The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 236: Doubtful Hydra

"I kick! I kick!" Of course, Hydra won't fall completely so easily. Although it's only the most basic one-ninth form, her self-esteem is very, very strong.

It is a pity that Hydra's struggles did not have any effect before the infinite overthrow of Killing Princess's waltz.

Before she raised her leg, Juss could detect her next movement from the shaking of her shoulders and chest. He calmly avoided her attack, and at the same time guided her movements with a tiny force, making her murderous kick look like a part of a dance step.

Soft, graceful, and enthusiastic, this can hardly be regarded as a battle, but a dance under the active guidance of Juss. And Hydra, who kicked and squirmed, unknowingly has become his qualified dance partner.

However, when Hydra discovered this, she had already been led into Juss' rhythm.

Whether it's boxing, hand knife, forward kick, or counter kick, almost every counterattack she makes is predicted by the opponent in advance, and she even actively corrected her posture to make her body movements appear more powerful and graceful.

That kind of light and non-destructive little movement, almost perfectly controlled all her movements. This kind of technique, let alone read it, she has never heard of it.

Turning, moving, leaning back, the dance continued, and a certain high mood was brewing. Obviously it is the enemy, but I don't know why, but there is a strange intimacy when in contact.

It feels like...

Euses was more aware of the situation than Hydra. Because of the actions he is doing now, he has no memory at all. Whether it was in the Lady of Warcraft etiquette course of Mother Ice Phoenix or in the class of Teacher Cavendish, the Sage of Water, he had never learned this technique, or even watched it.

However, this dance-like technique was naturally used by him, and then he naturally resolved all of Hydra's attacks. Get close to her, guide her, and bring her into a strange rhythm.

If there was a big reason at the beginning to fight Hydra's attack, then now, even he himself can't stop. As the dance steps continued, the feeling began to become more and more strange.

Hydra, who claimed to be the "Lord of Karaal," in front of him, no longer looked so violent and unreasonable. As the dance steps continued, he seemed to know everything about her better.

When she stretched out her hands and hugged her in her arms, she felt that her weight was not heavy, only the weight of a child.

Moreover, the body is not stiff at all, but rather soft and comfortable, which makes people feel like they want to hold on forever.

Moreover, her body is different from her tough attitude. In the continuous dance steps, it seems that it is slowly getting hot, rather than cold. The feeling of softness and warmth really passed into Juss's mind.

Holding her hand lightly, she moved away from her violently kicking, pressing her body back, and the two bodies were close to each other, so close that even the sound of the heartbeat could be heard.

"Bang! Bang!" I heard it, it was Hydra's heartbeat. With a little flustered and uneasy, there was also a beating heartbeat at a loss.

"This voice..." Hydra felt the same way. Some familiar voice was beating slightly in her ear, as if she had heard such a heartbeat some time.

My favorite partner soon came to mind. But that's not right! Isn't the woman in front of her a woman? Although she has a flat chest, she is a human woman no matter how she looks. What went wrong?

Unanimously, Hydra and Juss blushed together, and the brutal close combat that was originally full of murderousness began to change into an incredible atmosphere.

It can be felt that as the princess waltz continued, Juss began to clearly feel the changes in Hydra in front of him. The face that was initially murderous began to become surprised and confused, and finally turned red suddenly.

"Go to die! Go to die!" Although her attack was still powerful. But obviously, compared with the time when Helen fought, it has been greatly weakened.

The blush on her face became more and more obvious as the princess waltz danced. Even when he hugged, he could clearly feel her heartbeat speeding up, which was not caused by the fierce fighting.

Not only Hydra, but Juss himself felt the same. Under the power of the princess's waltz, his heartbeat is also speeding up. However, this did not affect the princess's waltz dance steps, on the contrary, the more excited, the smoother the dance steps.

He could see that at such a close distance, he could see almost every small movement of Hydra's body.

