The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Rush (middle)

"Pop!" The unfortunate soldier didn't even make a single move, so he was smashed against the heavy wall. Widowmaker, which accelerates faster than the speed of sound, is undoubtedly harder than the warrior's armor many times.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" From the soldier's body, there was a series of cracking bones. Then, his whole body twisted into a strange shape and slowly slipped off the wall.

However, this is not the end.

A few white metal **** with a beautiful silver luster and a pair of transparent wings flew to his side quickly and began a brutal siege.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The cold white light kept flashing in the air, waiting for these beautiful white metal **** to fly back to Widowmaker. At that location, there were only some strange objects that could not see the prototype.

"The annihilation is complete, creator!" Lapis' calm voice sounded in Ulysses' ears, announcing the end of this unequal battle.

"Go ahead!" Ulysses didn't want to stay here for a second. The intense anger and the sense of urgency for time forced him to move forward at the fastest speed.

The power of the abyss conviction is close to infinite, but his own ability to bear it is far from enough. Even with the assistance of Lapis, the time he can go all out to fight is still not worth mentioning.

Therefore, he must advance as fast as he can, and he can't even delay one second. Unlike the powerhouses who are cautiously advancing on other passages, the only way he can choose to advance is to continuously sprint.

Sprinting, sprinting, sprinting again, Ulysses has brought the Widowmaker's high mobility characteristics to the limit in this not wide passage. Relying on Lapis' powerful intelligence gathering ability and Widowmaker's own excellent maneuverability, he is sprinting, sprinting desperately.

Sprinting in a straight line, maneuvering in a snake-like shape, and maneuvering in a rotating manner, Ulysses completed the difficult flying maneuvers that are difficult for ordinary level seven powerhouses to complete in the sky in the passage like a maze. In order to save every bit of energy, he didn't even have time to stop and rest.

"Boom!" With a huge roar, Ulysses rushed into the second huge hole. This time, the enemy stopped in front of him was obviously much stronger than the one just now. It was a green monster with long hair all over.

"Aw! Aw!" The monster slapped his chest desperately, making a terrifying roar. Beside him, countless thunder lights scurried frantically, shaking all the metal **** that Lapis had shot in advance.

"The speed of sound..." Ulysses obliquely lifted the abyss conviction in his hand, without too much release of the dark power in the abyss conviction, and rushed over in a rush.

"Aw! Aw! Aw!" The long-haired green monster hugged his hands and feet together in excitement, and then spun wildly on the spot, turning into a crazy green electric ball.

"Sprint!" This is the assault skill that Ulysses completed after getting inspiration from the beautiful and passionate dragon princess Angela's proud assault skill-the lightning announcement. Unlike the assault technique in the Dragon Kill Destruction Sword style that requires a certain amount of time to accumulate, this technique is only used in high-speed sports, and is an impact technique that is completed with the power of sprinting.

"Flap! Flap! Flap!" The hairy monster that turned into a huge electric ball spun wildly, and then turned into a green phantom and rushed towards Ulysses. Behind it is a series of dazzling green shadows.

There is no evasion, no defense, and when the sonic shock is launched, you can never stop. Stopping this kind of moves that rely on the impact of high-speed motion almost means the user's failure.

So Ulysses continued to sprint. Not only keeps on, but also keeps eyes wide open. In his field of vision, he could clearly see the opponent's body exuding huge thunder and lightning rushing towards him frantically.

The black triangle and the cyan thunderball collided head-on at a position about three meters above the ground!

"Pap! Pap! Pap! Pap!" A series of dazzling electric sparks exploded in the air, and there was a dull stabbing sound.

For a moment, the world seemed to stand still. But soon, the black light pierced through the silence, with an unrelenting aura, and continued to sprint.

A black light flashed across the sky, and the Widowmaker, like a black ghost, continued to advance at high speed, while the huge green electric ball suddenly fell from the sky, revealing the corpse of the green monster whose chest was pierced.

"Creator, your left hand..." After a while of silence, Lapis's voice rang in Ulysses's ears, who continued to advance at high speed.

