The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 222: Zofi's "sister"

"Hahaha, guess... by the way, see you next time! Remember what I look like." Zuofei's "sister" who seemed to have wanted to say something gave a happy smile, and then continued to embrace the bewildered enthusiastically After ten seconds, Juses retreated quickly.

What is she here for? Just to say hello, but didn't even say his name... Juss looked at the opened door silently, not knowing what to say.

Zuo Fei's sister is really outgoing and generous, and most people would not be so enthusiastic about people they meet for the first time.

She should have learned about her from Zofi, so she also lives nearby, so she just happened to come here to visit the Chief Cliff.

A minute later, Zofi’s familiar petite figure appeared in front of Juss. Her lovely face was filled with a very happy expression, and her whole body exuded a smell of happiness. It seemed that she had encountered something very strange. Happy things.

"Ah...Uss, have you seen my sister?" Zofi coughed, looking at Uss hopefully.

"Well, I saw it. It's a very beautiful beauty. Zuo Fei, it turns out you have a sister."

Euses answered honestly.

"Beauty...Beauty...Of course, she is very beautiful, and she is my most beautiful sister." Zuofei was intoxicated. She always wanted to hear this kind of thing, but it was a pity that no one had ever said it to her.

People will only touch her head and say she is cute, very strong or something. She is a child, a great adult!

Yes, she is an adult, not a kid!

"By the way, she suddenly left before she said her name. Is there something wrong?" It was this that puzzled Euses the most. Suddenly ran over to joking with him, and then suddenly walked away. Zuo Fei's sister is really a confusing person.

"Her name, name... Yes... She has a name, her name is... Her name is..." Zuo Fei thought desperately, but it was a pity that she didn't think of a good name until she thought that her head was about to short-circuit. For her, naming is really not her specialty.

Elizabeth! Ekaterina! Alexandrina Victoria! Theodora! Irina! These should be good names, but they don't feel right! It doesn't look like her sister's name. No, it's not like her name!

"Zoe! Her name is Zoe!" In the end, Zuofei found a name similar to her among the messy names that came to mind. Compared to those long names, names that were similar to her made her more satisfied.

"Zoe." Euses didn't think there was anything wrong. Sister, the name is almost nothing strange. It is said that some local customs are named sisters, but they are written differently.

"Huh!" Zuo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Compared to Anna, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Alexandrina Victoria, Theodora, and Irina, she prefers the name Zoe. However, she seems to have seen this name somewhere, and it is tied to the previous pile of names.

These names seem to have been heard in the class taught by the nun, but she has forgotten exactly what class it was.

"She's pretty, right? You have a good breast! Juss, do you like her!" Zoffi, who had thought about her "sister" name, approached Juss excitedly and looked at him with unusually expectant eyes.

"It's very beautiful, and also very cheerful, and the **** are...cough..." Juss answered Zuofei's question involuntarily, but halfway through, he remembered that it is wrong to judge women so casually.

"Anyway, she is a very beautiful beauty. But she only stayed here for less than two minutes, and she left before I could talk to her properly. It wasn't you who said I didn't know her name..." Euses said honestly.

"Isn't three minutes enough? Grandpa said that three minutes can save the world many times." Although knowing that this will probably be the result, Zuo Fei is still a little frustrated.

Sure enough, there was nothing to do in three minutes. Three minutes can save the world or something is sheer nonsense, grandpa is a big liar.

"What's that?" Apparently, Juss didn't understand what Zofi was talking about.

"It's nothing, Juss, do you like such a beautiful woman?" Zofi raised her head, and her heartbeat started to speed up.

"It should be, I like it. That kind of beauty should be liked by many people. But Zuofei, you are also very cute. When you grow up, you will be as beautiful as your sister." With a tolerant heart, especially Sith encouraged Zophie, who seemed to have not separated from the childhood stage.

The most important characteristic of children is that they never want to admit that they are children. So, saying this should make her very happy.

