The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 32: Return of the Ice Phoenix (middle)

Finally, there is no need to go to the course of that kind of lady of beast...The Euses who was brought back by the Ice Phoenix mother was relieved. For him, that course, which was obviously only for girls, was really unacceptable.

After pulling Euses back from the Lady of Warcraft course, the Ice Phoenix began to concentrate on reading books about mother-child relationship borrowed from her human friend, Water Sage Cavendish. For her with little experience, the knowledge recorded in these books is very useful.

Due to exhaustion in the previous Lady of Warcraft course, Juss did not have the idea of ​​continuing to exercise. Just like that, he quietly slept beside the ice phoenix exuding warm air.

"Um...this...this..." While Eusis was sleeping, the Ice Phoenix just turned to the third book. The first two books are "How to educate children correctly" and "How to teach children to take the first step". This one is a little bit different. Its name is "Like, I like Mom the most". It was the book she found at the bottom of the bookcase of Cavendish the Sage of Water, her human friend.

This is a good name! For the Ice Phoenix, who had already reached the stage of doting in love with Euses, the name alone was worthy of her careful reading.

Look, "Like, I like Mom the most", it must be a good book from the name, isn't it? Although the first two books are not useless, they seem to be simpler. Especially what she needs most, how to get along with fast-growing children, is not in those two books!

"I have a beautiful mother. She is very gentle..." "Like. The first sentence at the beginning of "My Favorite Mother" attracted all the attention of the Ice Phoenix and made her plunge into it quickly. So far, all she has found is to look at children's books from a mother's perspective, and to look at mothers' books from a child's perspective. This is the first time she has come into contact with them.

Indeed, it's just that her unilateral understanding is not enough, she has to think more about the children's ideas. Take a look at what the children who like their mothers think in this book, there must be something worthy of reference.


No, there is no way to endure it anymore. I took my mother's hand, and my mother who was a little surprised was pulled in front of me. Her soft and white skin and shiny lips were all facing me.

"Good boy, you..."

I kissed my mother without thinking, almost reflexively, just like when I was a child, my mother kissed me.

My mother opened her eyes wide and looked at me blankly. I felt my cheeks start to warm up and my heartbeat started to get faster. Me, what am i doing?

"Yes, I'm sorry!" I hurriedly apologized to my mother:

"Because my mother is so beautiful, so I..."

Bad, it's too bad. Suddenly being kissed like this, my mother will definitely be angry. As long as they are female, they are bound to be angry.

"Really, don't be too naughty." Mom didn't seem to be very angry. It should be said that she is completely defenseless. However, because of this, I will suffer even more. Why, why is she my mother?

Such a perfect woman, such a beautiful woman, such a woman like a lover in a dream, is my mother.

The heart-wrenching body is within reach, right in front of me. This is not a dream, nor an illusion. However, the distance is too far, too far. It is far more distant than the end of the world, far away as illusory as the stars in the sky.

That's the only way. What else can I do, no matter how much I like or desire, I can't go beyond that wall, the indestructible wall cast with common sense and morality.


It's not working anymore. If this goes on, I will go crazy and break down. The overflowing love and longing have turned into the sea, completely submerging myself, and now I am just a corpse sunk in the deepest part of the ocean.

If, continue like this. If this mood can't stop, I will definitely be unable to control myself.

Supreme God, please forgive my sin. Forgive my eyes can only see the shadow of one person, forgive me for only one person in my eyes, if it is sinful. Then please punish me.

What I like is my mother.


"Woo...Woo... really a poor child..." The Ice Phoenix, who had been immersed in the plot of the novel without knowing it, turned to the next page with tears. However, she didn't seem to notice it. This book is not a normal mother-child relationship at all...


The supreme god. Please forgive me. Today, I will make an unforgivable mistake. I know this is absolutely wrong and absolutely counterintuitive. However, after knowing the secret, I can no longer stand it any longer.

Tonight, I will commit a crime. It is precisely because of liking that I cannot control my desires and therefore commit this unforgivable sin. This kind of thinking will definitely not be accepted by people. But beyond that, I have no other way.

Does it feel like this when you like someone, mom.


"You, what are you going to do, my child." Mom looked at me a little at a loss, I slowly moved closer to her face, and once again experienced the smell of her warm lips.

The soft and elastic lips still had the scent of coffee, which seemed to be too surprising, and my mother did not resist. Even when my tongue was put into my mouth, it just made a hum sound.

My hands wrap around her back.


"Ah..." The Ice Phoenix blinked. It was the first time she had read this description, and she felt very fresh. Curiosity made her continue to turn the pages. She was already immersed in the plot of this novel, but she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.


"No, this is not allowed. Stop it now. My child, are you confused by something?" Mom panted, and said to me in a very serious tone.

"Sorry, I can't stop anymore. Mom, I already know..." I gently said the secret that had been hidden in the family for a long time in the ear of my mother under me. To be precise, I'm afraid I didn't know the secret until now, it's only an idiot like me.

Yes, it is really stupid. If I had known it earlier, perhaps, I wouldn't be what I am now. However, it is not too late.

"What...but..." Mom's body softened suddenly. It seemed that because of her surprise, she seemed to have given up even the symbolic resistance.

I hugged my mother's body, and the two fell on the bed entangled.

When the clothes were taken off, my mother's body trembled slightly. But she neither resisted nor covered her body because of shyness, but looked at me with an incredible look. It seems that for the first time I realize that I have grown up.

In the shaking, my hand took off my mother's last coat. The pink underwear and the snow-white skin immediately caught my eye.

It's so beautiful. In my impression, since the age of eight, I have never seen my mother so beautiful. Mother's **** are tall and straight, the collarbone is clearly visible, there is no fat on the lower abdomen, and the plump **** are still as beautiful as the impression.

"If... if you really want it... it's not impossible... But, my child, it's just your impulse. You'll forget it soon, mother. It's not that young anymore. This body is not as beautiful as it used to be.” It seemed that she had admitted her destiny, and her mother did not resist any more.

"Nothing, my mother's body is very beautiful..." I couldn't help but stretched out my hands and stroked my mother's smooth skin. Then, accurately found the button of the underwear.

With a soft "pop", mother's underwear slowly fell, her slender shoulders trembled, and then her eyes closed. As long as I admire her body, I neither resist nor struggle. But the trembling shoulders still showed her anxiety about the current situation.

This kind of uneasy mood is the same for me. However, the overflowing joy and excitement has occupied my entire inner world. Even if I am about to die, I can't stop.

Even if the underwear is taken off, but the mother's **** are still so perfect. Usually such a plump **** are somewhat sagging or flared, but the tips of the mother's **** are evenly juxtaposed on the left and right. The same size is really perfect.

I seemed to be an artist who chose the perfect twin peaks. I gently rubbed the perfect chest with my hands. The chest held in my hand deformed with the rubbing of my fingers, and the beautiful tip part appeared from the middle of my fingers. Come……


"Hmm...Hmm..." The great master of the ice sea, the ice phoenix, the owner of the entire ice world, looked at this book "Like." "My Favorite Mother" book. Some of the plots in the book moved her, especially the part about the mother-child relationship, which is much closer to her current situation. Of all the books that I have read, probably only this one suits her taste best.

"Huh...hmm..." Uses, who was half-tired during the course of the Lady of Warcraft, fell asleep quietly beside the Ice Phoenix, completely unaware of what kind of books the Ice Phoenix beside him was reading.

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