The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 208: The Secret of the Gods (Part 1)

"Marriage... Juss... have many children together..." Zofi finally got drunk. After all, she is not some non-human holding an anchor, and it is impossible to drink unlimitedly.

"Marriage...hehe..." Cliff was also drunk. In fact, he was drunk at the beginning, drunk in the reunion that had been too late for too many years.

On this day, he had waited too long, too long, until almost he himself felt that there was not much hope.

"Captain Cliff." Don Quixote, the steel knight who didn't know when he went back, walked to the side of the old leader with red cheeks, holding a helmet in his hands.

"Boy Iron Horse, thank you so much. Without you, I would probably never see my lovely granddaughter again. What's the matter?" Cliff squinted his eyes, and there was steaming steam on his head. Suddenly disappeared a lot.

At the beginning, he used this hand to drunk those subordinates who were not very good at drinking. Especially those priests who usually don't drink alcohol, watching those serious boys get drunk one by one, but one of his happiest things.

"Someone is waiting for you to go back." Don Quixote said casually.

"Haha, they haven't forgotten me as an old man. Originally, I had already decided to hit the iron here and go to the Supreme God. But since you have found my granddaughter back, then I will go back and see those few Old friend." Cliff touched his nose, feeling that he was back when he was young.

It was really good at that time. I was not afraid of anything, I didn't have to think about anything, just carried a machete and charged forward. A little older, I have to learn to deal with interpersonal relationships, consider the psychology of his subordinates, and command a small team. In the end, inexplicably, he was elected as the head of the Paladins.

Don't think that this group leader is good. The leader of the strongest armed group in the mainland sounds like a majestic title. On the contrary, there are too many troublemakers. I remember the most time when he chopped thirteen guys to challenge in one day. Those little idiots who didn't know the height of the sky just after mastering the treasures came to challenge them without even thinking about it.

When I was the group leader, I really met a lot of interesting companions. Unfortunately, after that war, many people were no longer there. The rest are either busy with the work of the Supreme Church, or go back to their hometown to live in seclusion like him.

In the end, only a few old friends who were still active and the iron horse boy in front of him who had been taking care of him for a while were the only ones who came to him frequently.

After that battle, although he was lucky enough to survive, he was seriously injured, the kind of injury that could not be healed by healing magic. Feeling that he could no longer serve as the head of the Paladins, he voluntarily resigned from his position as head of the dwarves and returned to the former residence of the dwarf clan to cultivate.

Time is not forgiving, and the former dragon sword warrior is also old, and the dragon sword that once slashed the dragon clan is only used to slash small creatures such as beasts and pseudo-earth dragons. He himself was about to forget the days when he used a thousand enemies to cross the continent.

Now that he has already waited for the last person to wait, then maybe he should really do something, go to meet his old friends who still have contact, pave the way for his lovely granddaughter, build a bridge, and let her be in the future. The road can be better.

However, before that, there is something that must be done. He won't go anywhere unless he finishes it.

Zuofei was drunk and dizzy, and she couldn't see what was in front of her. But it doesn't matter, just sleep for a while, really, just sleep for a while.

"Little granddaughter, get up." From a very far away, there was a somewhat familiar voice, the voice of an old grandfather, who was it?

"Get up, I want to tell you our secrets." Cliff, who was on his head, picked up the drunk Zofi with one hand, and then strode towards the core position of the sacred hall of the dwarves. , That is, the melting pot walked over.

" the ground is turning..." The drunk Zofi yawned and looked around in a daze, as if trying to tell where it was.

"Get up!" Cliff, who decided to hand over the secrets of his clan to his only granddaughter as quickly as possible, knocked Zuofei on the head.

"So sleepy." Zuo Fei blinked, obviously not awake yet.

"There's no way." Cliff shook his head, then looked around, lifted his breath, and yelled in his granddaughter's ear.

"Woke up!"

This roar was not a normal roar. When he was the head of the Paladin Order, his roar was called "Dragon Roar."

"Wow! Wow!" This is the sound of the water in the cooling tank next to the furnace being shaken.

"Se! Se!" This is the sound of the dust on the top of the cave being shaken down.

"Ding!" This is the resonance of the various weapons displayed next to the furnace.

