"It's really beautiful, but it's a pity that Zerghi seems to have reached the end of evolution by herself. However, that is her own choice. If she does not die, new Zerg will not appear. Now, let me continue to look at it." After cleaning up Sadra, who had only one eye left, the dark priest Darwin was in a very good mood, and he was even in the mood to look at the half-vanished chapel not far away.

Although it was impossible to see Helen from his perspective, he was already very satisfied. For him, most of this world, except humans, is very cute. Because, in this world, there will be nothing more ugly than human beings.

If there is something that is the most evil, it is undoubtedly human beings. For this, he knows best.

Helen felt a strange gaze, turned around to check, and found some remaining debris a kilometer away. However, when she noticed there, there was no one there anymore.

"..." Helen thought for a while, but still did not carry out an all-round three hundred and sixty degree bombing.

Although it was confirmed that there was a strange line of sight at the location just now, it was not that there were no people around here. And her father is also there, so it is not convenient to carry out the kind of all-round bombing that can bomb the rats hidden in the underground warehouse to the sky.

Zuofei, whose injuries were no longer serious, began to search the entire church, hoping to find survivors. What made her wonder whether she was happy or disappointed was that there seemed to be no one in the church where she had been to several times.

There are two possibilities for this situation.

One is that the priests and apprentices here have encountered an accident, and even the dead bodies are not left; the other is that the priests and other people just happened to be absent and avoided the disaster. Since he did not see the blood, Zuofei felt that perhaps the second possibility would be greater. However, judging from the looks of the left and right hands, it is obvious that it is not a vegetarian monster, and it is very likely to be the worst result. If that's the case...

Zuo Fei's worries did not last long. Soon, she got the answer from the crowd attracted by the destruction of the church. It turned out that the priests and apprentices in the church today happened to be invited by a noble family in the neighboring town to preside over the funeral. There was actually no one in the church.

"It's great." Zuofei breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the good news. Then he placed a card engraved with a cross and a sword under the cross of the church, patted both hands, and then bowed his head in prayer for a while.

"Let's go, Juss." When Zofi raised her head again, the usual Zofi came back.

"What is that card?" Juss looked curiously at the card that Zofi placed under the cross.

"That is the sign card of the Holy Knights given by Lufa, which means that all damages there will be compensated by the Church of the High God. Soon, the church will be repaired. Unfortunately, today I can’t see the priest grandfather. I was going to let him certify for us.” Zuo Fei put his hands behind his head, and said regretfully.

"This..." Juss wanted to say that he had never promised that marriage contract, but he didn't know how to say it. In terms of eloquence, he seems to have no improvement compared to when he couldn't speak well.

"Found it! Hey, Zofi!" As Zofi was about to continue his food journey with Eusis, a familiar voice came from the other side of the street.

"Oops, I was found, run away, Uss." Zoffie grabbed Uss's hand and immediately began preparing for an emergency retreat. He and her are still in the ‘elopement’ now.

"Zoffie! Stop for me!" Seeing that Zoffie wanted to run, Kay who was next to Lufa chased him without even thinking about it. This morning, it was because she was too unexpected that Zofi successfully abducted successfully. This time, Kay, who was ready, would not let her escape so easily.

"How can I let you catch it! I have to elope with Euses this time, who told you to oppose our marriage contract." Zofi made a face at Kay, and jumped with Euses skillfully. On the roof.

Different from the exquisiteness of southern houses, northern houses are very sturdy because they often face the test of snowstorms and severe cold. So Zophie took Juss to run on it without a problem at all.

"Da! Da!" The heavy stone roof was stepped on by the high-speed running Zuo Fei and kept making slight noises, causing the people living in the house to look up, guessing what animal ran over on it.

"Zoffie, stop for me! Do you know what you are doing!" Kay's voice was already a little frustrated. From childhood to big, it was the first time that Zoffie resisted her instructions so much. Is this the legendary period of resistance? ?

"Of course I know what I'm doing. I want to be with Euss. Moreover, we have already taken an oath before God." Zophie hugged Euss, and then turned over a huge piece of clothes in the air. The pole fell lightly on the roof of another house.

"Oath, what oath?" Kay felt that the world was turning backwards. When did Zofi, who was still a child, know these things.

"Of course it is the vow to give birth to a child. It was taught by the nun. I have read it fifteen times with Juss. There will be many children. No matter how many children are born, I will take good care of them." He said without blushing at all, and Juss was already dumbfounded when he heard the conversation.

That, that, is that the oath to have a child!

"Like a comet in the infinite night sky, our hearts are intertwined and not separated, even if the two cannot hold hands, as long as we still remember..." I remembered a single word, and Juss couldn't say these few sentences. The words are associated with childbirth.

"Nonsense! Zuofei, you are mistaken, there can be no children like that!" Kay stepped up to catch up. There is no time to delay, she needs to let Zuofei know some common sense that girls must know. Although, she herself has a little knowledge of this aspect, but she still knows that it is impossible to have children just by holding hands.

"I don't want it!" Zuo Fei firmly refused.

"Zuo Fei, it's time to go home for dinner." Lu Fa, who appeared in the must pass, waved to Zuo Fei with a gentle smile, and exuded the smell of "mother" all over her body.

"It's time to eat...ah..." Zuofei ran to Lufa instinctively, and was easily captured by Lufa. Lu Fa really understands her weaknesses too well.

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