The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 339: Master of Masters

"Master Airo?" Noah was vaguely impressed, as if there was such a teacher in Guanghui Academy. However, his sense of existence is very low, almost equal to the level of dust behind the cross of the church, Noah thought for a long time before remembering it.

"Yes, although I am a necromancer, not my specialization, but a special necromancer, it has nothing to do with demons." The great necromancer straightened his chest and knocked himself. His ribs seemed to be swearing.

"Then this statue, and what's going on with the underground prison below." Noah's expression eased a lot, but he still couldn't completely relieve his guard. This master Airo, who has a sense of existence like dust, is too secretive in fact.

"This statue is a work of art I made by myself. Don’t you think it’s outstanding? The prototype of the statue is an ancient **** believed by a goblin tribe living underground, but that goblin tribe seems to have been in the war three hundred years ago. Extinct in the middle." Master Ai Luo shook his head, as if sighing about the impermanence of life.

"There is no demon wreck inside?" Noah knocked on the huge half-man, half-spider statue.

"Boom!" The statue made a clear voice. The hand feels very hard and the lines are soft. It is indeed not the kind of crude statues, but works of art made with special rocks and solidified magic.

"Absolutely not, you can check." Master Ai Luo is 100% sure. What he made was a statue of a god, not a statue of a demon.

"Then what's going on in that underground prison." After verifying the authenticity of the statue, Noah looked at Master Ai Luo with suspicion. No matter how you look at it, that's not a normal place. Could this Skeleton Sorcerer have abnormal hobbies of imprisonment, humiliation, and torture? This is also a serious crime.

"So you came from there...cough..." Master Ai Luo's expression was very strange, and the snow-white head turned around.

Not setting enough magic alarms on his secret base is his biggest loophole! However, it is impossible for normal people to come out of that kind of place. What did these two people do in there...

"Actually, it was the basement I built to study the ancient fairy culture. It was a simulation room built strictly in accordance with the drawings of the underground facilities of the fairy clan to resist the army of monsters at that time. It was used to study the war structure and architectural art of that period..." Master Ai Luo is equivalent Seriously and earnestly explained his motives and reasons for building an underground prison.

Of course, he wouldn't say it. The reason why he was interested in this and built the underground room privately was for the material and simulation of the new picture book novel.

After all, the adult story of the tentacles of the arrogant goddess of the goblin tribe being abused, tuned, and tortured, seems to be a little bit heavier for a girl like Noah, and it's not easy to speak upright...

"Is that so?" Noah thought about it. It was true that the underground prison did not appear to have been imprisoned, and no blood stains were seen. It's more like a relic than a prison.

But why is it just a room for research, with metal chains, shackles, etc. all available?

"Of course this is the case. As a teacher of the ancient art field of Guanghui College, I have a strong interest in ancient art and architecture. It is because of human curiosity and curiosity that civilization can continue to advance. Study the past history and Art is just for the future glory!" Unknown age, unknown origin, the current teacher of the ancient art field of the Guanghui Academy, the honorary master of the Necromantic Association, the great Mr. Airo said.

Upright and upright, there is absolutely no lie, showing the demeanor of a master.

"In this case, please report to the academy as soon as possible. It is not allowed to dig tunnels and build underground facilities without permission." After discovering that this was just a misunderstanding and the "truth" had been revealed, Noah resumed his usual attitude and began. Business matters.

"Immediately, I will apply for the subject in the name of studying the field of ancient goblin culture." Master Ai Luo said with great excitement.

"Then, Ulysses, let's go out. It should be late now. Where are you going to stay? If there is no place to go, I can let you live in my room temporarily." After solving the problem of Master Ai Luo , Noah sent an extremely ambiguous invitation to Ulysses.

"This... there are still people waiting for me in the City of Glory, Noah, sorry." Ulysses thought of Rufa, Hydra, Helen and others who should still be in the City of Glory, and they began to feel bad. Hunch.

He was suddenly taken away by Aunt Lana, without telling them at all.

Lufa and Kay should be okay, but Hydra and Helen, shouldn't the situation become uncontrollable.

