The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 457: The last qualified person

"Prince, please calm down!" Meiya grabbed the fainted Meisha, and retreated under the light curtain opened by Ronnie. The current situation is completely out of control. Whether it is Prince Chris or the Doomman named Jetton, they have more power than the average eighth-level powerhouse. She couldn't guess what the next battle would be like.

"Hey, it's great, the strength can actually increase. Very good, I'm waiting for you." The black Doom Jetton didn't seem to be interested in bullying the weak. In his eyes, the two witches and Lornie were just as negligible as the air, especially after the only witch with magic eyes who could hinder him lost consciousness.

"You will regret it..." Meiya shook her head. Although this black Doom named Jetton does possess extraordinary power, but what is hidden in Princess Chrissy's body, but...

what to do? If "that" awakens, the current Princess Chrissy (Prince) will never be able to control it. For her now, that power is far more horrible than she imagined. Even though she has the immortality of the Dark Protoss, it is still impossible to withstand the consequences of opening the door in her body.

"Ah..." Chris' body trembled violently. Although she gritted her teeth desperately, she still couldn't help showing an expression of pain. At the same time, in her body, in front of the door, she as a prince and she as a princess are facing each other tit-for-tat.

"Open! Chrissy!" Chris's voice was firm. At this point, not using the power behind that door is a dead end. The opponent's strength exceeded him at this stage too much, almost comparable to the low-level priest who could open the inherent barrier. And she definitely didn't want to taste that humiliation again. Therefore, she must obtain the power behind that door no matter what.

"No! Absolutely not, Chris! You know, if this door is really opened, our consciousness will collapse! Even if it is, do you want to open it!" Chris was rather sloppy. She was almost desperately trying to stop Chris, who was almost impossible for her to confront.

"Of course I know. I will open it just because I know it. Danger and opportunity always coexist. If I don't open it, then I will definitely lose, and even die here. But if I open it, Then there is hope. Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will not give up! Because, I am a prince! Prince of the Dark Protoss, weak you, what qualifications do you have to stop me!" Chris took a step forward, indisputably The voice announced his decision.

"But, aren't we immortal! Even if we die here, we will soon be able to regenerate in the dark temple. So, even if we don't do such an adventurous thing..." Kris struggled. As the guardian of the "door", she knew better than anyone how terrifying the power behind that door was. Until now, what Chris had used was only a small part of the power hidden in it. She couldn't even imagine how serious the consequences would be if she really released the power in it.

She was convinced that no matter it was Maya, Meisha, Lornie, Kuna, and others, they would never agree with Chris's approach. The hidden things in there are very important to Qiye and the Dark Protoss, and they must not be used so easily.

"Chrissy! I am a prince! Not a princess like you. It is the prince who has the strongest fighting belief and will absolutely carry it through! If you have an immortality, you can not care about death once? What kidding! Such weak thoughts Are you insulting me!" Chris was angry. Not because of the enemy, but because of herself, as a "princess", she actually has such a cowardly thought! This is absolutely not allowed! The Dark Protoss, even if it was killed in battle, it was a vigorous death in battle, not with such a cowardly thought!

"Moreover, even if we leave this world by death, what will Namea and the others do! As the prince of the Dark Protoss, I will not do such a cowardly act of leaving behind and fleeing!"

"Chris..." Chris couldn't answer, because that was her own thought. Abandon the weak side and carry out all the will in the battle, the idea of ​​the strongest "prince"! She is on the opposite side! Here is her too, this is the intersection of two souls with different personalities.

The result came out very quickly. Like all previous confrontations, Princess Chris, who was not good at fighting and arguing, could not stop Prince Chris.

"Go away! Fight, it belongs to me! Just watch it carefully." Chris pushed aside Chris who was guarding the door, and came to the sealed door.

Yes, as a princess Chris just needs to look at it! Just do what you like at will and find the things that are pleasant for you.

