The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 194: Want to see you (part one)

Zero field-a world beyond the limits of mankind. A realm that is almost inaccessible to the seventh-level strong, Ulysses is now flying in this realm.

This is graceful, fast, full-strength, flying.

Unexpectedly, Ulysses did not feel much pressure after entering this state. All foreign things seem to have been temporarily forgotten.

In front of him, is the long-distance white giant whale that just dumped him easily, the super giant beast playing freely and leisurely in the sky. And there is only one thing he has to do, take Annie in his arms, and go to its back.

In the field of zero, the judgment of time is usually not much, if the unit of judgment of distance and time in the normal state is "second". Then after entering this field, you need to use "hundredths of a second" to calculate.

People who are not strong enough in their mental power can't support calculations in this state at all. It's easy to mess up, and then cause painful results. In the world of zero, not everyone is qualified to enter.

I saw... Ulysses discarded all distractions and devoted himself to the calculation of distance. At the current speed, the distance of 10,000 meters is just a blink of an eye. The white whale that had already swimed far away had already hurriedly approached him-no, it was because of him.

Prepare! All in order to be here in the end. However, the last step is the most difficult. Everything before this is for acceleration. However, the last step is to slow down.

For objects in high-speed motion, the most difficult thing is not at the highest speed, but at the time when the speed must be reduced. Ulysses remembered that in the first stage of the brave tournament, another seventh-level powerhouse in the same team as Schumacher, who used high-speed treasures, accelerated to the limit and crashed into the mountain, and finally was seriously injured and carried out. The field.

He now is very similar to the one back then. However, he will not allow himself to fail, absolutely not!

Start to drift sideways! While rapidly approaching the white whale, Ulysses desperately manipulated the Dragon Shadow of the Longtian Flying Sword, forcibly twisting his straight forward path into an arc, and then chose a relatively gentle angle and rushed down.

When he was still some distance away from the white whale, he felt that the abyss of conviction in his hand seemed to pierce an invisible barrier. This is an invisible and shadowless one, and you can't feel the barrier at all if you don't really get close. What's even stranger is that the cloud can penetrate in, but he can't rush in.

There was no time to hesitate, a golden light flashed in Ulysses' eyes, and the liberation state of the abyss conviction was fully activated. The huge demon king's power was concentrated at a point on the tip of the sword with the sword body of the Abyss Condemnation as the center, and then suddenly exerted its force.

"Sneez!" The Abyss conviction pierced this invisible barrier cleanly and neatly. Then he tore a big hole, and Ulysses rushed in with Annie.

The black dragon shadow roared and brought Ulysses and Annie to the back of the white whale at high speed, and then drew a fiery spark on its huge body. The terrifying speed that exceeds the speed of sound several times or more brings an unimaginable powerful impact. If it is used to confront the enemy, even if a dozen 7th-level powerhouses join forces, they may be knocked out.

Speed ​​and strength have always been mutually reinforcing. When the speed reaches the limit, the power will naturally increase to an incredible height. After entering the realm of zero, Ulysses realized this more deeply.

But this white whale floating in the air is obviously powerful and unimaginable. Its skin looks extremely smooth but extremely tough, and it seems to have a special protective layer. Ulysses, who rushed to it, didn't even react to letting it swing its body.

"Shit!" The black dragon shadow that can burn the earth rubbed the extremely wide back of the white whale fiercely. In the violent friction, the huge black dragon shadow gradually disappeared, revealing Ulysses and Annie inside.

Sure enough, it was at the limit... The Dragon Flying Sword used by Ulysses was a combination of offense and defense, and it was used to protect Annie in his arms.

Because this time he took the initiative to use all the power of the Abyss Conviction to accelerate. So the current situation is that before the deceleration is over, he and Annie will hit the white whale's back because of their acceleration beyond the limit. Although this situation was expected, it meant that he had to work harder next.

