The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 153: The First Apostle VS Broken Doll (Part 2)

"Da! Da!" Helen took a firm and powerful step, step by step towards Uss. It seems slow, but in fact it directly locks all of Juss's course of action. When the distance between the two parties was less than ten meters, she suddenly started.

"It's on the right!" This time, Euses accurately judged the direction of Helen's attack. In fact, it is really not difficult to judge Helen's attack route. Because she rarely dodges and uses fake moves, she always uses the most straightforward attack route.

The white double swords traversed an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, blocking Helen's path forward. The level of this sword can no longer be used by a beginner. During the battle, Juss' combat skills are increasing at a rapid rate, or recovering.

However, it is a pity that this sword still emptied. In terms of speed, Juss is really not on the same level as Helen. Therefore, even if he could see Helen's attack line, he couldn't make a proper counterattack at all.

Helen, who directly used the acceleration to rush into Uss's arms, opened his hands and grabbed his body forcefully. Then he was ready to start throwing him to the ground first, then throwing him into the air, and finally shaking the ground. Of course, it was a seismic wave that went all out.

In a preliminary match of the Braves Conference, a certain fighter who was greatly increased in strength and physical strength by his teammates' magical skills was hit by such an attack and fell directly to a spine fracture and a whole body fracture. If that wasn't the world created by the space demon ten-dimensional cube, he must have died too much.

Oops! When he was caught by Helen's hands, Juses tried again the feeling of "bang! Bang!" And Lu Fa on one side was even more nervous to almost suffocating.

She knows very well how destructive the throwing technique that ignores defense is for enemies with strong armor. Even if the "broken doll" on Juss was really strong enough to withstand Helen's fist attack, then this time, there was absolutely no reason to survive.

However, the facts once again surprised Lu Fa. Helen, who had invaded Euses' arms and even grabbed him with both hands, failed to knock him down.

Just like the attack just now, when Helen grabbed Juss's body with both hands and was about to exert force, the power of her whole body suddenly disappeared without a trace. More than that, the trend of weakness spread directly to her body. It made her lose all her strength at once, as if a beast that was running at high speed suddenly became weak with its legs and fell to the ground with its stomach upside down.

Helen couldn't imagine what this was like, because it was absolutely impossible. There are methods to influence the energy waves in the air, as well as methods to neutralize the linear impact. But there is no way to directly affect her and make her powerless. Her body, from the beginning, could not be affected by any curse, whether it was aging or debilitating, it had nothing to do with her. seems that power has been drawn. Is it because of the excessive use of the four-day holy essence's core power and the inherent instability of the body that happened at this time...No, it's not like that. This is... In doubt, Helen, who lost all strength in his hands and feet, fell directly into Juss' embrace just like that. It looked like she was throwing her arms around herself.

"Wow!" Juss, who was frightened, couldn't wait to push Helen away from him, but he didn't realize that Helen had actually lost all his fighting power.

"Hiss!" Amidst the hustle and bustle, Helen's white pajamas was torn by Juss. The strange thing was that no matter what kind of attack was encountered, it would not be damaged. The white pajamas that fell off were torn by Juss, and they were torn directly without much effort, and there was no sign of repair at all.

"Ah..." Judging from Lufa's side, it was like Juss had used some method to grab Helen and then smashed the white pajamas that looked like a legendary treasure.

This kind of result is simply unimaginable for her who was defeated horribly in Helen's hands.

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Euses himself behaved as she expected. Then, all the credit is undoubtedly that "broken doll".

Didn't a puppet weapon fail, but unknowingly evolved to a terrible point. So much so that the Destruction Witch, who was so famous throughout the Northern Continent, who easily smashed the three of them, was not an opponent at all.

Judging from the fact that even beginners like Juses can use it freely, this is simply the strongest magic weapon that has never been seen before. Its power even far exceeds its imitation prototype. What the **** is going on...

