"Ah..." Juss was stunned at the scene in front of him, watching the rain of fire flying all over the sky and the rock fragments that rolled up the shocking waves, he had a feeling of dreaming.

It wasn't that this kind of power was too amazing. He had seen more terrifying powers beside the Ice Phoenix mother, but seeing it was completely different from his own control. Seeing that the flaming red rock mountain, which had been standing in the lava ocean for so many years, was destroyed under one of his thoughts, he was indeed shocked.

Is it an illusion? Or did this strange life indeed hear his voice, and then went to smash that rock mountain?

"Turn right." Juses tried to tell the strange life around him what he thought, a little uneasy.

The lord of the lava sea who had just easily destroyed a rock mountain shook his tail, his whole body swayed, and a burst of bright red flames emitted from his body evaporated all the rock fragments attached to it, and then turned comfortably to the right.

"Wow!" Behind it, there was a vast wave mark, which looked like a sharp sword smashed through the ocean.

No creature dares to stand in front of the master of this world. These tyrannical fire creatures that can move comfortably in the magma have made way for the lord of the lava sea, allowing it to swim in this hot ocean.

It's true... Juss had an incredible feeling that this mysterious being, powerful enough to be comparable to his Ice Phoenix mother, really listened to him.

Although at the beginning he felt it was difficult to get close to, and his personality was also very strange, but that was actually only a superficial phenomenon.

After the "lucky yellow ribbon" given to him by the ice phoenix mother helped him get a spiritual connection with it, he realized that it was not that it had a weird character or didn't like being close to people, but that it didn't know at all. That kind of thing.

Its spiritual world is perfect and pure, without the slightest gloom, as pure as when life was just born.

In its spiritual world, the image representing the essence of its life is a ring at the end. There is no beginning and no end, and the cycle repeats itself endlessly. It does not need to rely on anything, nor does it need to acquire anything. It itself is an almost perfect life.

It has a mixed attitude of indifference and curiosity towards everything in the outside world, leisurely and at ease. When he entered its spiritual world, it did not resist at all, but accepted everything about him without reservation.

What Mother Ice Phoenix said was right. Although this mysterious life looked terrifying, it was actually a gentle and curious child.

Although the practice of eating others at once is a bit scary, in fact it does not mean to hurt others.

It is a truly perfect life form. There is no need to hunt prey, nor to devour life, only rely on absorbing the power of fire element between heaven and earth to live forever. Everything in the human world, everything on the earth, has nothing to do with it.

It will not take the initiative to hurt anyone, nor will it have that kind of thought. Even if it possesses the power to destroy the earth and burn the world, it will never do anything with this power.

As long as this world is still there, as long as this lava ocean is still there, it will live forever, live with everything in this world, and become eternal.

Such a life may really be close to "God". Just like the feather snake born from thunder and lightning that Euses had seen over the dark forest, it was the darling of this world.

They are closer to the essence of this world than human beings.

"You are really a good boy." Juss was already immersed in the communication with this magical life unconsciously. Although it really looks like a child who doesn't know anything, the kindness and curiosity that directly conveys to his heart is without the slightest falsehood and pretense.

Through the "lucky yellow ribbon", Juses can clearly understand the feelings of this magical life with almost unlimited power. In fact, its feelings are quite simple, so simple that it can be understood without language.

Happiness, curiosity, comfort, these simple emotions are the main emotions that make up its spiritual world. It does not have any emotions of destruction, anger, despair, or that there is nothing that can make it in the ocean of lava produce such emotions.

It is like a carefree child, swimming freely in his own world.

Human children have had such a stage when they were young. I don’t understand anything about the real world, I don’t care about anything, I just live happily every day, carefree, happy and joyful, and I can be happy all day with just a small piece of candy.

Euses also feels that way now. Under the influence of the happy emotions of this mysterious life, he has forgotten the things that would be annoying, the sadness and depression, and all the unhappy things, just like that. Happy to swim with it in this huge ocean of lava.

The entire lava ocean was swam over by the two together, rolling up countless waves and smashing into pieces that I don't know how many rock mountains have existed for thousands of years. There is nothing here that can block the path of the Lord of the Lava Sea, no matter whether it is hot magma or a huge rock wall, it can't stop its advancement. Even if it is a few kilometers thick, it can easily burn through as long as it hits it. This is something that even a human forbidden curse can't do.

Under the earth, it was like a huge playground, allowing the lava sea lord to swim freely. The ultra-high temperature that can melt even the hardest steel instantly does not make any sense to it. Euses in its body couldn't even feel the slightest scorching temperature.