Judging from the fact that the Light Wing Impact and the Dragon Sky Flying Sword were not able to cause the slightest damage to this huge white whale, it is simply not necessary to compare the bodies of the two parties who are more resistant to impact. Therefore, he must slow down again.

Give up all impetus. In an instant, Ulysses made a judgment and decisively gave up the black light wings that could maintain balance behind him, and at the same time canceled the call of the abyss of conviction. Finally turned over and let his back fall down.

"Hey!" A strong impact and friction came from his back. Ulysses even felt that his back was about to be scorched by the fire. Fortunately, the white robe he was wearing did have extraordinary defensive capabilities, and he didn't really get burned.

However, even so, Ulysses, who rushed to the ground and then slid out several hundred meters, still looked very embarrassed.

After all, this is the first time he has made a sudden deceleration and landing in such a high-speed operation.

Even in the calculation under the light of the fallen angel, this would not cause him fatal damage, but he had to land with his body if he lost his balance. Of course, this action is not pretty at all, it is actually extremely dangerous.

Sure enough, it was too reluctant. Although this is not a real battle, for Ulysses, it is more thrilling than a real battle. Just now, as long as he made a slight mistake in his calculations, he could only go head-to-head with this white whale.

It hurts... Ulysses can almost smell burnt. Although he used the rubbing method to cushion, his body was not as strong as Helen's level. So this reluctant way of landing still caused him a lot of injuries, especially his back, and he almost lost consciousness.

However, he did it anyway. It doesn't matter what you do, as long as the girl in his arms is okay. Even in the embarrassing posture where he was forced to land with his body, he still protected Annie in his arms very well, and didn't let her suffer any harm.

That's great. Ulysses smiled and looked at Annie, who closed his eyes according to his own words and hugged his body tightly.

A really obedient child, just like Yulia at that time. If, at that time, he could care more about her and understand her thoughts better. Perhaps things will not reach the point where they are irreversible.

Unfortunately, everything in the past cannot be changed. Even the **** who created the world cannot look back in time. The scars of the past cannot disappear. That is the greatest sadness and unforgettable memory on his growth path.

Because of this, he wanted to do something. What is such a small wish to be here.

"Brother, can you open your eyes?" Annie felt that the feeling that the heart was about to stop just now seemed to have stopped. You know, it was bumpy just now, like a boat in a storm.

"Okay, it's already here." Ulysses let go of the hands that hugged Annie. In fact, if he is alone, maybe he can come here without so much work. Bring this weak girl here, with him alone, the difficulty is not on the same level at all.

"Really, here!" Annie opened her eyes in surprise, and then saw Ulysses' tired face and the rubbing marks on his body.

Although Ulysses had worked very hard to prevent his injury from being exposed, it was a pity that Annie could see through his disguise all at once. The hand that was still trembling, the body that lost its strength. As well as the faint smell of burning, they all told her how much Ulysses had paid to bring her here.

"Well, it's already here. This is where you want to come. Do you want anything else?" Ulysses asked with a smile while holding back the pain in his back.

No matter what kind of request she made, he would agree, and he was mentally prepared.

"No! It's enough, it's enough! Annie, Annie doesn't need anything." Although Ulysses was trying to hide his exhaustion, pretending to be nonchalant. But his acting skills were too clumsy, so clumsy that Annie was about to cry.

Brother, it's too messy. Flying here is actually just a random thought of her. Compared to this, meeting her brother who hasn't seen each other for a long time is the first priority for her.

She can't ask for so much, she can't be willful...because he is not his brother's real sister! How could she qualify for this extravagant wish, and how could she have it.

Always in the hospital bed, longing to have his own brother, a kind and reliable brother. This was originally her own unilateral wish. Being able to realize this wish is already God's greatest gift to her, how could she still ask for so much.

"Oh, in that case, just take a break." To be honest, Ulysses felt that he was almost at his limit.