If it were not in a magic circle with an isolation sound effect, this roar would have awakened both Juss and Lufa who were resting in another room.

"Wow...what sound..." The drunk Zofi finally woke up, she opened her eyes and looked around strangely, and then saw a Cliff holding her in her hand.

"What, grandpa, what's the matter?" Obviously, she didn't figure out what happened.

"Ah, granddaughter, grandpa is going to teach you the strongest secret technique of our clan now, don't sleep." Cliff put the blushing Zofi on the floor and said solemnly.

"Our clan's strongest secret technique? What clan?" Zuofei, who still doesn't know that he has a dwarf bloodline, asked unclearly.

"Listen well, Zuofei, my granddaughter. The history of our clan can be traced back to the ancient racial war period. At that time, it was the period when the various races united and fought against the Zerg..."

"Huh..." Just after hearing the beginning, Zuofei's eyelids began to fight. When she was in the so-called theory class, she basically fell asleep and passed by, otherwise she wouldn't even know who the old leader of the Paladins was.

"Don't sleep! Listen carefully! The following is the main point." Cliff, who was going to talk about the root cause, gave up the long talk in frustration and started to go directly to this topic.

"In other words, our family is a mixture of humans and dwarves. However, unlike other branches, our family is the one left after we intermarried with the royal family at the time. Only our family inherited the dwarves. The inheritance of the power of a family. After the demise of the dwarves, only our mixed blood is left, and we can use the strongest natural power of the dwarves."

"Ah...wait, grandpa, are you a dwarf?" Zofi opened her eyes and observed carefully. Really, her grandfather is exactly the same as the dwarven clan that has died out in the legend.

"It's a mixed race! A mixed race! Granddaughter, you also have the blood of a dwarf, just like your grandfather." Cliff said with a beard and staring.

"I also have... Ah... Could it be that I didn't grow up because..." Zuo Fei's drunkenness disappeared without a trace. For girls, this is a very important event.

"Yes, you don't grow up, but you can only grow so big. In our clan, there has never been a fighter who is more than 1.6 meters tall." At this point, Cliff couldn't help but think of a lot of ridicule. Guy of his own height. For this kind of person, you don't have to be polite, just take a knife and slash it over.

"No way! Could it be that I will always be this high!" Zuo Fei was hit hard. This means that she can no longer grow as tall as Kay, and her **** are as big as exposed. In order to make the **** bigger, she found many ways.

"Let's give up, this is the height of our clan." Cliff shook his head, this is natural, there is no way.

"Height is not a problem. The most powerful thing in our clan is combat power. The natural supernatural power from the dwarf clan, and the sensitivity to weapons, and the most important thing..."

"What is it? Heraldic power?" Zofi blinked, revealing her dark python heraldry.

This power is her strongest power at the moment. It's a pity that every time I use it, my physical and mental strength will be drained. After the battle, I always feel that my body is empty, as if something is missing.

"Of course not. The history of the dwarves is much longer than the coat of arms. The coat of arms only appeared later." Cliff looked at Zofi's dark python coat of arms, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and continued. Back to this question.

"It is the awakening of its own potential, which is the most legendary talent ability among the dwarves-the gods descend to the earth."

"Now, I will teach you how to awaken this kind of power. Remember, this is a talent that only our dwarf hybrid can have, and that is the power that you are most proud of in the future, granddaughter."

"The gods descended to the earth, what is that, the **** descending technique?" Zuo Fei took back her coat of arms and became a little interested.

Listening to this name, it is very similar to the one of the strongest magic arts of the Supreme God that appeared at that festival, is it the same thing.

"No, it is the highest level of the Supreme God Sect. The conditions required are too harsh, and in the end it is to borrow the power of angels, not one’s own. Our gods usually have another kind of ability, and they are awakened. Our own strength is our own thing."

"Other people's power is someone else's after all, and even if the descent technique succeeds, it won't last long. You can never put that angel into your body to keep her from leaving. And our **** descends to the earth to use it much easier. , If you can master it, it will become your most important force."

"Now, look good, granddaughter, this is the dwarf **** descending to earth!" After speaking, Cliff took a deep breath, and his body began to exude an astonishing aura.

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