The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 135: Flash in thunder and lightning

"Thunder! Happiness!" It seemed to be irritated by Kare's Doom Moon's ignorance, and more powerful thunder and lightning began to brew in the sky. The strong blue and white electric light could even see Euses, who was in high-speed motion. Chu.

Just looking at it, Juss could imagine what kind of powerful power was hidden in that huge blue and white thunder. It was a powerful force from heaven and earth, which had surpassed the simple magic level and formed a phenomenon like natural disasters.

"Pop!" A golden thunder and lightning flashed through the air, turning into a golden sword, traversing the end of the tail of Doom Moon, cutting off the last part of the tail. This is the first time since the start of the high-speed flight that the part of the Moon of Doom has been knocked off. Even if it's just the most insignificant part of the tail, it is enough to indicate that things are evolving in a bad direction.

This was just the beginning. After that, more thunder lights that turned into golden swords struck the tail of the swimming Doom Moon, leaving a lot of scars on that thick long tail. This time, this tail with incredible power failed to absorb all the lightning again. Obviously, the strengthened lightning power temporarily exceeded its absorption upper limit.

Of course Ka Lei had discovered this too. The power of the thunderstorm over the dark forest was more uncertain than she had imagined. It is hard to imagine that this strange attack method will appear in the naturally formed thunderstorm phenomenon. This way of knowing how to concentrate on cutting off a little bit is more like some kind of magical deformation than just a natural phenomenon at the beginning.

The subsequent development also proved Ka Lei's conjecture. After the successive attacks worked, more golden lightning struck down from the air. It was no longer the chaotic thunderstorms before, but purposefully, focused on the tail of the moon of doom that was bigger than the body.

Although this tail made of dusty matter possesses the special ability to absorb and radiate energy, it still appears weak in the face of the maddening thunder and lightning. Even if the dust material floating in it can automatically replenish the wasted part, the huge damage visible to the naked eye is still increasing rapidly.

In the silver tail, more and more golden electric currents appeared. This was no longer entirely the power of thunder and lightning absorbed by the tail, but more of the residual electric light of thunder and lightning blasted from the air. After surpassing the upper limit of the tail's absorption, the power of these lightning began to indeed destroy the body of the silver tail made of dust.

In the air, more and more thunder and lightning forces began to converge. The bluish-white thunder light has reached an intensity that the naked eye can hardly see directly. Juss, who had almost burned his eyes, had to cover his eyes slightly to confirm the gathering areas of those crazy lightning.

Without question, this was the most terrifying lightning attack he had ever encountered. Prior to this, his impression of thunder and lightning only existed in the light flashing in the sky and the huge sound. But now, he felt its power at the closest distance. If it weren't for Ka Lei's guardianship, the power of those thunder and lightning might have directly hit him.

Although during the battle in the dark forest, he knew the white robe he was wearing against energy attacks, but Euses definitely didn't want to use it to test the power of thunder and lightning.

"Ka Lei..." Juss looked at Ka Lei who was hugging him with some worry. Can such a powerful lightning attack really rush past?

"Don't worry, just at this level, there is nothing wrong with the Moon of Doom." Although the intensive offensive of thunder and lightning is becoming more and more concentrated. But for Ka Lei, she hadn't seen a stronger lightning attack before, so she wouldn't be afraid of this kind of thing.

If she wants to make her go all out, the thunder and lightning here will have to use more power. At this level, the instinctive defense of Doom Moon is enough.

After being hit one after another, the long silver tail that had been swimming leisurely behind the Moon of Doom finally moved. The three-kilometer-long tail suddenly became an "S" shape unexpectedly. All of a sudden, a lot of thunder and lightning that had locked its position smashed into space. At the same time, the flight trajectory of the high-speed Doom Moon has also undergone subtle changes. From a basic straight line, a formal change of direction began.

The impact generated when such a huge object changes direction is very huge. Euses, who was hugged by Kare, felt the direction of the whole world suddenly distorted, and the scenery in front of him just now suddenly changed to another look.

