The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 191: The Maiden and the Whale (Part 1)

"Here, where is it?" Euses pulled the hair that was blocking his eyes with his hand, and looked at the endless green grassland in front of him.

He did remember that just now, he was still resting in the tent set up by Lufa and the others. Helen, who was with him, slept in his arms, and he...

What is he doing? Juses' memory is a little fuzzy. However, he instinctively felt that that was a very important thing for him.

What is it, don't know why, the memory is a bit ambiguous. However, under Juss's efforts to recall, the originally vague memory came back.

By the way, he opened the book, the book called "Sister Party", and then the cover of that book changed strangely. He saw, saw the scenery he had dreamed of, the endless emerald green grassland. The white whale floating in the sky, and most importantly, the figure of my sister.

What happened after that? He can't remember clearly. After seeing the cover of the book and then coming here, there is a vague time period, and he can't remember what happened during this time period. It seems that he just saw the cover, then blinked his eyes, and he was here.

The scenery here is very beautiful. The sky is azure blue, and there is a breeze with a hint of summer blowing from time to time. It is an excellent sunny day. There is a refreshing smell in the air, which belongs to nature.

From far away, the sound of summer cicadas screamed. These little lives that have been dormant in the underground for several years, in this summer, sing for their lives and cheer for this rare happy time.

"I really miss this view..." Juses blurted out these words naturally. But when he said this, he was taken aback. Because he has no memories of summer at all, why would he feel that this sound is familiar with the scenery.

In the past, he hardly paid attention to these issues. But after coming here, more problems that he hadn't paid attention to before suddenly emerged all at once. It seems that in this place, one's hidden emotions will come out unconsciously.

Where did he come from and where is he going? What is he, what will he be? Why is he here, why does he find himself weird?

"Woo..." I have to say that these questions are too silent and complicated for Juses, making his eyes start to circle straight. In the end, he decided not to think about anything, just like that.

That's right, that's it. For the time being, don't think about it. Simple people are the happiest... Juss closed his eyes. For him, those things are too heavy.

The warm summer breeze, the warm sunshine, and the fragrance of the grassland blowing in your face all carry a relaxing magic.

As long as you don't force yourself to think about complex issues, this is the best place to rest. It can calm the mind and forget the unpleasant things.

Juss just sat down like this, then looked up at the sky, watching the white whale swimming happily.

As long as they are humans, they probably have had similar dreams-to have a pair of wings and fly freely in the sky; or grow fins and swim happily in the vast ocean. And that big white whale that can swim in the sky seems to have both, it's really a winner in life.

Just as Juss looked at the cheerful whale with envious eyes. The singing voice, clear and transparent like an angel, came along with the breeze.

I want to see you, but I can't meet you.

Tonight, my heart cannot be calmer than the flowers swaying in the rain.

It is because of the inability to see each other that this yearning is even stronger.

Even if I was asked to give all for this love, I would not hesitate to do it. This is my final decision.

Obviously I really want to see you, but I can't see you, because I can't go anywhere, but I still want to see you.

I can't describe my feeling in words, maybe it's just what people call the love of destiny.

Just close your eyes as if you are by my side and say my name.

I really want to see you, but I can't see you. I can no longer suppress the surging passion in my heart, so I won't hesitate anymore, this is my final decision.

No matter what the price is, even if there is no way to restore it to the original state, I also decided to come to see you.

It's incredible. The feelings surging in the chest, the past thoughts collapse one by one, the heartbeat of that day is unforgettable, the invisible power is here, here I am.

Did you hear me, right here.

elder brother!

This voice is! Juss turned his head abruptly, then stood up all at once.

There is nothing wrong with it. Although the song is different, it has that energetic and positive feeling, and the special sound that never gives up hope at any time.

is her! It is the girl he has been looking for, but he can't find it anywhere, his sister-Annie.

She, right here, in this familiar place, exactly the same place as when he saw her for the first time. No, maybe it's just one place.

Then, where she is should be! Juss looked around quickly, then saw it, and saw the big tree in the middle of the prairie about three hundred meters away from him. The large branches are luxuriant, and the dense green branches and leaves are gently swaying in the wind. Under the tree, you can faintly see a corner of the white skirt.

There, she is there! Juses clenched his fists, and then began to take the first step.

A light step, it looks like a walk. But when Euses finished his first step, the distance of hundreds of meters had been reduced by one third, and it seemed as if the earth had suddenly shrunk.

When the third step fell, Juss had already arrived in front of the big tree. On the other side of the big tree, a corner of the white skirt was gently swaying under the breeze blowing Buddha, and a few strands of pink hair danced mischievously, playing in the wind.

"Bang! Bang!" Euses could hear his nervous heartbeat.

Now he is even more nervous than when he first made friends with Lufa, and completely lost his usual leisure. As if waiting on the other side of the tree was not the lovely sister, but the strongest enemy.

"Annie?" Juses whispered the name of his cutest sister. He was a little scared, afraid that he had made a mistake. I was afraid that I had misheard the sound just now, I was afraid that I had missed the deja vu scenery, I was afraid that my voice was too loud, I was afraid that I was too rude, I was afraid that my clothes were not neat enough.