This ultra-high-speed flight almost overdrawn all his physical and mental power. Especially when piercing the invisible barrier, he actually felt the same as the fantasy barrier placed by the Dark Sage Elmeya. If it weren't for the power of the abyss that he can use now is far more than a few months ago, coupled with the full speed of the light of the fallen angel, probably even if he is near here, he will definitely not be able to rush in.

This big white whale is so powerful that it doesn't even care about him and Annie. I rushed over just now, probably just accidentally curious. For it, this piece of sky is what it likes. Humans or something, I'm afraid it is nothing in its eyes.

Ulysses was really tired after using almost his current limit strength in one breath.

Now he didn't even have the mental power to use a basic healing technique, let alone fly like this again.

"Brother, is it okay?" Annie stroked Ulysses' forehead worriedly, as if she wanted to see if he had a fever.

"It's really nothing, it's just a little tired."-If your eyes are dark, your consciousness is about to sink into darkness, and your back loses consciousness, it's only a bit tired.

"Then, brother, take a good rest." Annie moved her body, and Ulysses moved closer to her.

After hesitating for a while, she lowered her head, carefully lifted Ulysses' upper body with both hands, and then placed it on her knees.

"Uh... this..." Ulysses looked at Annie with embarrassment, but he was exhausted.

In fact, he now wants to close his eyes and fall asleep. The high-speed flight that surpassed his limit and the sword that pierced the invisible barrier really drained his physical and mental strength.

There is no way to get rid of this state, you can only take a good rest and wait for the body to recover naturally. Or the same as Hydra back then...Of course, he would never use it. He didn't want to just fall asleep like this, he was a little scared, as long as he fell asleep, all of this would disappear, just like a beautiful bubble shining in the sun in the morning.

"Brother, you are too reluctant. Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't have to work so hard. I don't have to come here." Annie's hand gently stroked Ulysses' forehead, her soft eyes showing a slightly guilty look.

"Hmm..." Ulysses also knew that he was trying to force himself. But he was very happy that he still had such a reluctant opportunity for himself.

The saddest thing in this world is not that the person I like is not able to meet by my side, but that she will never be here again and will never see each other again.

Some things are not so cherished when they are owned. But once you lose it, you will understand how important and precious it is to you. Moreover, that is something that even God cannot redeem.

His most important person is no longer there. As long as he thinks of this, his heart will twitch.

How about defeating the one who took her body? What about ending everything in the past with your own hands? Those who have been lost will never come back anymore.

At that time, when he convicted the abyss of penetrating his sister's body, all the memories came back. The pleasure of revenge is far less than what he imagined, and it can even be said that it is not at all.

The conviction of the abyss penetrated the body of the brave named "Lala", who was his former sister Yulia. He felt it, not happiness, not joy, but sadness. The same sadness and emptiness as when I lost her. When the emptiness is reached, it seems that the world has lost its color.

At that time, it was Laxia who rescued him. If he hadn't had the goal of "must save Rasha", he might have collapsed at that time.

It was precisely because Rasha was there that he could continue to fight until he ended all the misfortunes with his sword.

Really, it was great to see Rasha at that time. At that time, if it hadn't been for Rasha, he didn't even know what he would become.

He is really, not strong at all. If he didn't meet Laxia again, he would definitely lose hope for the world there. It is precisely because Rasha is there that he can bravely continue to swing his sword to save everyone. Without Rasha, he can't do anything well.

In the final analysis, he is not a brave man. Just letting his own temperament, doing chaotic things. This kind of chaotic approach, no matter how you look at it, is closer to the chaotic Demon King system. No wonder Aya always said that he was the real demon king, the most suitable person to inherit the blood of Astarot.

"Brother, you are thinking about other girls again." Anne is not so keen on this aspect of things.

"I was seen... I'm sorry..." Ulysses smiled and looked at Annie, a girl who had exactly the same face as his dead sister Yulia.

Really, it's so alike. I remember that when she knew that Laxia had threatened him to enter into a marriage contract, she was glum for several days, maybe she took that kid's joke seriously at that time.

