything, everything was over, irretrievable.

Sister, how are you now?

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