All the battles, all the pains, all the madness, all are to be borne by her! This is the fate that she has awakened since she was born. It is a mission that she must accept and carry out as a "prince".

She was not dissatisfied, nor complained. I even said that I am very happy that I can undertake such an important mission. Fighting, blood, and madness are hers, the most romantic and gorgeous stage! It's her battlefield as the "Prince"!

Now, she is about to open this door and use her strongest "power". Even if that "power" is stronger and more terrifying than her!

For a long time, like Chrissy, she had been afraid of what was behind this door. That is the fear of all beings facing the mysterious instincts that they cannot understand, and the anxiety of powers far beyond themselves. Because I can't understand, because I can't control, so I'm so scared, so uneasy.

But now, she wants to open it! Because, if she doesn't even have the courage to open this, then she is not qualified to be a "prince" and loses the power to continue fighting.

So, today, she wants to surpass it! Even if she cannot overwhelm it in strength, she must surpass it in will and belief! Then, gain its power.

Due to the battle just now, this sealed door has been opened with a small gap, it is really small, if you don't stick to it, you can barely see it, I'm afraid you can only let the ants crawl over it.

"Hey!" Chris pressed his hands on this door. This door that exists in her body is the greatest taboo of the Dark Protoss and one of the greatest mysteries. She herself didn't know what was behind this door. But since she had consciousness, everyone told her that this door could never be opened. Otherwise, it will have unimaginable consequences.

But now, she has to use her eyes, her hands, and her body to confirm what is inside this door.

"Crack!" Under the strong push of Chris, in the nervous eyes of Chris, the door that had been sealed for a long time slowly opened.

Then Chris and Chris saw it at the same time, and they saw a beautiful silver-blue beam of light in the door that had only been opened for a little while. The beam of light seemed to have crossed from an infinitely distant space, and then appeared in this world. In the middle of the beam of light, there are countless light spots floating and swimming, and in the middle of the light spots, a silver-white shadow can be vaguely seen.

Then Chris and Chris lost consciousness together.

"Hey, it looks like it's almost...wait...what is this!" Jetton, who had been standing still and waiting for Chris to raise his power to the limit, suddenly shook, the sky that seemed to remain unchanged for thousands of years. A look of horror flashed across the cow's face.

No, this is not the power of the guy just now! This power is not flame!

Chris was floating quietly in the air about one meter above the ground, but in sharp contrast to what was just now, there was nothing left of the purple flames surrounding her at this moment. No, not only the flames, but also air, dust, and all other debris, no longer exist around her.

All that exists around her is nothing but the space itself.

"Have you finally revealed your true colors? It seems that there is a big battle this time. Very good, I haven't been so excited for a long time!" Jetton unfolded his extremely powerful energy barrier for the first time, and then floated beside him. The little orange fireball summoned to his face. At the same time, the pair of crystals on his chest flashed again, which was the fighting posture he was about to go all out.

Taking the lead in making a combat stance, this means that for Jetton, Chris is now qualified to let him fight with all his strength.

"Go, a trillion fireball!" A light flashed in Jetton's eyes, which once burned through all the flames of Chris, and then quickly rushed to her the fireball that had evaporated from her right hand. As the strongest Doom, he possesses an incomparably terrifying talent ability, that is, the extraordinary fire control ability and the compression guidance ability above that.

The one trillion fireball produced by using this dual ability is enough to completely evaporate a city in one blow, or instantly burn the earth through and burn all the underground rock prizes. If it is used against people, even the powerful body of the eighth-level strong will be wiped out in an instant. Even Buster, who is the Doom, absolutely dare not use his body to try the power of this small fireball that surpasses the so-called forbidden curse level of mankind.

The orange-red fireball, which was still inconspicuous as before, flashed a faint trace in the air, and flew over to Chris, who was floating quietly in the air about one meter from the ground. Although it looks almost the same as the fireball technique used by the trainee sorcerer, even if it is another Doom Buster, he will never use his body to pick it up, because that means he will kill himself.

