"Inheritance, what is that?" Ulysses looked blankly at the enemy who was torn to pieces by the sword in his hand, leaving no blood behind.

The final blow that completely annihilated his opponent was the "unintentional angel" he had realized in the temple in Wintertown, which was isolated from the world. In an instant, forcibly reset all the surrounding energy to zero, and finally lead everything to the end of the move.

Between the sky and the earth, there still remained that terrifying dark atmosphere. Ulysses vaguely knew what the darkness was deeper than the bottom of any abyss and more terrifying than death.

It wasn't exactly what was in the abyss of conviction, but also the darkness in his own heart.

When he waved the unintentional angel, his heart, consciousness, and body were plunged into darkness and grief. That is the grief from the soul. If you haven't reached that mood, no matter how powerful you are, you can't use "unintentional angels".

The distress of not being able to protect my most important things, and forgetting the sorrow of my most cherished things. Also, the pain of seeing it again, but losing again, constitutes the essence of this "unintentional angel" trick.

If it can, Ulysses hopes that it will never be useful as an "unintentional angel" again. This move will only bring misfortune.

The sky, the earth, the ocean, everything began to collapse. With the death of ‘Uses’, this world also ushered in its own end.


A violent sound reverberated in the sky, and the whole land shook first, and then a tiny gap was broken in the middle, and the fine gravel continued to roll down into the crack.

After only a moment, the crack spread to the whole earth like a spider web. This scarred land finally could no longer maintain its normal posture, and it was scattered and collapsed like a castle built of mud and sand under the strong pressure.

The sudden collapse of the earth caused a violent hurricane. The powerful suction force sucked everything into the void beneath the earth. Even the clouds in the sky couldn't get rid of this attraction, and were swallowed by the void, just like the scene when Yu Liya's sword was drawn out.

"It's over?" Ulysses looked blankly at the suddenly collapsed ground. Betting on winning all the battles, why did he not feel excited at all.

The unidentified ‘Uses’ is almost the most terrifying enemy he has defeated. The "Apocalypse" that summoned four powerful apocalyptic knights was also the most powerful magical technique he had seen.

Any one of the knights has the power to kill him when he liberates the abyss and the conviction state, even when he takes out the last hole cards, he can't match the four knights head-on.

He should be happier to be able to defeat such a powerful enemy and survive such a terrible decisive battle, and he should be more fortunate.

This is a battle that is even more unpredictable and has no chance of winning than the battle with Zushi Ji. Shouldn't he be happy to survive and defeat his opponent? Shouldn't you be happy to survive and to restore your full memory?

It should be, maybe there is; but, compared to seeing Yulia in the past again, and then watching her disappear in front of her, she can’t do anything to blame herself, feel guilty, what’s the root cause Nor is it.

He is lost again! This time, he has become more than a hundred times stronger than before. However, nothing seems to have changed. He couldn't even stop Yulia from making that wrong decision.

He doesn't want her to protect himself, he should be the one to protect her! Such a weak girl, a girl who is reluctant to even pick up a sword, no matter what it is because of gaining such power, she is not suitable for fighting at all.

It shouldn't be like that, it shouldn't be the result! You Liya, you are wrong!

"Huh! Huh!"

A sharp wind blade passed Ulysses, and the void created by the collapse of heaven and earth has begun to form substance-a huge black hole suspended at the junction between heaven and earth, swallowing it at an extremely fast speed. Everything around.

Everything in this world, including Ulysses, is being quickly sucked in by the black hole and then eaten. No matter how much material was eaten, the hole showed no signs of pause or "fullness".

A few minutes later, apart from holding the abyss and convicting Ulysses, who was still standing in the air with a black single-wing unfolded, all other tangible matter had been swallowed by the black hole.

However, it could not swallow Ulysses, or even exert any influence on Ulysses.

For Ulysses, it seems to be something that does not exist.

When the black hole swallowed almost the entire world, light appeared in the deep black hole, white light. Instinctively, Ulysses was attracted by the light, as if something was calling him in there.

Then he saw that thing. The thing that was conceived in the black hole by the material of the entire world.

That is a key, a key that is incomplete. To be precise, it should be part of a complete key. The shape of the key is quite old, like something many, many years ago, and it even feels like it will be broken easily.

There are a total of three sockets on both sides of the key and the tail. Obviously, this key is a truly complete key when four things are combined.

But what's the use of this key? Where did it come from? What do I need to open? Ulysses knew nothing, he couldn't even figure out why he walked up to this key, and then picked him up.

It seems that everything is natural, as if this key was originally his thing, as if this key was originally placed here waiting for him to fetch it. He came here and retrieved the key, just as there is no doubt that the sun will rise from the east and set from the west.

But in fact, Ulysses had no idea what it was and why it was here.

And when his hand touched this key, the old but incomplete key disappeared into his hand just like that, as if it had never appeared in this world.

But Ulysses knew that it was in his body. I don't know where it is, but it's inside. As long as you close your eyes and concentrate, the image of this incomplete key will clearly appear in front of him.

This is not a treasure, because Ulysses cannot summon it. This is not an illusion either, because Ulysses really felt its existence, and even saw clearly every broken part on it.

"Something is missing..." From the outside, it is obvious that three parts are missing. But Ulysses felt that this key was missing more than three parts, it was also missing more and more important things, perhaps something that would never come back.

This is a very important thing.

This is something that is not needed at all.

This is the crucial key.

This is a waste product that is thrown into any corner of the world, and thrown into another world.

This is an indispensable item to open "a certain door".

This is meaningless, and there is no need for it.

This is a shortcut that can change the world and lead to the highest path.

This is a toy...

Two completely different and completely opposite concepts appeared in Ulysses' mind at the same time, and he was completely plunged into chaos. He even couldn't figure out how these two completely different feelings came about.

"Shut up to me." Ulysses couldn't bear it, and directly locked the root of this chaos into the depths of his body. A few gray chains entangled automatically, completely binding the strange thing, and dragging it into the darkness.

He doesn't need this kind of thing, only this point does not need to be considered. From the beginning, he had no interest in this so-called "legacy". If possible, he is even willing to use this "legacy", including all the power he possesses, in exchange for Yulia's return.

Yulia, it should have been impossible to be in this world. At that time, he did see her being...

"Gah! Gah!" After Ulysses took away the essence of this world, that is, the "key", the mission of this world's existence was finally over and completely destroyed.

After a burst of white light, Ulysses returned to the real world. Beside him is Noah, who has taken off all his clothes and is asleep peacefully. In the dark basement, her snow-white body is particularly distressing.

There are bright red bloodstains under her body, which is the proof of her union with Ulysses, and it is also the mark of the girl's loss of purity.

"I'm sorry, Noah." Ulysses, who had retrieved his complete memory and completed a complete spiritual unity, looked at Noah who had fallen asleep with a guilty expression. Open the door of the dark dimension space, take out the white sheet from the inside, and spread it on Noah.

Then, he noticed that the clothes on his body had been replaced with the familiar black wizard robe, but the white robe that had always guarded him had disappeared.

At the same time, in the dark dimension space, there was an extra ball of light dotted with gems and roses. In the ball of light, the look of the robe familiar to Ulysses could be vaguely seen.

He was also himself when Uses, so this robe is more than just a piece of clothing for him. In battle after battle, it helped him a lot. Suddenly becoming like this made him a little uneasy.

"How did it become like this?" Ulysses felt that he felt that this piece of clothing that had helped him block the attack more than once was in a strange state. As for what it will become in the end, he is not very clear, but it should not be a bad thing.

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