The trembling of the chest, the shaking of the shoulders, the bending of the feet and hands, through these, can easily judge her next movement. Before she took the shot, she judged the movement and angle of her counterattack, and then used subtle movements that she felt incredible to completely dissolve those counterattacks.

It's hard to imagine. Not long ago, when he was next to the Ice Phoenix mother, it was difficult for him to control his body to walk, but now he can easily use this almost perfect movement that requires body control.

The extraordinary reaction speed that Hydra reacted before he attacked. When she attacked, she used light movements to dissolve the powerful control of her offensive. Watching her body perform such difficult skills, Juss even had a dream. a feeling of.

It felt strange...Hydra, who had already begun to fall into the princess's waltz, found herself really strange.

Not only the body, but even the mood has become very strange. This inexplicable high and excited emotion, this uncontrolled heartbeat speeding up, and the feeling of blushing and hot, is a brand-new, but not so unfamiliar experience for her newly born.

She couldn't think of the reason for this phenomenon, but the body responded naturally. In the continuous rotation, hugging, and bending, this strange sense of excitement is constantly rising, which seems to indicate something.

In her memory, there have been countless fierce battles, but none of them was so strange. The opponent's attack can hardly be regarded as an attack, how can there be such an attack that does not cause any harm, it looks like a dance.

But such an attack without any lethality left her at a loss. In the continuous contact, she felt that she had found something, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

Just unknowingly, was brought into that strange and smooth rhythm.

There is no hostility in this way, but it will make people feel comfortable and friendly fighting, which is really weird, weird to the point that her not very smart mind is about to short-circuit.

And, for some reason, not only could she not feel a trace of hostility from the other party, but she also felt a sense of familiarity that could not be expressed in words. It seemed that the opponent in front of her was someone she was very familiar with.

"Stop! Stop!" Hydra didn't know what to do at this time, what kind of expression he should show.

The defense is ineffective, the counterattack is ineffective, as if his every move was anticipated and then manipulated. If this continues, she doesn't know what she will become.

However, when she said this, it was too late. The princess's waltz dance led by Juss has reached a very enthusiastic stage long ago, and it is not so easy to stop.

Passionate dance steps, smooth turns, intimate hugs, when Juss noticed Hydra and started to slow down the princess's waltz dance steps. Hydra was already flushed and her heart beating turbulently, and she was almost ready to take Juss up on her own initiative.

"Can you speak well?" Juses shook Hydra's hand and asked cautiously. He couldn't guarantee that after stopping this strange dance step, Hydra would immediately blast him into a beehive with her terrifying weapon.

"" Hydra gasped. She was not so tired during the decisive battle with Helen, but this dance made her whole body soft, and felt that if she continued, she could only let the guy in front of her do what she wanted.

It shouldn't have been so bad. At the very beginning, as long as she used her full strength to exert her heart, she still had a chance to break free. Although the skills used by the opponent are strange, she still has the ability to break free with her strength.

However, I don't know why, when being hugged and overwhelmed, her body has a strange feeling.

That feeling can't be described in words, it seems to be attracted by a certain familiar trait in the opponent's body without knowing it. It was precisely because of that familiarity that she couldn't resist at all, and was finally guided step by step into the opponent's rhythm.

This is not the first time that she has experienced this blushing heartbeat, the whole body is hot, and she feels almost out of breath. However, in the past, it was only when I was mating with Ulysses that I was so excited...

By the way, it feels like that! Almost exactly the same! The girl in front of her, although the smell or taste on her body didn't look the same. But there is no difference between the feeling of touch and the feeling of heartbeat. For this memory, she is not so clear. Every night that was hot and hot was her happiest memory.

Could it be... Hydra looked at it with doubtful eyes. But no matter how you look at it, the humans in front of her are women who feel very gentle and quiet. Although she can't compare to her ethical beast lady, she is pretty good for humans.

A gentle and friendly life, no matter what race, is very popular. For example, the Lady of the Beast like Master Ice Phoenix is ​​the object she has always longed for.

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