Above this black sea of ​​fog, the sense of distance in the space is inherently subtle, but after the huge moon of doom changes its direction, it is even less clear which side is which. Sometimes Juss even felt that it was not flying above the ground, but flying above the clouds. When the Moon of Doom passed through a thick mist, this feeling was even more intense.

Because the Moon of Doom began to fly irregularly, the lightning that could have easily hit the Moon of Doom began to miss frequently. Although the lightning falling from the sky is still the same crazy, there are not many that can hit the Doom Moon that moves flexibly in the sky.

After careful observation, Euses discovered that the direction of Doom Moon seemed to have a lot to do with the long silver tail behind. Whenever the long tail that is several kilometers long begins to change shape, the direction of the Doom Moon will change slightly.

However, Juss didn't understand what kind of law it was after looking at it for a long time. The only thing he felt at ease was that even in the violent change of direction, he didn't feel nauseous in the Moon of Doom, only a slight shaking. The huge Doom Moon itself seems to have perfect balance ability. No matter what kind of flight state it is in, it will not make the carrying object feel violent turbulence. (This is an ability specially added by Kaley, and the reason is of course because of the bad experience riding in Hydra...)

After successive attacks failed, the thunderstorm in the air became even more frenzied. More and more violent forces seem to be contained. For a time, no lightning fell from the sky again, and the surroundings became unusually quiet, only the whistling sound of the moon of doom breaking through the mist echoed in Juss' ears.

All the thunder lights were concentrated in a small area. In that high altitude, a huge lightning vortex formed. In it, a round object was shining. Countless lightning, all gathered on its body, it looked like a super large electric ball.

Circles of golden light waves visible to the naked eye spread around the electric ball, like ripples caused by a boulder thrown into a calm lake, making the entire sky show an abnormal pattern.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom! Unspeakable thunder and loud noises, the world suddenly brightened up, and countless thunder and lightning danced around the electric ball, seeming to be gestating a new life.

Clouds of golden lightning continued to shuttle back and forth in the clouds, like a dragon, like a long snake, bringing up a burst of muffled thunder. And at their center, all is the shrinking electric ball.

There was a sudden ripple in all the black fog above the dark forest, and the few fogs were attracted by the electric **** in the sky.

Gather more and thicker, and in the blink of an eye, a huge black cloud is formed. These black clouds spread to the surroundings, and soon even the sun in the sky was blocked. Only the huge electric ball and the Moon of Doom where Euses and Kare are still radiating its own light.

The air began to be filled with a weird fresh smell, just like the smell often found in the sky after rain.

"This is..." Obviously, even if it is well-informed, even Ka Lei, who has personally tried the world's strongest magic arts, can't figure out what it is.

This is neither magic nor natural celestial phenomena. If I had to say it, it was more like a strange creature hatching. At least, she did feel some signs of vitality from that huge electric ball. However, she was sure that there was no such sign at all in the previous moment.

She doesn't think this is the energy that those mist monsters can have. Although those monsters could even cast an eighth-level forbidden spell instantly if they gathered in a sufficient number, it was obviously impossible to do so. If they really had this method, then she wouldn't be able to defeat them so easily in the first battle.

It seems that there is something unimaginable hidden in this forest. She had never flew high above the forest at high speed. She seemed to underestimate the danger over the forest. She seemed to have heard of this strange phenomenon somewhere.

Boom boom boom! Amid the endless explosions, lightning rushed and dark clouds rolled, rolling up a huge vortex, as if a huge eye was slowly opening.

In that huge eye, there was a golden thunderball, and suddenly there was a loud and deafening noise, and the sky was completely swallowed by dark clouds. The strong electric light exploded in one breath, and from the electric ball, a strange creature was born.

At first glance, it looks like a transparent giant snake with golden light all over it. But unlike the snake, its back has a pair of huge and transparent white wings. Its head presents a graceful triangle, and countless electric lights are shining around it. Its tail hangs all the way to the earth, as if its body is used as a bridge connecting heaven and earth.

Unlike that ugly mist monster, from its body, it exudes a sense of beauty that combines heaven and earth, light and electricity. However, its degree of danger far surpasses that fog monster. From its body, Juss vaguely felt a taste similar to that of Mother Ice Phoenix.