After regaining his memory, he knew better how bad Hydra's temper was and how terrifying Helen would be when he came into trouble. Destroying a city if no one stops it is not just talk for these two people.

"Then, where do you live, I will find you." Noah did not hide his feelings for Ulysses. For her, everything that happens is destiny and responsibility. Therefore, her attitude is unusually calm, just like Ulysses's partner.

"It should be around the central square of the City of Glory." Ulysses was not so sure. However, if Lufa and the others, they should be there waiting for him. Hope that the situation is still within control.

There are so many things that happened today, and it feels like a month has passed. Having retrieved all his memories, he even felt like he had passed away.

"Then, I'll send you there." Noah naturally took Ulysses's hand, and then led him out of this gloomy hall.

"Uh...ah...that book...Forget it, just treat it as a disaster. I haven't had time to finish reading it myself, so I have to make another one." Master Ai Luo, who was lucky enough to escape, walked back with his head down. , And then stood in front of the half-man half-spider statue.

He didn't tell all the secrets. Of course, this half-man half-spider statue is not a demon statue, but it is not an ordinary artwork.

"One!" He summoned his treasure, recovered the original black wand from the spine of his strongest guard knight, and then gently drew a perfect circle on the left chest of the half-man, half-spider statue.

"Two!" After gently scribbling across the tall and tall mountain, the wand slid sideways and landed on the side of the other side of the mountain, and then drew another perfect circle.

After gently drawing two circles with the wand named "Wand of the Abyss", the originally sluggish statue suddenly trembled slightly. The hard body seemed a little softer than usual. If the statue just now was made of hard granite, then the statue now is like soft black jade, a bit less rigid and a bit more agile.

"Three!" Looking around, Master Ai Luo used an unbelievable straight stabbing action for the Skeleton Sorcerer to pierce the rod of the abyss into a certain part of the half-man and half-spider statue-that human shape Below, above the spider's feet, the delicate junction.

The dark black wand was like a key, deeply inserted into the soft part. At the moment it was inserted, the beautiful half-man, half-spider statue exudes a radiance that represents pleasure. Then under the spider's body, a door was opened, a pink door with a sweet fragrance.

Inside the door, there is a hidden deep and deep library-Master Airo's secret forbidden library. All the books he created will have a backup copy here.

"Huh... Fortunately... the confiscated copy is only one copy. If it is discovered here, it will be a real disaster." Master Ai Luo reveled in the scent of keeping the book dry and the air fresh. Then he found a blank book from his secret library and started painting.

Don't think he painted ordinary picture books. Unlike those mass-produced vulgar works, every story he writes and every painting he paints is a unique boutique. And every book he makes is unique, and there will not be any imitations of the same quality.

Even if he could copy his stories and imitate his pictures, that kind of boring thing and the books he made by himself are not on the same level. The books he made by himself are no longer mere books, but works of art with special appeal. An inspiring and thought-provoking artwork.

In this field, he is a veritable master among the masters, a representative of the highest art field of mankind. Years of research, knowledge of reading countless ancient books, bold and smart imagination, and eclectic style of painting have allowed him to far surpass the limits of mankind in his field of expertise.

His art has long surpassed race, belief, and the shackles of reality.

In order to write a touching story that fits the period of the ancient goblin tribe, he even came to build an underground prison himself, and reproduced the atmosphere at that time improperly. This ability to transform knowledge into power is the source of his creativity.

"The return of a clear morning echoes in the clear blue sky. The angels who gathered in the angel's academy, today with white and flawless smiles, passed through the glorious door and gathered under the tree of the world..." The great Master Ai Luo swiftly started writing while recalling the contents of the "Angel Movement" that he had just confiscated.

In his pen, the touching sentence, coupled with the vivid angel illustration, reappeared on the blank page of the book.

It seemed to be overflowing with a plump and round chest, a curvy waist, snow-white silky jade legs, and slender and petite ankles, appearing little by little on the blank pages of the book.

This is beauty, this is truth, this is love!

Looking at the beautiful angels under his brush, Master Ai Luo reveled in the pleasure of creation, and then continued to work hard.

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