How could a good girl like Laxia like him? Before gaining the power of Demon Lord Astaroth, he was just an ordinary person who couldn't do anything, and he had to work ten times harder than ordinary people to advance to the Light Element Magic.

Therefore, on that day, he could only watch the tragedy happen. Even if I tried my best to stop it, I couldn't do anything. In the end, the huge gun penetrated his body and almost died.

He didn't even remember how he got back to Mira Village. If it weren't for Aunt Lana's meticulous care, he would definitely die.

If, at that time, he could have the current power, maybe everything would be different. Unfortunately, this is destined to be an unrealistic delusion. He understands better than anyone else that his lovely sister is no longer there.

Because she was not killed by anyone, nor was it a normal death, but... Ulysses's mind came up with that girl with bright red eyes and silver braids, standing alone on the hill of swords.

It was she, this girl named Lala, the brave who is hidden behind the shadow of history in the legend, who took everything from Yulia. Only with him, he absolutely cannot forgive.

Although I feel empty and sad, the battle with her is unavoidable and irreversible. He would never forgive himself if he didn't kill her.

"Brother, you are sad." Annie lowered her head and looked at Ulysses with a sad expression with a gentle look. The pink hair fell gently on Ulysses' face, making him seem to be back in the past, that carefree time.

At that time, he grew up happily with Yulia and Laxia. I don’t know what sadness is, nor despair. The people in Mila Village are kind and kind, and take care of them who are children. In his eyes, the world has only beautiful and beautiful things, just like the sunlight in the sky.

"Yuliya..." Unconsciously, Ulysses said the name of his sister who was no longer there, and at the same time stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to touch the phantom that was no longer there.

Yulia, is that the sister's name in the eyes of the brother...Anne blinked. She finally knew that Ulysses had been looking at whose shadow it was in her eyes.

The girl named Yulia must look a lot like her. Therefore, my brother always showed such a trance expression. It turns out that this girl he has been looking at?

"Brother, I am not Yulia." Annie shook her head. She didn't want to be someone's shadow.

She is Annie. Although she is also the sister of her brother, she is not that sister. How many younger sisters will her brother have?

"I know..." Ulysses looked at the sky. It seemed to be there, with the shadows of people who had passed away.

"Yuliya... is no longer there anymore... and, in the end, I killed her." With a sad expression, Ulysses revealed his greatest secret, a secret that hadn't been told to anyone. .

Yes, he is a hopeless sinner. Not only failed to save Yulia, even the last trace she left in this world—the body that originally belonged to her was destroyed. Moreover, in front of her best friend Laxia, she personally killed her.

This sin is unforgivable and unforgivable. He never asked for forgiveness and forgiveness, as long as he survived, he would carry it on his back.

"Brother..." Annie couldn't predict it, the truth of the matter was so cruel and sad.

Is gone. In other words, the real sister of the elder brother has returned to the embrace of the Supreme God. Moreover, although it is not very clear, it seems that her brother finally ended her life.

It must be a sad story that makes people cry. How painful it would be when someone as gentle and kind as his brother had to end his sister's life.

It turns out that it is. Therefore, he was so surprised when he saw her. For him who had met for the first time, he would be so gentle and considerate.

The feeling of heartache was not only in Ulysses's heart, but also in Annie's heart. Being tortured by illness, she understands the sadness of losing everything better. She cried more than once when she was alone and no one was around.

"elder brother……"

Either it was attracted by Ulysses' sorrow, or simply because the two lonely hearts were getting closer to each other, perhaps because...Anne lowered her head even more unknowingly. Then, everything happened naturally.

Ulysses opened his eyes wide, and for a moment, he couldn't understand what was going on, he just felt that Annie's face was getting closer and closer to him. Then, a warm and sweet taste came from the lips.

On the back of the white whale, in an unknown height of meters, Annie gave Ulysses her first kiss. At this time, she was not very clear about what kind of feelings were surging in her heart.

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