"This guy is in the legend..." Although Ka Lei hadn't seen this creature with her own eyes, she knew what it was.

A creature born from the heavens and the earth, manipulating thunder and lightning and rainstorms, is one of the earliest lives in this world in the legend. The form of existence is not certain, and the ancient civilizations that have been witnessed are regarded as the supreme **** between the heaven and the earth, and even the miraculous creature that is one of the origins of the supreme **** religion. Basically, it is possible for someone to witness it once in hundreds of years.

In the ancient generations, people believed that giant snakes that could continuously shed their skins had immortality, and thus worshiped giant snakes. Among all the worship of giant snakes, only this kind of snake surpassed her pet Hydra.

Quetzalcoatl, or Quetzalcoatl, this is the name it had when it was regarded as the supreme god. Because it has both the immortality of a snake and the wings of a god, it will only appear in the thunder and lightning sky, so it is worshiped by humans in ancient times and called it a god. It is one of the oldest religious beliefs.

According to some studies, it is believed that this kind of life does not actually exist. Its body should be a combination of lightning and fog, similar to a natural phenomenon. However, Ka Lei knew that the feathered snake did exist, the darling of the power of heaven and earth, with incomparable absolute power.

Just like now, the feather snake that appeared in front of her was obviously just born, but it already possessed the power that could threaten her.

If she was in her heyday, it would not be impossible to defeat this newly born feather snake. In fact, in the Seven Wings, there was a superpower who killed the feathered snake in adult form, and even made its core into the center of the treasure. Even if she has Dark December, she can't say to win that guy.

Just as she stood at the highest point of the starry sky magic, the power of the dark December resounded through the entire dark world. That guy is also standing at the highest point of the power of thunder and lightning, even overwhelming the darling of heaven and earth, and can manipulate the real thunder and lightning from birth.

Feathered snake itself is not a beast.

Although it does have life and certain rules of action, more often, it represents a law between heaven and earth and a manifestation of a certain natural phenomenon.

Therefore, compared with that powerful force, the life span of this strange creature is pitifully short, just as the conditions for its appearance must be weather with thunder and lightning. When the dark clouds disperse and the storm ceases, that is, when the feather snake dies and returns to heaven and earth.

This is very similar to the ice charm that can only be born and died in the world of ice and snow. But regardless of the level or the form of existence, Feather Snake is higher than Ice Charm by many levels. In a sense, the life bred by this natural force of heaven and earth is indeed a god-like creature.

Perhaps because of its short life, the feathered snake's adult time is surprisingly fast. It only takes about tens of minutes to directly transition from the juvenile form to the adult form after hatching from an egg formed by lightning. The feather snake at that time will possess unimaginable terrifying power.

Moreover, this life that is infinitely close to elemental creatures has no weaknesses at all, nor is it affected by any curse. The light of the bright moon used to deal with those misty monsters has no effect on this magical creature.

There is only one way to defeat this creature, and that is to rely on absolute power to blast its body apart, and then smash the lightning beads in its body that are condensed by countless lightning forces.

Otherwise, even if its body is temporarily cut off, it can regenerate quickly. Before the end of its own, it was almost invincible. Can kill this kind of creature easily, and is not afraid of the danger of its core Thunderball exploding and taking it away as a treasure center, there is probably only one person in this world.

"Very strong..." Not only Kare felt it, but Juss also felt the threat of the huge snake-like creature. He instinctively realized that that thing is definitely not something he can deal with now. In that huge body, what is contained is one of the most terrifying natural forces between heaven and earth, the power of thunder and lightning.

Moreover, it is no longer a simple natural lightning, but a variant that has gathered countless lightning. If Raiden could come alive and act freely, it was probably what he saw.

Different from ordinary monsters, the feather snake, bathed in thunder and lightning, wandering between heaven and earth, exudes a natural sacred and inviolable power. That feeling, like lightning across the sky in a storm, represents the power of the laws of nature between heaven and earth.

"It's really strong." Kare also had to admit this. The misty monster from a short time ago didn't even have the qualifications to lift the feather snake. The monsters that can only rely on numbers to accumulate magic power, and the darling of heaven and earth, were regarded as gods in ancient times, and the feathered snake, whose strength was unfathomable, was not on the same level at all.