What's more, Zoe's sister Zoe is indeed very beautiful. It is natural to like beautiful things, and of course he likes such beautiful and generous girls. She is like a red flower blooming on the edge of a volcano, full of fiery charm and passion.

It's a pity that she seems to have something, she just came to say hello to him and then left.

"Sure enough, Juss, you like it..." When Juss said "Like" Zoe, Zoffie's face flushed suddenly, looking like a ripe red apple.

When she was very young, when the nun was still alive, she heard her tell her the beauty of the word in her arms more than once.

Like, what a wonderful word, especially when I hear this word in the population I like, I feel that everything has changed.

Like, what a magical word, when you have it, you will be full of power, and the world will unfold for you.

Like, what a lovely word, when you understand it, flowers will bloom for you, and the sun will shine for you.

Zuo Fei, when you have someone you like, you must work hard, and work harder, and never leave any regrets. Definitely, we must cherish the present. We cannot change the past, and we cannot predict the future. All we can do is to cherish the present.

"Zuo Fei likes nuns, so let's marry Zuo Fei!" At that time, she actually didn't know what marriage meant. Only knowing that this is a way for two people to stay together for a long time, so she made a serious proposal to the nun.

"Hahaha, it's a pity that Zofi is a good boy, but the nun can't agree to your marriage proposal." The nun looked at her with a kind smile, and tactfully refused her marriage proposal.

"Why not? Isn't it possible for the Southern Church to marry the witch and the witch? That's how the twin maidens became a pair, and even the pope at that time blessed her." Zuofei was very wronged, she was obviously right. The one who likes the nun the most, why can't you marry her.

As long as you like, two people can be together. What's wrong with this?

"That's because they like each other. The nun also has someone he likes, but that person already has someone else he likes." The nun shook her head, and a soft white figure appeared in front of her eyes. Unfortunately, her gaze will only be on one person.

"Who is that?" Zuo Fei asked curiously.

"Is a very beautiful and gentle person, but she likes people younger than her, and seems to keep rejecting her, making her very sad. Some things in the world are like this, not everything can go smoothly. You I like a person, but that person may like other people. Therefore, it is the happiest thing in the world to find someone you like and like you." When these words were said, the nun’s expression was very helpless, that It is the expression she rarely sees on her face.

"So, sister, are you happy now?"

"Very happy, because you have children. You are the greatest happiness of nuns."

The nun hugged Zuo Fei with a warm and serene smile, which was the happiest smile Zuo Fei saw.

Although I don't know who can refuse someone who even a nun would like, Zuofei will remember everything that the nun said. So, when Juss said "like", she was really happy, very, very happy.

Power, something completely different from the previous high fighting spirit, continuously emerged from her body, filling her whole body.

This kind of strength does not come from the muscles, but from the heart, from her cheerful mood that is constantly emerging.

Can't do anything for three minutes, just hug once and it must end. If you want to do more things, more hot things, then you must work harder, more desperately, and practice the newly learned gods to reach the peak and surpass all obstacles!

She will do it! No matter how hard and hard it takes, she will definitely reach that state, wait and see!

"Uss! You and she will definitely see you again." Zofi puffed up her chest and looked at Euss, who was much taller than herself, with confidence.

It's really amazing, it's just that the height is different, and the world you see is different. When he became an adult, he could clearly hold Euses, but now he had to stand on his toes before he could touch his face.

"Is she Zoe? Doesn't she live here? I plan to wait and say hello to her." Juss looked at Zoffi suspiciously.

What's wrong with her today, it seems that something is wrong all the time. Did you drink too much like Lufa, Kay and the others?

"Actually, my sister has already gone out for something today. But, Juss, you will definitely see you again. Next time, it won't be three minutes." Zofi clenched his fist and said with absolute confidence.

That's right, she will break this limit in three minutes. For a girl in love, three minutes is too short and too short!

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