The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 471: Goodbye, Ulysses (Part 1)

"Woo, what a terrible vibration, what's going on over there." At the edge of the underground sea of ​​life, Ayu was turning around in place, thinking about a very, very difficult problem for her—— Do you want to help Ulysses?

If you don't help, it always feels like something bad will happen. However, if you go to help, it will definitely hurt, maybe you will die. Although she didn't seem to really die, the feeling of her body being blown to pieces by a "crash" was not good at all.

what to do? what to do? Yayou kept turning around until her eyes were blurred, and she didn't think about it.

At this time, from the direction of the square, an extremely terrifying coercion came. Even Ayu who was far away from the edge area could clearly see the hot golden light.

"Hey! It seems...very bad...I can't go!" Ayu adjusted her mood very hard, resisted the feeling of wanting to escape, and rushed towards the square.

I don't know why, for Ulysses, she always has a special feeling. It seems that this is not the first time I have met with him, nor is it the first time I have spoken to him. When I am with him, I can always vaguely feel a familiar and cordial feeling.

Why do you feel this way?

Why do you care about him so much?

Ayu didn't understand and couldn't think of it. However, one thing is certain. She didn't want to see him in an accident.

So, she is going to help him!

"Can't escape! Can't escape! Can't escape! Can't escape! Can't escape! Can't escape!!" Ayu sprinted hard while cheering herself desperately.

Coming! It's almost here. This time, she will definitely help.

"Abyss conviction." Ulysses whispered the name of his magic sword, and the deep darkness that couldn't be covered by countless golden rays permeated him, forming a peculiar whirlpool around him. .

As long as the golden light emitted by the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword in Rasha's hand approaches, it will be swallowed by this vortex and disappear without a trace. It seems that in this vortex, there is a passage to another world.

Soon, beside Ulysses, a black field appeared. In this dark realm, the terrifying power of darkness swallowed everything, and the mighty power was no less inferior to Rasha who used the Dragon Emperor's Destroying Sword. This is the preparation before launching one of Ulysses' strongest sword skills. That sword skill does not belong to this world, but comes from another world.

However, this alone is not enough! Ulysses, who was feeling the earth-shattering domineering power of Rasha from the front, knew very well that at this level, he would never be able to save Rasha. The current strength, at most, can only be against Laxia! However, it is absolutely impossible to defeat her.

Laxia has the speed that is not lost to him, the attack power is even far higher than that of him who has not liberated the abyss and convicted him, and the defense is also impeccable. Only relying on the huge sword pressure carried by the giant sword can completely block his actions.

The only move that should be able to subdue her without hurting her is the infinite knock down and killing method, in this case, it is not used at all. In such a high-tempo, fierce battle, he couldn't even catch a gap.

Rasha who was using that sword could hardly see any weakness. In other words, in order to defeat her and restore her to normal, he must have the power that completely surpasses her.

However, the power he has now is not enough, far from enough! The power in the Abyss Conviction is undoubtedly an unimaginable existence in this world. However, what he can use is only a small part of that power.

Compared with this Demon King's Sword, his body is really too weak, so weak that he can't even exert its true power.

So, is this his limit? Even if he works hard and holds the belief that he can give up everything, can he not save her? Will everything he did come to an end here?

His body can no longer withstand more power of the abyss and condemnation, and then ascends, the first thing that collapses is his own body.

He needs more power, no, or not so powerful. However, it must be a force that can save Lasha.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The golden light entwined around the Dragon Emperor Destruction Sword and her body turned into countless horrible golden light waves, starting a 360-degree indiscriminate full-range attack!

"Yes! This is your strength!"

"The power that can bring victory!" In La Xia's ear, the "voice" sounded again, guiding her, directing her, and performing the super stunt in the dragon killing and destroying sword style-Long Jingbo.

At this moment, the entire underground world seemed to be submerged by the golden sea of ​​light. This time, the power of Laxia's Dragon Jingbo surpassed any time. Even surpassed her original limit and reached an unprecedented height.