"This...this..." Facing Helen who was half sitting in front of him weakly with his hands and feet torn his clothes, Juss didn't know what to do.

In fact, it is only from this scene that he is bullying a child, or bullying a delicate and feeble little girl who is wearing only a pajamas and bare feet.

Until now, he has an unrealistic feeling that the battle seems to be over before it even starts. Whether it is strength, speed, skill, or combat experience, he is obviously not the girl's opponent. All his attacks missed, and almost all of her attacks hit him. However, he didn't know how to explain why it was like this in the end.

In the moonlight, Helen's white skin exuded a beautiful luster, and the pajamas torn by Juss showed no signs of repair. So much so that her small half of her chest, as well as the edges of her panties, were unreservedly exposed in front of Juss. The immature body exudes a delicate beauty, which looks like a fragile crystal doll.

In short, he should be considered a victory. Euses carefully held the two swords, approached his hands and feet weakly, and could only stare at his own Helen with his eyes. Then he reached out and touched her lightly.

Without counterattack, it should be said that there is no way to counterattack. From just now, Helen has completely fallen into a state of weakness. This state has only appeared in the past when she exhausted all her strength and fell into a deep sleep state. But this time it was different. Her consciousness was completely clear, and she could feel that the power in her body was not exhausted in the slightest. It's just that I can't use even a little bit of strength.

The more intense the murderous intent in the heart, the more severe the symptoms of general weakness, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't mobilize the power in the body. This feeling is completely unfamiliar to Helen.

After confirming that Helen really couldn't attack, Juss finally breathed a sigh of relief and took back the double swords he was holding. After hesitating for a while, he felt that it would be better to tie up this dangerous girl with something. However, apart from a "Sister Party" book, he didn't carry anything with him.

Looking left and right, Juss finally set his eyes on Helen's long silver hair. Well, this should be possible... Juss retracted the swords, and then used a certain technique to tie Helen very skillfully—with her hair.

While doing all this, Juss had a strange feeling. Because he couldn't remember when he learned this method of binding people. However, when used, he is not unfamiliar at all, as if the body can be used naturally.

The long silver hair was cleverly used, bound Helen's hands and feet, and intertwined across her body, forming a beautiful pattern. This binding technique is not a beginner level, but an absolute master level. It is an artistic technique that completely reflects the beauty of the petite girl's body.

"Gah...ha..." Helen has almost lost the power to speak. Her hands, feet, and body couldn't even use any strength, so she could only watch Juss use her hair to tie her up. This is the biggest failure she has suffered so far.

What she couldn't understand was that it was not because of her lack of combat effectiveness at all. Until she lost her strength, she didn't even use one-tenth of her combat power, and the Holy Spirit had not been liberated for four days. And now, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't use any strength anymore.

It's so soft, even if armed with a doll, Juss can still feel Helen's soft skin and the surprisingly light weight.

In his hand, she is really as light and cute as a doll. So much so that he began to wonder, was it really this girl who was fighting with Lufa and the others just now? Did he make a mistake at the beginning?

With only one hand, he would hug Helen, who was **** by his hair. In his hands, Helen was as supple as a little sheep, and she couldn't connect her with the powerful witch.

Euses, who successfully captured the witch, immediately ran to Lufa's side, and directly removed the "broken doll" from his body, revealing his true face.

"Lufa, are you okay?" Juss, who put the tied Helen aside, used light magic to treat Lufa, and asked with a look of concern.

"I'm okay, are you okay?" Although it was embarrassing to be seen by Juss, Lufa was more concerned about Juss's condition. Is there really no side effects when using such a powerful magic weapon? Isn't it possible that Juss, who is still full of vitality, will fall down due to exhaustion in the next moment.

"!!!" After Euses showed his face, Helen, who was captured by Euses, suddenly opened his eyes. With a kind of surprise, no, it should be said that it was ecstasy that he looked like he was about to cry, looking at Juss hugging him.

Yes! It's Dad!

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