The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 17: Lady of Warcraft Course (Part 2)

Although it was a very beautiful and moving voice, for Juses who was desperately fleeing, the owner of this voice was undoubtedly super dangerous. Especially after she officially told the fact that he had vaguely foreboding.

What a joke! He is a man, although everyone in this basic education course for ladies of Warcraft seems to treat him as a girl. But he is an out-and-out male, and there is absolutely no reason to wear women's clothing. Even if the Ice Phoenix mother did this kind of thing, he would resist desperately.

The figure of Bingmei Shiraz did not know when he appeared behind Juss. In her hands, it was a set of clothes that would give Juss a feeling of extreme panic as long as she looked at it. The fluttering skirt, cute folds, and beautiful lace are all obviously for girls.

Don't die! This is Juss's only thought now. He would never wear this kind of clothes, no matter what method he used, he would run away.

In response to his own strong will, Euses's body, which should have been exhausted long ago, had an indescribable power at this time. That's an incredible force that only explodes when life is forced to despair. He will definitely not be caught just like this!

"Come on, come here quickly. It's useless to escape. In this basic education course for the Lady of Warcraft, no one can escape. Whoever comes in must pass the courses in order before leaving. I don't think you can compare it to you. It's a trivial matter of skipping class." Sila, who finally found the material he was satisfied with, looked at Juss who was panicked with a smile on his face.

This is the first time she has met such a perfect little lady of Warcraft! Even the running posture is so perfect (no limbs or wings flying away...), it's so cute.

No, absolutely not! Juss shook his head desperately, and the sudden burst of power in the emergency gave him some confidence. If it were the state where he had to go all out even walking not long ago, then he would have to admit defeat. However, now, he may not have no chance to escape.

The terrain here is forest, as long as you make good use of the blocking of those trees. Maybe you can find a little chance. In short, in any case, let him wear that kind of light clothes, he will definitely not do it.

one two Three! run! Taking advantage of the moment when Bingmei Shiraz was looking at herself, Ulysses' figure shook for a while, and then ran into the forest with incredible agility. His ability to act now is far different from when he first entered the basic education course for the Lady of Warcraft. To describe it, it's as if it evolved directly from a slow-crawling tortoise to a bunny.

"Little lady. Didn't you figure it out... It's useless to escape." Bingmei Shiraz smiled, then floated into the air and chased him in the direction where Euses was escaping.

Left...Right...Uses running at high speed calmly bypassed all the big trees blocking the way, and at the same time calmly calculated the best blocking route. The sudden burst of power gave him unprecedented confidence, and the movements that he had never practiced before were now handy for him to use. It seems that this body has long been used to running away.

The terrain, field of view, height difference and other factors in the forest were calculated by Juses one by one, and then he moved at full speed toward the position where the next door should be. Now Uses is in the strongest state after waking up in this ice world.

All bad states, including physical incompatibility, disappeared without a trace at this moment. If he could have this state earlier, he wouldn't have been so hard to repeat the basic walking posture again and again on the top of the icy mountain.

"Wow! Wow!" After running away, a clear and transparent stream appeared in front of Juses. In the creek, several small fishes with cyan patterns on their backs are swimming leisurely.

Not only did they not panic about the arrival of Juss, they gathered together actively and looked at the uninvited guest curiously.

Originally, Euses should have rushed through this creek that was less than half a meter deep, but the white figure standing on the creek made him stop moving forward. .

The bare-footed person standing on the slowly flowing stream in a leisurely posture was the person Euses thought had been thrown away, Bingmei Shiraz. Under the reflection of the ripples on the water, her body showed an incredible sense of transparency, as if she were the elf of this creek.

Those big, blue eyes, soft eyes like sea water, were filled with indescribable smiles. It seemed that Juss would come here, she had expected it a long time ago.

How, how could it be possible, I didn't hear the sound of her catching up! Juss looked at the beautiful figure on the opposite side in disbelief. He couldn't figure out how the other party caught up silently.