Under its leadership, Juss saw many scenes that were almost invisible to humans. Under the earth, there is not the darkness of human imagination. In addition to the vast ocean of lava, there are many strange areas, even if it is not known how many meters below the ground, there are also many rocks and plants shining with special light.

Some of these rocks and plants are on the shore of the lava ocean, some are in the center of the lava ocean, and some are even hidden deep at the bottom of the lava ocean.

Among the numerous minerals, Juses can only recognize a few of them, almost all of them are legendary grade minerals, which are excellent materials for making treasure prototypes.

Most of those plants Euses don't know. The only one he knows has been marked as "Extinct" in the plant illustrations he has seen, that is, the kind that can not be bought no matter how much money it costs. It seems to be used to treat burns and increase the recovery of fire magic power. The main medicine in the secret medicine.

Isn't it, these things are precious? Looking at the gems and ores scattered randomly on the ground, Juss vaguely guessed the truth.

Diamonds as big as a fist, heavy red gold, and a large number of magic gems of the fire element are everywhere here, just like ordinary stones. Due to the large number, these treasures of the human world have become piles of hills.

If a wealthy fan comes here and sees these things, I am afraid they will directly suffocate and then go crazy. This is all money, and it's the hardest hard currency. Especially those magic gems, no matter what age they are consumables for wizards.

Now that there are fewer and fewer magic stone mines, the prices of these magic gems are rising almost every year. Especially the most cultivators and the most consuming fire magic gems are completely in short supply. Even if one percent of the gems here goes out, it is enough to drive the entire continent crazy.

But this is not a place where anyone can come, even a great wizard like Cavendish, the teacher of Uses, dare not enter the ground at will.

The underground world is really full of uncertainty, especially the area close to the lava ocean, which can be said to be one of the most dangerous areas in the world.

Generally speaking, this kind of area is always inhabited by a large number of terrifying fire monsters, and they have no good feelings about foreign creatures. Once they are found, they will be hunted down collectively.

But this is not the most dangerous. The most dangerous thing in the underground world is the huge seismic waves that may erupt at any time. This devastating shock wave is the culprit that caused the volcanic eruption and the source of the earthquake.

A slight shock wave also has a terrifying power that surpasses the forbidden curse of humans, even if the eighth-level great wizard is involved, there is only a dead end, let alone other people. No one dares to explore the lava ocean area even if it is the magic emperor of the ancient language magic generation.

Even in Super Warcraft, only a few occasionally come here to find something to decorate their home. And probably only the Ice Phoenix mother of Euses would come here often.

Of course, for Juss, all this is not a problem. In the body of the owner of this lava sea, the lava sea lord, he will not be in any danger. Even if it is a stratum shock wave that can kill the eighth-level wizard in a flash, there is no danger to his opponent.

In fact, he had already experienced that kind of shock wave, and more than once. The vicinity of the volcanoes is originally an area where earthquakes frequently occur, and there are several minor earthquakes almost every day. And those earth tremors that are almost imperceptible are exactly this kind of tremors from below the earth.

When that horrible vibration happened, Juss and his new friend were spinning around a huge crystal that stood in a sea of ​​lava. Then the piece of crystal suddenly broke, and a layer of invisible waves tore apart the ocean of lava, causing huge waves.

Euses just looked at the shattered crystal curiously, and walked away with his new friend. From beginning to end, he didn't even feel any abnormality, as if it was just the crystal that broke automatically.

In fact, the terrifying shock wave that can destroy the body of an eighth-level strong has passed through his surroundings, blasting all the life in the nearby lava ocean into powder. However, for the Lord of the Lava Ocean, this kind of shock wave is already a commonplace thing, and it is not painful or itchy at all.

Needless to say, this kind of shock wave that only slightly shakes the earth, even if it is a super seismic wave that can tear the earth apart and swallow all human cities, it has been experienced many times a long time ago.

It can be said that it is completely immune to this kind of attack.

Not knowing that he had already encountered an attack beyond the general forbidden spell level, Euses continued to wander in the lava ocean with his new friends, exploring the mysterious area under the earth.

If it hadn't been for the biological clock that had been initially developed to tell Juss it was almost early in the morning, he might still continue this interesting exploration. For humans who can only live on the earth, this is a magnificent world that is completely unimaginable.

"I'm sorry, I have to go back." Juss, who had almost forgotten the time, conveyed his thoughts to the mysterious life surrounding him.