The conflict at that moment just now ended with Ulysses' victory. However, it is definitely not a complete victory. While piercing the opponent's body smoothly, Ulysses's left hand encountered a strong lightning attack. The powerful thunder and lightning even penetrated Widowmaker's defenses and burned his left hand.

"It doesn't matter, this injury is nothing at all!" Ulysses said without hesitation.

"Please be careful..." Lapis said nothing. In fact, according to her detection, the lightning burst at that instant not only penetrated Widowmaker’s defenses, but also damaged Ulysses’ body.

That is definitely not an injury that can be ignored. In order to maintain the highest speed and the fastest pace of progress, Ulysses chose the battle plan of injury for injury.

"Really, don't worry, Lapis, I won't fall down here!" Ulysses felt that his left hand seemed about to lose consciousness, but this didn't stop him.

It's just such a small injury, just such a trivial injury, how can it stop him!

"Healing!" The light magic that hadn't been used on him for a long time flashed on Ulysses's body. After a cooling period, his left hand, who was about to lose consciousness, recovered a lot.

Recently, he has fought too much with overly powerful enemies, and it seems that he himself has almost forgotten, he is still a part-time light wizard. Although the general light magic that he mastered was impossible to cause any trouble to those powerful enemies in battle, he still could do it by healing himself.

At this time, even a tiny bit of power must be used, and even a tiny bit of power is not allowed to be wasted!

Go forward, go forward, and never stop until you reach the final destination!

Moving forward, moving forward, we must use the fastest speed to find the culprit. No matter how much the price paid, we must defeat him!


On the other channel, there was a similar figure flying forward at high speed. However, compared to the crazy and shocking advance of Ulysses' Widowmaker, the flying of this silver figure is more pleasing to the eye and more dexterous.

Wolf's sacrifice can't be wasted, please watch it, comrade-in-arms, swear in the name of the owner of the Silver Sword Angel, your sacrifice is by no means worthless! Forcibly resisting the grief in his heart, Noah unfolded the six steel sword wings behind him, flying at full speed.

In front of her, there is a continuous extension, as if it will lead to the underground channel. In the unknown ahead, she didn't know what kind of enemies were waiting for her. However, no matter how powerful the enemy is, she will not retreat.

In the name of the Supreme God she believes in, she wants to defeat all enemies that stand in front of her!

Soon, in front of the continuously extending road, a faint light appeared. It was a large, hollow light that Noah had seen once.

Are there any new enemies? Noah, like Ulysses, didn't mean to slow down at all. She was flying at high speed, but when she was about to reach the end of the passage, she manipulated the steel sword wing behind her, and rushed to the top of the hollow in one breath.

The enemy this time is... Looking at the enemy standing in the middle of the void, Noah's eyes widened in surprise. Even if she was blocked by the blue mask, she couldn't conceal her astonishment.

There is a human being. Yes, completely human beings can even be said to be very handsome human beings.

Floating blond hair, a face as firm as a knife, a pair of piercing green eyes, and a tall body. Even just standing still like that, it naturally exudes an amazing aura.

However, this is not what surprised Noah the most. What surprised her most was that behind this man, was wearing a cloak she was very familiar with, that black cloak, not...

No, it was absolutely accidental. Noah took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. That kind of thing is absolutely impossible, that person can't be the same as Wolf. And this guy has nothing to do with that person.

However, one thing is very close, that is, strong, purely strong, overwhelmingly strong. He doesn't need any action, just a casual stop can give people a sense of oppression that is as stable as a mountain and despise everything. That feeling cannot be described in words, as if it was not a person in front of her, but a representative of a certain will.

Now, he was looking at Noah flying in the sky with a pair of unusually pure, dark emerald-like eyes. Although he didn't do anything, just looking like that gave Noah an extremely terrifying pressure.

It was cold... Noah felt as if he was being stared at by the demon who had climbed up from the abyss. It seemed that standing in front of her was a powerful demon that she could never match.

This is not the first time that she has felt this huge sense of oppression. However, before, she found this feeling from another person.

"Leave, you are not qualified to come here..." To Noah's surprise, from the blond powerhouse who gave her a huge sense of oppression, she said something incredible.

Is he persuading her? How is this going?

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