Layers of golden light continued to expand and oscillate in the huge cavity, turning everything into ashes. This is a light wave that ruthlessly destroys everything, belonging to La Xia, and belongs to the extraordinary skill of the Dragon Emperor's destruction sword.

"Wow! Wow!" Ayu who suddenly rushed in felt this amazing power for the first time. If you are not mistaken, this is the power that can really crush her! This kind of super-wide range energy attack is her most annoying power.

"No, goo!" Almost reflexive, Ayu let out a mournful cry.

"Ayu!" Unexpectedly, Ulysses who didn't expect Ayu to rush into the battlefield suddenly raised the abyss in his hand to convict him, and released the power inside without being fully prepared.

"The Demon King's Sword Skill-Dark Mark!" This was the only move he could use to counter the ultra-wide range attack technique used by La Xia. However, using it without charging up to the highest point undoubtedly caused him a big loss.

The black light tore the earth and clashed head-on with Rasha's Dragon Jingbo. At this moment, two huge forces blasted the entire square open, causing the entire underground cavity to begin to shake violently. It seems that it may collapse at any time!

No more...Although he still maintains a state of unresolved outcome, Ulysses is very clear that his body is already close to the limit infinitely. The sequelae of the continuous battle finally appeared, and the time he was able to liberate the conviction power of the abyss may be less than he imagined.

Is it about to fail? Did it fail like this? In the end, no one can save him, no one can protect it? With only half-toned power, is the limit he can achieve?

"Ulysses! Make a wish to me!" Ayu, who seemed to be able to cry anytime and anywhere, finally remembered what he was best at. At this time, if she wants to help, there is only this.

It's really not easy, you know, she has tried her best to keep herself from turning backwards.

Wish, is that it? Ulysses remembered what happened during the 1000-kilometer speed race at the Brave Championship.

Perhaps, there is really a little hope. Can a miracle happen again this time? Having reached the limit, can he really create new miracles?

"Trust me, Ulysses, mum, trust me!" Although Ulysses didn't say anything, Ayu could already feel it clearly. He is really bad now, and if this continues, it's really bad, bad!

If, wishing can make a difference!

If, wishing can save Laxia!

If, wishing can create such a miracle!

Then, just make a wish.

Although the credibility of what Ayu said was absolutely nonsense in the eyes of ordinary people, Ulysses believed it and believed her.

No need for so many reasons, and no need for so much evidence.

At this time, just believe it.

"I... I hope... I can have... the power to save Laxia..." Ulysses expressed his wish very hard.

Rasha is more important than himself! Rather than defeating the enemy, he hopes Laxia will come back! Is this a wish to come? This is an unrealistic wish! However, this is his real wish.

For him, Rasha is a very, very important person and an irreplaceable person. He had already seen the experience of seeing his most important person disappear in front of him once, that painful and feeble feeling, he didn't want to have a second time.

"Dream, where it begins, is also where it ends. I have been praying for a dream to come true. Autumn passes, spring comes, summer ends, and winter begins again. The dream I look forward to, the dream forever. Now, Please let me borrow a little bit of the power of that dream to realize the dream of the person I trust..." Ayu began to pray as before, praying for the realization of the dream of the person I trust.

According to the previous practice, she can give the person who has dreams and hope a power, a power that can create miracles. But this time, something seems to be wrong.

When she prayed, she could clearly feel that something in her body was starting to wake up. What is that? It seems to be a long, long time ago. Someone put her with something very important.

"This..." In Ulysses' mind, something faintly appeared. What is that, it seems to be part of a book, is it the Book of the Devil? Is there a way to save Laxia? If this is the case, then he will use it.

In the next second, the golden light wave suddenly stopped, at a certain position, it completely stopped.

Standing in that position is a young man who holds a magic sword from another world in both hands and smiles at his childhood sweetheart.

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