Even he himself didn't know what was going on, what was this flustered feeling? It seemed that something was about to jump out of his chest. This is not a metaphor, but the feeling of something really coming out of his body.

The closer you get to the girl in white behind the tree, the more serious this feeling becomes. Even in that dark forest, when facing the legendary feather snake born from thunder and lightning, he had never been so nervous.

It was an uneasy feeling close to a beautiful bubble that would shatter with just a touch. He was afraid that as soon as he approached, she who was here would suddenly disappear, just like that dreamy and sad night.

"A minute late, brother." A cheerful voice sounded from behind the tree. That was the voice of his loveliest sister that Juss knew. He has heard her singing countless times. During her absence, that was the only voice that could comfort his heart.

"Ye... I'm sorry!" I don't know why, even after hearing Annie's voice so close, and even starting to smell the body scent from her, Juss still feels unrealistic. As long as he stretched out his hand, everything here would be completely shattered.

Everything here is so beautiful. The pure sky, the endless green grassland, and the summer breeze are waiting for his Annie behind the trees. No matter how dull Euses is, he understands that here, maybe...

He didn't want to think about the answer, or even believe it. Therefore, he was afraid, afraid that as long as he stretched out his hand, everything would cease to exist.

"If it's good to say sorry, then this world doesn't need churches and kings, brother." Annie's voice sounded again, not hearing the slightest loss, but more energetic.

"Then, what should I do?" Juses tried to get a little closer. Really, just a little bit. It only took him a second to get here from 300 meters away, but it took him more than a minute to get closer to this point.

"As punishment, take me there." Annie wearing a white straw hat jumped out from behind the tree, then smiled and took Juss's arm.

The girl's soft **** touched Juss's arms at zero distance, and the soft touch seemed to tell Juss that this was definitely not false.

She is here, by his side.

The pink hair was gently blown by the breeze, and the white straw hat could not stop her slightly sick face. Such an expression of working hard and smiling cheerfully is not unfamiliar to Juses.

"..." Something cracked in Juss's heart.

There is no heart-piercing pain, no sorrow of unpleasant pain, no sorrow after losing everything. Some are just pure happiness and the feeling of being healed.

The gray chain, the lock used to restrain him, disappeared automatically. In this world, the difficulty of lifting his shackles seems to be more than ten times easier.

"There...where is it?" Ulysses, no, Ulysses blinked and looked at his awkward sister Annie.

This is also his sister, the new sister, the sister who needs him to take good care of. Once you understand this, you don't need to be confused anymore.

"There, that's there!" Annie waved her finger excitedly and pointed to the white whale swimming happily in the sky-the only large creature in the world except her and her brother.

There? What a big whale... Ulysses looked at the behemoth in the sky, and couldn't help being surprised by the snack.

Because of his several years of living in Taguig City, a coastal commercial city, he was fortunate enough to have seen the carcasses of whales several times. When I was with the ice phoenix mother as Juses, I personally participated in an extremely spectacular whale ball competition.

But compared with this one, those whales are not on the same level at all. Among the giant creatures Ulysses had seen, probably only the deep-sea big octopus that attacked the Titan Poseidon could compete with this white whale.

However, since it was the request of the cutest sister, no matter where it was, he would desperately pass it. Even if that big whale has a stronger power than the big deep-sea big octopus back then, he will go up.

"Then, I'm ready to fly." Ulysses embraced Annie in his arms with ease.

"Ah!" Annie, who suddenly enjoyed the princess's hug, was startled. But I quickly remembered that last time, she was suddenly picked up by Ulysses and flew like this.

"Brother, take me with you!" Annie, who couldn't wait to enjoy the pleasant feeling of flying in the sky again, grabbed Ulysses' arm tightly, and began to wait for the two to get rid of the **** of the earth. For an instant.

"Wherever you want to go." Ulysses smiled and gently tapped his toes, flew into the sky in the most soothing and softest posture, and then headed towards the white whale floating in the sky.

Seeing the emerald grassland and the big tree coming further and further away from her, an expression of extreme excitement appeared on Annie's face. The pale face was also ruddy a lot. For ordinary people, flying freely in the sky is a luxury dream that will never be realized. Even the king did not necessarily enjoy this taste.

And now, she is in the air, and it is hundreds of meters above the ground. This is really exciting!

But maybe she was too happy, she actually forgot to hold down her straw hat. A strong wind blew by, and the white straw hat on her head was blown away, and she was about to be carried to the other side of the world by that wind.

"Ah!" Seeing that her favorite white straw hat was about to be blown away by the wind, Annie's face showed a flustered expression.

"Don't worry." Ulysses beckoned, and brought in his best partner, the only treasure that has been with him-Demon King Sword Abyss.

"Huh!" The Devil Sword Abyss Condemned traversed a perfect arc-shaped trajectory in the air, and the second hair first rotated to the direction where the white straw hat floated away, and then flew back with the white straw hat that Annie liked very lightly.