The answer to him was a strange and incomprehensible emotion. For a life with almost infinite life like the Lord of the Lava Sea, this little time is really short, and it can't even understand the past thoughts that Euses conveyed to it.

In order for this new friend to understand what he meant, Juss had to do everything possible to convey his thoughts.

He discovered that although this mysterious life possesses unparalleled power, it does not seem to have much wisdom. It doesn't know words or words, and all emotions are simply expressed.

Without the slightest scheming, nor the slightest guard, just like a child who doesn't know anything.

"Separate... the ground..." In order for it to understand what it meant to express, Juss had to change many methods continuously.

"Where you came in... go back..."

It was not until Juss connected the scenery of the underground space with his own shadow, and then clearly imagined that the lava sea lord who had eaten Juss's body reacted.

From its circular spiritual core, a message of reluctance came. Perhaps it does not have wisdom to speak of, but it can feel the real intentions of others when it is so innocent.

Especially Euses, who is connected to its spirit through the "yellow lucky ribbon", feels more comfortable than the big ice blue bird.

Although the big bird is also very good to it, the ice power on her body makes it a little unaccustomed. And Juss, who can be eaten by it and communicate well with it, is obviously more pleasing to it.

It has actually eaten many other creatures before, but those fire creatures almost went crazy after being eaten by it, and many directly chose to blew themselves.

This makes it incomprehensible, because it actually does not need to eat, it only needs to absorb fire elements to survive.

Eating each other is the way it loves each other. Swallowing the other person into your own body is exactly how it expresses its love. It's a pity that until now, only Uses who was eaten by it was not scared (actually scared...), and then found a way to communicate with it.

Unfortunately, the communication time is too short. For it, whose life is close to infinity, one night is too short.

"Wow!" Although a little reluctant, the lava sea lord, who was very innocent, did not refuse Juss' request, and began to swim back to the place where he first entered this lava sea territorial ocean, which is the volcano where the old head of the Paladins lived. Below the area.


And this time, in Juss's room.

"Dad is gone!" Helen, who came to this room so early that he didn't sleep because he had left Euses' arms, looked around with a murderous face, and after confirming that Eusis was nowhere, a gust of wind rushed out of the room.

No, no, Helen quickly picked up the entire underground cave. Finally found the most suspicious location, the passage that didn't know where it led to. Around that, there are the footprints of Eusis.

Dad went down here, and after getting the answer, Helen immediately began to unscrupulously investigate this channel that I don't know where it leads to.

Her method of investigation is simple and direct, directly blasting through all channels. No matter where it leads, it will blast through, all blast through, regardless of the danger of tunnel collapse. Of course, this approach has caused serious consequences.

Destroy, collapse! Destroy again, collapse again! Helen almost collapsed the entire maze, and then found the only ladder leading to the underground world.

With a sound of "Boom!" Helen jumped down directly from the high stairs, and then landed in front of the stone gate at the lowest level, smashing the ground into a half-meter-high pit.

"Dad!" Seeing the footprints in front of Shimen, Helen squeezed her hands, and then quickly sprinted to Shimen.

The sacred cross carved on the door emits invisible waves, blocking Helen's advancement. She didn't have the ability to directly pass through this defense and enter the underground world like Juss.

"Get away from me!" An angry Helen raised her fist and slammed it against the defense.

"Bang!" The invisible defense was smashed into the recess, but when Helen's fist was about to hit the door, the sacred cross on the door emitted a white light that was close to the substance, forming an illusory cross door, and bounced Helen out. .

"Things that prevent me from meeting my father, forget it all!" A cold and cruel light flashed in Helen's silver eyes. In her right hand, the light of the four-day sacred essence began to flash.

She stood firmly in front of the door, stretched out her right hand, thumbs up, index pointing forward, and the other three fingers clenched tightly, aiming at the obstacle in front of her like a drawn bow and arrow.

A cold white light lit up on the fingertips of her right hand, and then quickly compressed into a dot, a white dot that condensed the immense magical power of the four-day holy spirit.

At this point, there are magical powers of different attributes at the same time. The energy that was originally enough to explode hundreds of thousands of high-level magic was compressed to a point, turning into a chaotic and extremely unstable ability. If it cannot be released within a few seconds, it will explode immediately.

Unlike the move used in that church, this move does not have the ability to lock down the enemy, but simply destroys everything in front of her.

"Four days holy spirit, let go!" In Helen's icy voice, the white spots condensed on her fingertips shot out at high speed, banging on the door that blocked her advancement.

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