Although because of its existence (from birth to death often only a few tens of minutes), the feathered snake almost never overlaps with the lives of other races. Even if they encounter it by accident and a conflict occurs, it is usually the powerhouse of other races that is killed in an instant.

In the known history, Kare only knows that one person has defeated this powerful and magical creature. That is the first idler in the organization, the guy who does nothing to go to sleep or spy all day long.

"Uss, something might happen later. But don't worry, you will be fine." Almost at the same time as recognizing the body of the feathered snake, Kaley made a decision. As the former leader of the Dark Alliance, she has experienced many battles, and she can judge the current situation almost instantly.

It was terrible, not terrible in general, but she had encountered even worse situations than this. Although this feathered snake is very strong, it is not really a fatal threat to her. If it is in her heyday, although there is no way to use the core of the feather snake as the center of the treasure, it is not a problem to defeat it.

But the problem is that she is not in the strongest state now. Although he used the methods of his own Shakibass and the priest named Mephis to get rid of the shackles of the tenth-level magical infinite rebirth, he jumped out of the endless rebirth. However, the power of the tenth-level divine art has not completely disappeared, and the remaining restraints on her body are the best evidence.

"La!" The feather snake that had just been hatched by the power of thunder and lightning, had obtained its own body, spread its wings and let out a loud cry like singing. The sound resounded through the sky, not only did it not have the unpleasant sensation of ordinary monsters roaring, but also had a special rhythm that seemed to sound like a god.

This is the feather snake, the ultimate life born from the power of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth. The final destroyer that the thunder and lightning storm over this dark forest can give birth to far surpasses the magical life of that mysterious monster that cannot fight without relying on numbers.

"The voice is very nice, much better than Hydra's singing. Unfortunately, this is a pet that cannot be kept." Ka Lei said with regret. In fact, she has an unknown hobby, which is raising soft and slippery reptiles.

Hydra is her favorite Warcraft she found. In order to completely defeat the immortal Hydra, she suppressed her power to about eighth level and fought with her for ten days and nights, killed her countless times, and finally got her recognition as her master.

In comparison, the guy who manipulated the power of thunder and lightning used only lollipops, a bunch of snacks and good-looking clothes to abduct a dark thunder cat from the Warcraft School. Up.

For snake creatures, once worshipped as gods, the feathered snake, one of the original origins of the Supreme God, is of course better. However, there is no way to raise this kind of creature, so there is no way.

"Is it okay?" Euses pointed at the feathered snake that spread its wings and approached quickly. In his eyes, this monster that faintly exudes a breath similar to that of Mother Ice Phoenix is ​​definitely a very, very difficult opponent.

"It's really difficult to defeat it now, but we don't have to kill it. Even if I kill it, I can't use its core as the center of the treasure." Ka Lei stared at the feathered snake that was getting closer and closer. Said lightly.

There has never been a perfect creature in this world. He has unparalleled power from birth, is not affected by all curses, beautiful and transcendent, and is worshipped as a god. It is indeed the life closest to the image of "perfection".

However, the time it can live is not as long as the individual of the mist monster. Without any curse of aging, it will soon die on its own, this is the constraint of the world on it. Otherwise, this perfect creature would have replaced all life and become the absolute master of this world.

"Doom month, speed up!" There is no need to kill it head-on, as long as the time is up, it will naturally die. Therefore, Ka Lei did not intend to stop and fight with it.

Everything is left to the Moon of Doom at her feet, in the dark December, with the fastest speed and explosive power, the stars that exist specifically to carry her flying at high speed.

Under Ka Lei's order, the long silver tail made of dust material began to twist violently. Some small dust vaporized, forming a large amount of white smoke in the air, making the silver tail behind the Doom Moon even larger.

"Huh!" Speed ​​up, then speed up. Under Ka Lei's order, Moon of Doom no longer bothered to avoid the lightning that fell randomly from the sky, but sprinted toward the outside of the dark forest along a standard straight line at the fastest speed. Compared with the feathered snake behind him, the amount of lightning scattered from the sky is completely negligible.

