The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 467: Respective battlefields (below)

What would it look like if powerful energy suddenly exploded in a narrow space? The girls of Seven Wings and Hydra experienced it with their own bodies.




In all kinds of screams, in the violent white light, a violent shock wave drowned everything. It is not a joke to attack the magic circle with a large spiral orbit that gathers all the magic power of the three seven-level powerhouses, Hydra, Hugo, and Blue Star. Its destructive power undoubtedly possesses the level of an eighth-level powerhouse.

When the one-meter or so magic ball touched the enchantment that I don’t know who opened it, huge magical fluctuations erupted instantly, because it was in a sealed space, and the shock wave generated was so strong that it almost made the scalp numb. To the point.

At the critical moment, Palan showed the demeanor of a fearless researcher and sacrificed the reduced version of Tentacle One as a meat shield without hesitation.

The Blue Star, who is more sensitive to crises than anyone else, grabbed Hugo, who was at a loss, and blocked most of the shock waves with his petite body.

Clovey, who seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, disappeared as early as when she was talking to Palan...

The most unlucky and unfortunate victim is naturally Hydra, who is located in the front of the large spiral orbit attacking magic circle. She almost accepted the power of the explosion with her body, and she didn't know where she was bombed...

After the power of the explosion disappeared, Palan got out of the corpse of Tentacle One, a scaled-down version that was unfortunately killed.

"Ah...cough... It's just a small accident... On the road of magic research, there are always so little accidents." Although most of the explosive power was absorbed by the poor meat shield, Palan still Was bombed miserably. The white coat can no longer see the original shape, after all, this is not a combat weapon developed to resist this level of explosion.

"Master, are you okay?" At the last moment, the blue star who gave up her life as the savior didn't look very good. As the guardian who took the initiative to bear the explosive force, her body could be said to be scarred. Although no blood came out, the tattered look made Hugo feel more distressed than anyone else.

"..." Hugo, who was speechless, took the initiative to hug the scarred blue star, and then stared fiercely at the culprit responsible for all this-a certain alchemist who has not yet realized it.

"Ah, Palan, remember it for me! I will definitely make you look good, and when I get better, I will make you a dress-up doll-Hugo." It disappeared before the explosion, the only thing was unscathed. Even Clovey, whose clothes were clean, didn't know where she got out of, and "kindly" conveyed her inner anger for Hugo.

"Hey! Who can pull me out of here!" The voice of the most unfortunate person who bears the brunt of the explosion came from afar. As the most powerful victim of the explosion, she has been blown away hundreds of meters away. If it hadn't been for her body's resilience, she would have been drinking tea with the Supreme God long ago.

A few minutes later, Hydra, who was bombed to a terrible level, quickly returned alive, and looked more energetic than everyone here, people can only lament that Undead Monster is too foul.

"Asshole, which idiot is doing this kind of **** enchantment here!" Although the explosion almost killed almost everyone in it, Hydra cared more about the extremely strong enchantment. The place guarded by this kind of thing is weird no matter how you think.

After entering the place guarded by the enchantment together, they soon discovered that it was actually a very complicated building. It's a bit similar to an underground base, but specifically it's quite different.

On the ground, there were patterns engraved by magic arrays and divine arts everywhere. It was these patterns that formed a huge defensive magic array, releasing the defensive enchantment that had reached the eighth level of strength just now.

Looking around, you can see a lot of mirror-like things, which is a kind of observation magic device called "magic mirror". However, at this moment, all the magic mirrors are pitch black, and no image can be reflected. If these magic mirrors are all working, it should be very lively.

In the room, traces of human work can be clearly seen. The scattered documents, the black tea cup with half a cup of black tea, and some food that has begun to get cold, all indicate that there were still many people working here not long ago. But, obviously, they are not there anymore.

There were some traces of magical attacks on the walls, and there were a few cracks destroyed by weapons on the ground, indicating that there should have been a battle here. But the battle didn't seem to last long, probably because the intruder's strength far surpassed the resisters here. Therefore, there are no traces of large-scale destruction...