The whole process was completed in one go, accurate and time-consuming in just over a second. It was almost as soon as Annie showed an annoyed expression that her beloved white straw hat was lost and recovered.

Even Ulysses did not expect it to be so easy. It seemed that it was just a thought, and the movements of his hands did not even need to be deliberately adjusted. The Abyss Conviction flew out according to his ideas, completing this extremely difficult maneuver sword. . He hadn't practiced this kind of extremely difficult sword throwing attack.

More than that, in this world, his state is surprisingly good. This kind of feeling that everything can be done, everything can be done according to his own mind, he has only once in a strange dream. In that dream, he seemed to do the same, he could use the power he wanted infinitely, and do things he could not even think of.

Unlike the last time, this time he almost made the troublesome chain disappear with little effort, and naturally retrieved all his memories.

Sure enough, was it that... Although he didn't want to admit it, Ulysses probably guessed what it was. It's just that, like Juses, he doesn't want to admit it.

"Thank you, brother." Annie, who got the lost and recovered white straw hat, looked very happy, and took the initiative to move closer to him.

The chest... Because of the princess hug, Ulysses can easily feel the softness of Annie's body. The warm body, the fragrant fragrance, and the soft pink long hair are all exactly the same as Yulia in memory.

If they are similar, then the degree of similarity between the two is too high, to the extent that they are almost identical twins. If it wasn't clear that Yulia was no longer there, he would have made a mistake.

Even if he knew that it would not be the same person, he would still be a little dazed. Although this is obviously bad for Annie, in any case, he can't dispel the figure that always appears in front of him.

If, just if.

On that day, he saw that Yulia was wrong and could successfully prevent the tragedy. So, will Yulia be by his side like this and say to him:

"Brother, I'm back."

The more I don't want to think about the faded past, the more unforgettable the sad feeling. For Ulysses, it was an irreparable pain in his life, a heavier and more painful wound that had tried to cover up but was wounded in the end.

Brother...Annie is keenly aware of the change in atmosphere. Although Ulysses tried to hide the sadness in his eyes, his eyes betrayed him. The kind of sadness she felt the last time she met was obviously something he couldn't forget.

"Brother..." The atmosphere became a bit heavy for a while, whether it was Ulysses or Annie, it was obvious that they didn't want to enter this atmosphere.

In the next second, the two of them talked together as if they had a sharp heart.

"That white whale..."

"That big whale..."

The two who said almost the same thing were taken aback almost at the same time, and then they laughed together. The unnatural feeling just now disappeared without a trace.

"It's almost here, hold me tight." Ulysses fixed his gaze on the white whale not far away. Don't get me wrong, he definitely didn't want Annie to hug him just to take advantage. Because he didn't know what it was up to now, maybe it would be dangerous.

"Ok... so big..." It was already a very huge animal on the ground. But when Annie really got closer, she realized that the beluga whale was bigger than she had imagined. That huge sense of pressure made her involuntarily hug him tightly according to Ulysses' words, and didn't want to let go.

This giant whale swimming in the clouds may have an army of 10,000 people on its back. And the movement produced when it swims is also astonishing. Although it seems to be just a very ordinary swimming on the ground, once you get closer, you will know that the small range of movement seen on the ground is almost comparable to the momentum of a galloping horse. Even the surrounding clouds are pushed away by its huge power, like a big ship riding the wind and waves.

How does this kind of thing fly? Ulysses was puzzled. No matter from which point of view, this kind of thing does not have the ability to fly. Those short fins, even if they flap a hundred times faster, cannot bring this behemoth into the sky.

If it is flying into the sky purely by magic power, and flying with such a huge body. Then the strength of this whale is so strong that even the giant dragon may be willing to bow down. Compared to it, the sun-like thing that appeared that night was completely a toy.

However, this is Annie's wish. For Ulysses who has missed it once, this is a task he must complete. So, no matter what it is, no matter what place it is, he will carry out his will and fulfill his sister's wish.

At the beginning, when he knew nothing, he dared to challenge the legendary sword brave Lala, to the legendary brave who could bear all evil for justice.

So, now, who has the power of a demon from another world, how could he back off because the opponent is just a little bigger?

"Get ready, hurry up, Annie." Ulysses held the abyss with one hand and convicted him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, he was about to move for real.

"Woo!" The white whale that seemed to perceive the existence of Ulysses and Annie waved its tail curiously, and then swam towards the location of the two.

Literally, this is just a simple move. However, if the object is a super monster like this white whale, everything becomes thrilling.

The calm sea of ​​clouds was torn apart by its actions. It just moved a little and caused a storm in the surrounding air. And when it started to swim faster because of curiosity, it looked like a big mountain was coming over with a storm-to people on the same level as it.

This is really big... Ulysses took a deep breath. Regardless of whether it ran into it deliberately or not, it was a terrible disaster for ordinary people. However, he is no ordinary person.

He is no longer the boy who couldn't do anything in the past and could only watch the tragedy happen in front of him but could do nothing.

The light of the fallen angel, expand... the long-lost black wings of light stretched out behind Ulysses. There is still only a single wing, but there is something more in the deep black light feather. However, Ulysses did not pay attention now.

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