"Lah!" The feathered snake that was chasing him opened his mouth, the white transparent wings drew a graceful arc, and instantly spit out hundreds of thunderballs with a diameter of more than ten meters.

The speed of these thunderballs is incredible, they have directly crossed a distance of more than ten kilometers, feeling the chirping of the feathered snakes, and they have already flown in front of Kaley and Juss.

The dust defense layer, which once perfectly defended countless lightning attacks, failed this time to stop the thunderball spit out by the darling of thunder and lightning. At the moment of being hit, the dust was completely evaporated, leaving no residue.

Ka Lei stretched out a hand and waved randomly, a black trace flashed through the air, swallowing those huge thunderballs silently. Juss didn't even see what she did, and countless thunderballs disappeared into the air.

Then, in her hand, the same number of small black **** appeared, and she flicked them out one by one with her fingers.

At first it was just a tiny black ball. After flying out for a certain distance, it suddenly increased and became a behemoth that was no less inferior to those thunderballs. It quickly formed an inverted triangle in the air and started counterclockwise at the same time. Rotation.

"The Gate of Exile." Ka Lei said the name of the magic softly. This is the dark magic used to deal with summons, and it can even easily return monsters of the same level to another space. It is her unique skill to deal with opponents who are good at summoning. If it was in her heyday, it wouldn't be a problem to banish the angels from the heavens back.

However, the giant feather snake didn't even look at this gate of exile, and directly used its body to disperse this dark gate that could disperse the magic contract. This shows that it is not a summoned creature of any kind, but a magical life that does exist in this world and is bred by the power of thunder and lightning between heaven and earth.

Isn't it summoned? In fact, when she first saw this feathered snake, Ka Lei almost thought it was a masterpiece by someone who was so lazy and delicious that he was spinning around in the air with a dark thunder cat all day long. Only that guy could summon the feather snake, after all, that guy had the thunderball of an adult feather snake in his hand.

But now it seems that it is impossible, otherwise the gate of exile would not have no effect at all. Even if it can't send the feather snake back, it should be able to affect its movements. However, if the feathered snake appeared only because of the mass of thunderstorms gathered, it would be a coincidence.

In nature, especially on the sea, there will be thunderstorms that are much more violent than here every year, and I have never seen a feather snake born every time a thunderstorm. In fact, this is the first time that Ka Lei, who often travels above the sea, has seen a real feather snake. Even for a super power like her, this magical creature like the feather snake is the same thing as a legend.

If it weren't for the first idler in the organization to have a successful example of killing, she might be the same as other strong people, whether there is such a beautiful creature whose life is shorter than that of a butterfly. After all, too few people have seen such creatures.

As a creature of the legendary level, Feather Snake certainly does not only use magical attacks such as thunderballs, even if each of those thunderballs has power comparable to a small forbidden spell.

Due to the peculiar life form of the feather snake itself, its length has increased a lot in just a few minutes of this chase. Countless lightning fell from the air and merged into its body, making its body more slender and beautiful. The pair of transparent silver-white wings are also constantly expanding.

In Juses's feelings, the breath radiating from the feather snake was getting closer and closer to his Ice Phoenix mother. This is not a good sign, he knows the strength of his Ice Phoenix mother very well. But just a single wing can create a super existence that is frozen for thousands of miles.

The feathered snake's wings are very similar to those of the Ice Phoenix mother, although they are silvery white, and they look a little thin. But the power above is not weak at all.

"Lah!" Once again, the feather snake uttered that sweet chirping sound. The slender body wandered around, no longer chasing Euses and Kare, but directly rushed into the sky, a pair of beautiful silver-white wings, leaving a beautiful silver track in the air.

"Sure enough, it's that..." Ka Lei, who knew some feather snake habits, easily guessed what it was going to do. Flying high in the sky is not to let her and Juss go, but to prepare for the fastest sprint to wait.

If it accelerates completely, coupled with the help of the thunder and lightning it carries, its speed will rise to an incredible level in a short time, I am afraid it will be more than ten times faster than her Moon of Doom . Therefore, in front of the feather snake, it is completely impossible to blindly escape, because what it possesses is more than pure power.