"Here...well...what's the place..." Hydra, who had just received a serious injury, recovered from close to the edge of death and unceremoniously invaded the remaining food and fruit.

"Here is the end..." Clovey, who was fascinating as usual, quickly explored the structure of this place. In this strange underground world, the location of this building is unusual. It can be said that it is the bottom of this underground world. Going further, there seemed to be some special obstacles, and she couldn't cross it.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

At this moment, from a certain room, Palan's extremely excited shout came. That voice was like the pervert saw the beauty, and the big bad wolf saw the little white rabbit.

"It's the space demon! It's the body! This is the ten-dimensional cube!"


The ocean of life, the red ocean, gathers countless life forces, and the ocean that flooded most of the humans and members of other races who participated in the festival.

In this huge ocean, few people can have their own consciousness. In the face of the almost unimaginable power of life relative to human individuals, most people have lost their self-consciousness and become members floating quietly in the deep ocean.

Among them, there are prominent kings and nobles, as well as warriors and wizards who have experienced many battles. And more, ordinary civilians. These people of completely different identities and classes have no difference at this moment. In this huge sea of ​​life, they are all insignificant members.

However, not everyone is like this. In the middle of this red ocean, there is still light. That is the white light full of sacred power, that is the light of faith from the most powerful church in the world, and the light that represents the last hope of mankind.

In a huge white aperture, twelve cardinals surrounded the two people in a ring formation, and the distance between each cardinal and his companions was exactly the same, without the slightest deviation. From their bodies, you can vaguely see the white light uniting them all together, and then converging from twelve points to the middle position.

Among the twelve cardinals are the current Pope of the Supreme Catholic Church holding different books and the only cardinal with a white veil, Ulysses's former mother-Euphy.

What the Pope holds in his hand is a white cover with an oval star orbit painted on it, and a book with a sacred cross in the middle. This is exactly the sacred treasure born by his own will, and it is also the most famous super sacred treasure in the entire continent-the word of the word.

And what Yuphy was holding was a book that seemed to be missing many pages. However, this is one of the most powerful treasures on this continent, and it can even activate the legendary treasure of the tenth-level divine arts-the Scripture of Light when it is intact. For the Supreme God, this treasure is not only a weapon, but also a symbol, a symbol of the supreme divine power. Even if it is incomplete, it is still the most influential treasure in the Supreme Church. With this treasure, Yuffi can almost sit on an equal footing with the Pope.

"Are you ready, Yuffi?" Although he concentrated on the twelve cardinals, the current Pope Kepler, who has experienced countless ups and downs, is still not sure about what to do next. After all, "that" hasn't succeeded in hundreds of years.

As a priest profession that emphasizes auxiliary and defensive abilities, most of the cardinals' direct combat effectiveness is not very strong except for the very few cardinals who practice the divine punishment system to attack divine art. However, this is not without return. The cardinals sacrificed their personal combat power in exchange for a combined spellcasting ability that surpasses any profession.

Although wizards can also use transcendent level magic in combination, wizards who prefer to practice individual power are inherently impossible to unite with the priests who have unified beliefs and use the most stable magical ability in terms of joint spell casting. compared to.

In the history of the mainland, the cardinals of the Supreme Church have set a record of defeating a much stronger enemy than them on more than one occasion. Although their personal strength is not very strong, but when they are united together, they have a fighting ability that any super strong can't ignore.

And now, in the face of an unprecedented crisis, the cardinals are united again. At the same time, the Pope himself was determined to take action, and no one dared to ignore their combined power.

However, even so, the pope felt unsure. After all, just now, they failed once. That huge shock was the sequelae of their failure.

The consequence of failure is that the defensive circle established by everyone has almost completely collapsed. Half of them had hallucinations and almost lost their self-consciousness under the influence of that powerful life force.

Time is running out, and if you don’t hurry up, unpredictable consequences are likely to occur. Therefore, the second ceremony is imperative!

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