The energy contained in this small fireball was so powerful that the magic eyes of Witch Mesa could not be seen, so powerful that Chris's flame of destruction could not be blocked, and so powerful that it could kill an ordinary eighth-level strong in a second.

This is the last and strongest Black Doom Jetton's stunt-a trillion degree fireball.

"Prince Chris!" Although Meiya hasn't judged the essence of the fireball until now, the degree of danger of the fireball is beyond doubt. Judging from the battle situation just now, if hit by something like that, even the immortal body of the Dark Protoss would be wiped out in an instant.

Chris didn't move, there was no big flame block like before, and there was no sign of gathering strength. By her side, there is nothing, nothing exists, and the only thing that exists is probably the "space" itself.

Even when Jetton's fireball flew to a distance of only a few meters from her, she didn't even open her eyes. It's just that, as if falling asleep, floating quietly in the air more than one meter above the ground.

There was no earth-shattering explosion, and there was no gorgeous light that filled the entire cavity. Jetton and Chris's confrontation again, it can be said that it was carried out silently, and the winner was also determined silently.

Like a pebble thrown into the sea, one of Jetton’s most proud stunts is a fireball of one trillion degrees that can burn through the earth after causing a circle of silver-blue ripples a few meters in front of Chris. , Disappeared without warning.

There was no explosion when there was a magical conflict, no flames and flames, Jetton's one trillion degree fireball, like a drop of water in the sea, completely disappeared in this world.

"What!" Jetton looked at the location where his one trillion degree fireball disappeared in disbelief. He can be sure that his fireball was definitely not destroyed by some energy, but just disappeared there, as if it was eaten by something.

But there, there is obviously nothing! There is no flame, no thunder and lightning, no freezing gas, and no magical or dark magical energy. It's real, nothing.

The question is, if there is really nothing, where did his one trillion degree fireball go? Why can't he feel its existence anymore? To defeat the so-called forbidden spell, a trillion-degree fireball that is several times more powerful, how can the power used be like this without any warning? Not to mention the eighth-level strong, even the ninth-level strong may not be able to do it!

"Boom!" Jetton didn't last long in astonishment. Because, soon, he felt the existence of his one trillion degree fireball again-with his body.

It was as without warning as when it disappeared. He created a one-trillion-degree fireball that could destroy the body of any eighth-level strong. It appeared directly in front of him, leaving no time for him to react, and directly burned through him. body of.

There is no pause, no turning point. It seems that this one trillion degree fireball is still in the trajectory of the attack and has not encountered any obstacles. The only thing that has changed is that the object of its attack has changed from Chris to Jetton himself.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Jetton, who was hit by his own one trillion degree fireball, let out a terrible roar, his chest evaporating at a high speed at a speed visible to the naked eye. I can't see any burning process, because the terrifying temperature has completely evaporated all the substances that can be burned, without any residue.

"Space reflection!" Mei Ya, who is also proficient in space magic, shouted loudly. This is the super advanced magic in space magic, a legendary magic that can reflect all energy or objects close to the user's body of space magic back through space faults.

It was not a simple rebound, but to create a space fault around oneself in advance, then absorb the opponent's attack, and then reverse the space fault, sending the opponent's attack back intact. It can be said that this magic can make almost all long-range attacks meaningless.

However, to use this magic, one must have a high level of knowledge of the space itself and possess a huge amount of magic power. Compared with moving in space, the level of this magic is several levels higher. In the entire history of mankind, few people can use this technique. This magic, although it is also recognized as a kind of eighth-level magic. However, in fact, it can be said that it has surpassed the level of ordinary magic and approached the realm of "gods".

Originally, space magic was a mysterious magic that surpassed human cognition. In the entire human history, even in the age of ancient language magic, few wizards can freely use this series of magic.