There was no way to escape this attack. Feathered Snake with high-altitude acceleration mode turned on was one of the fastest beasts in the world. Unless you can directly use the teleportation in space magic to move hundreds of kilometers away, it is impossible to escape this blow.

If she is in the strongest state, she can summon all the Dark December and easily smash this kind of attack, even if this kind of attack comes from the legendary creature feather snake bred by the power of thunder and lightning.

"Uses, it looks like we have to separate for a while. But don’t worry, I’ll go to that glorious school to find you soon." Time is running out, and Kare first hugs Uses tightly, and then In his ear, he told him a bad news.

"Kare." Juss looked at Kare next to him a little nervously. When she said these words, did she mean...

"The Moon of Doom, split! Take him to the nearest city." Ka Lei raised her head. Although she couldn't see it clearly, there was indeed a huge energy response from the distant sky. If you are not mistaken, the angry feather snake is brewing its strongest attack method.

There are no superfluous spells, and no troublesome rituals. All you need to do is to pour all your power into your body, and then fly down and hit your opponent, that is the unique vertical limit attack mode of Feather Snake.

The moves are quite simple, but absolutely effective. Under the acceleration that exceeds the speed of sound by many times, and with the help of the powerful body of the feather snake, this simple and effective but almost impossible to avoid attack has unparalleled power.

The huge moon of doom began to split actively, becoming a large and a small part, and the long silver tail composed of dusty matter also became two. Among them, the part where Juss is located is slightly smaller, but has a longer tail.

"Ka Lei!" In Juss's eyes, Ka Lei's figure stood still, and then stopped walking with him, but flew directly into the sky.

"Yuses, remember, I made an agreement with you to be the greatest dark princess in the world. Therefore, your wish will definitely come true." Kare smiled while manipulating her doom moon as it rose at high speed. Looking at Euses going away, he made the final announcement.

In Juss's vision, Kare's figure became smaller and smaller. After about a minute or so, there was an earth-shattering explosion in the sky that never knew how high it was.

The black energy and the golden energy converged into a huge light wave, sweeping everything from the sky to the earth. All the clouds in the sky and the fog on the ground were swept away, leaving nothing behind.

Even Uses, who had been far away from that area for an unknown number of kilometers, was affected by the aftermath of the huge explosion. The Moon of Doom under his feet was even shaken by the horrible impact, and it was thrown over directly, and there was a 720-degree maneuver.

As the world turned around, Euses vaguely saw the huge body of the feathered snake surrounded by countless black auras. The other Moon of Doom shot out in another direction suddenly, and disappeared without a trace.

After waiting for a little quieter, Juss found that the surroundings had become a mess. Except for him, who was guarded by the Moon of Doom, the plants hundreds of kilometers in radius had turned into powder-like things, and even the ground had been shaken down.

Ka Lei will be fine...Although Ka Lei is indeed very strong, but the strange snake with wings that makes Euses vaguely feel that the breath is similar to that of the Ice Phoenix mother is also very strong. He doesn't know what happened after the explosion. That's it. However, judging from the fact that the strange snake could not chase him anymore, it should not turn out to be the worst kind.

Next, Euses reluctantly discovered that this violent impact destroyed part of the body of this Doom Moon. As a result, the Moon of Doom, which was originally flying at a constant speed, suddenly began to move crookedly in the air like drunk, and the phenomenon of debris falling off appeared.

And Euses, who was temporarily separated from Kare, was brought far away by this troubled Moon of Doom.


For the people in this small peaceful town in the north, today should have been an ordinary day. The sun rises as usual, and the weather is clear and comfortable. It is an excellent time to go out in winter.

However, in the middle of noon, many people found that thing, the thing that didn't know where it flew to the sky over the city crookedly, and then fell suddenly.

"Boom!" Only a small and a half remains, the Doom Moon, which changed from a circle to a dish shape due to continuous collapse, fell obliquely onto a building, inserting it neatly and neatly into this beautiful and wide area from the middle. The building has become something like an independent art decoration.

"Ah! Something has fallen off!"

"Wow! Did someone come to take a peek!"

"Asshole, I dared to come to the women's bathhouse to take a peek. It's a desperate pervert, I'll kill him!"

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