"This is a good place. Before the one in this area wakes up, let's finish our course here! Cute little lady, don't have to run anymore. For being an ice magic variant, there is no real entity. For me, there is no terrain that can stop me. Unless, you can use the legendary inherent enchantment." Bing Mei Shila shook her finger, and then waved her hand.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" Centered on the area where the two of them were located, the range of about 100 meters was completely blocked by a ring of ice. There is no need to try, just by feeling, Juss can also understand that the ring is definitely not what he can rush through now.

"The stream here is very beautiful. The water here is also the most beautiful in the basic education courses for the ladies of Warcraft. It can be used directly as a mirror. So, little lady, let's take the course on the costumes of the ladies of Warcraft here. "

Oops, here, is she a place that she has already considered good? Juses looked around a little uneasy, and the ice ring knew that it was not ordinary magic. For him, who had just regained his mobility, it was too unreasonable to fight against such magic.

However, if he didn't want a solution, he would really have to put on that light and flamboyant clothes. How can this kind of thing be possible. You have to think of a way, you have to escape anyway.

"Come on, I'll change your clothes gently, absolutely don't hurt you." Bingmei Shiraz was floating in the air about four or five centimeters above the ground, her transparent body with a hint of coolness (actually very cold). , It's really cold) the breath approached Juss's side.

what to do? what to do? For Euses, this was his biggest crisis after waking up in the world of ice and snow. You know, he would rather fall a hundred times on that walking path, and definitely don't want to wear that cute female dress.

He didn't even understand the strange feeling of that dress. However, the instinct of the body told him that he didn't like that. No, it should be said to be afraid or even afraid of that. Although it was just a dress, it seemed to be an opponent a hundred times more terrifying than that big white bear.

"Okay, just don't move like this." While Euses desperately thought of a solution, Bingmei Shiraz had already arrived in front of Euses, and was looking at her favorite student with satisfaction.

As the costume and etiquette teacher of the basic education course for the Lady of Warcraft, she has a very accurate vision. This little lady of Warcraft, if she grows up, she must be a very, very beautiful lady. Maybe it would be as beautiful as the Ice Phoenix Master.

Moreover, judging from the scent of ice she carries, she should also belong to the ice super monster. For her, who can only exist forever in the form of incomplete entities, such a beautiful and cute little lady of the ice-type monster is as cute as her own daughter.

Bingmei cannot produce offspring. Because they were originally the element-like life forms that were born from souls who died in the ice world with the ice element, which is what many people call ice ghosts. It is not wrong to say that they are dead. Such them, after being born, will instinctively devour other creatures and even the life of the same kind. In an area, there will generally only be an ice charm, one of the most powerful monsters in the ice world.

Because it is a combination of the soul of the dead and the power of the ice world, they are naturally able to use powerful ice magic, and they also have some wisdom. However, only the special variants can have true self-awareness. Otherwise, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a monster that will instinctively attack other lives.

She is such a variant, and, having survived for thousands of years, it can be said that she is the king of ice charm in the entire ice world. However, long ago, she didn't need to devour the lives of other creatures to maintain her own existence, so she could concentrate on researching her favorite clothing culture.

It is her own wish to serve as a basic education course for the Lady of Warcraft. After all, no matter how serious the research is, you will never understand the true essence of clothing culture if you only wear it by yourself. Therefore, every time the basic education course for the Lady of Warcraft, she is carried out with 100% enthusiasm.

The little lady I met this time was exactly what she was looking forward to, the type of quiet and shy that was the least common. You know, in Super Warcraft, this type of women is so rare that they are almost invisible.

No, no, no, it is absolutely impossible to continue like this! Feeling Sila's fingers sliding on his neck, Juss had no idea what to do.

This situation, this situation, this situation...Although Euses had mobilized all his brains, he still couldn't think of what to do. At this moment, he was a little aware.

Is he stupid...

"Ah..." Without any warning, Juss made an instinctive action while his mind was blank. Silas, who was leaning against him, was about to untie his clothes with her snow-white hands, grabbed it, and then pushed it down.

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