Human beings who are extremely powerful, or have a deep understanding of the nature of the world, can rely on their own power to influence the space, and even create an inherent barrier that erodes the real space with their inner world, but that is the same as real space magic They are totally different things.

Only those who really understand space and master the rules of space can use super-high-level spatial power like space reflection. Being able to freely create space faults and manipulate it, this is simply not the power of Prince Chris! If she had this ability, no one of the eighth-level strong would be her opponent, and she could be invincible even when fighting against the nine-level strong.

"It's actually space power! It's space reflection! How could this be possible!" Although his chest was burned through by the one trillion-degree fireball shot by himself. But Jetton, who had the same vitality as all Doom fighters, did not die like this, but rushed towards the silent Chris with a crazy expression.

At a distance of about ten meters from Chris, Jetton's figure suddenly flashed, and then disappeared into the air.

This is-teleportation! Jetton also used space power. Although it did not have the high level of space reflection, it was enough to directly launch it in a quick action, which was enough to explain his horror. The name of the strongest Doom is more than just bragging.

However, when Jetton appeared in the position behind Chris, he only saw one hand of Chris, a hand that opened at random.

"Ding!" Accompanied by a sound like a broken mirror, his heart, his bones, and his nerves were completely destroyed in this blow, and countless small fragments were accompanied by Chris' wave on his body. Popped in. That is not any kind of elemental power, but the power of fragments of space that no one can see clearly with the naked eye.

Jetton's head, body, and nerves all became almost fragmented by this blow, looking like a tattered doll with 10,000 feet being thrown on the ground.

In fact, if he hadn't desperately guarded his crystal core (Jerton's core, heart and head are ornaments, this is his key and the hardest part), maybe this blow would be complete. Break him down. Even so, there were cracks in his most important core, two of the three crystals, which were almost irreparable cracks.

There was no complacency in knocking the Zerg’s now last and strongest Doom to almost fragmented Chris in a single blow. In fact, she doesn't have any expressions now. The calm and expressionless face is not so much the face of a "human" as it is a face closer to the "god". High above, the face of the "god" overlooking the whole earth.

I haven't lost yet! I still have the Light of Destruction to no avail, and I still have the ability to continue to attack in a full range... Jetton, who was knocked into the air by Chris's hand, couldn't accommodate other things in his mind. In fact, it is a miracle that he can still think now. Chris's blow has severely damaged his thinking core and a core of strength. He is now on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, his mind was muddled, and he heard a voice falling straight down from the air, a very nice voice.

"Get out of here!"

Are there hallucinations? Where does this sound come from?

"Get out of the way!"

The nervous system was about to collapse and there was auditory hallucinations.

"Get out of the way!"

It is not an auditory hallucination, confirm that there is a living body approaching, and open the energy barrier for defense! Relying on the last instinct, the strongest Slayer who came to the end opened his powerful energy barrier, which can defend most of the energy barrier of eighth level attacks.

"Hurry up and get away!" A petite figure carrying a backpack rushed over from the hollow entrance at high speed. In her hand, she also pulled a panting girl with a blush on her face.

Behind them, there are several transforming warriors from the Zerg race who were originally human 7th-level powerhouses. Obviously, these reformed fighters have been chasing from the holes of their guards.

"I said...Ayu...I can deal with..." The girl who was dragged to the sky almost flew into the sky and said intermittently.

"Woo! Violent opposition! Kona! I won't fight! Wow! There are really people!" Ayu said categorically, running all the way from the entrance of the underground world to here. However, it seemed that she had forgotten to look in front of her when she spoke.

"Bang!" "Bang!" This was the sound of Yayo crossing the strong energy barrier of Jetton, the strongest destroyer, knocking him into the air, turning his body torn apart.

"Bang!" "Ah!" This is Kona who was forced to hit Jetton's energy barrier by Ayu, hit the invisible energy barrier with his face, and involuntarily broke up with Ayu, rolling around on the ground. the sound of.


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