The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Inclined battlefield (part 2)

"Papa! Papa! Papa!" The blue and white thunder light poured down from the sky in the form of a cross with an extremely terrifying sacred power.

The Judgment Power of the Holy Cross-the most famous divine technique among the attacking divine techniques of the Supreme God. The stigma of the cross can destroy all darkness, and the additional lightning power is a tricky thing for any professional powerhouse, and it can be said that it is a rare indiscriminate attack on the divine art. Under the union of Yuffi and the twelve cardinals, the trial of the Holy Cross this time has reached the highest level of the eighth level, no matter in the attack range or the attack power.

"Roar! Roar!" The Zerg ground troops, who were submerged by countless red seawater, had nowhere to hide, and no way to defend, roared angrily. The lightning that contained powerful sacred power crazily destroyed their bodies and paralyzed their nerves.

The slightly weaker auxiliary arms were completely wiped out within a few seconds, and those Zergs with powerful magic resistance and vitality were still struggling desperately. The seawater that has submerged everything is indeed the best conductor of the sacred thunder, but it also disperses a lot of the power of thunder and lightning invisibly. As for the sacred power contained in the thunder and lightning, it is not harmful to the Zerg who is not a dark race.

The most important thing is the huge black pillars rising from the ground, attracting the power of countless thunder and lightning. These huge pillars finally revealed their true colors at this moment. Facing the joint attack from Yuffi and the twelve living cultivators in red, they no longer remained silent, but actively twisted the surrounding space, and greedily began to devour the power of that mighty terrifying magic.

Not only the power of thunder and lightning, but also the power of the red sea water on the ground. Around these huge black pillars, without exception, huge vortices appeared, and countless red sea water was being absorbed and swallowed by them. Including the corpses of the Zerg who died in the sea, all were swallowed by these dark black pillars.

"That's it!" This time, all the strong have discovered that the pillars are wrong. However, it was too late.


In the deep underground, Chongji opened her eyes and stretched out her hand. The dozens of black threads extending from her body began to violently twist and deform.

At the end of the world on earth, in that huge red eye, something similar to emotion appeared for the first time.

It was a look mixed with compassion, joy, and a trace of contentment. At the deepest point in the center of the pupil, the symbol of the "swastika" began to rotate in reverse. At the same time, the symbol itself began to reverse and became a "swastika"-shaped symbol.

"Thank you, this is enough. Already, there is no need to fight anymore. Warriors of our race, please rest in peace! Your lives will become the starting point of a new life."

The message sent by the Zerg Ji was immediately conveyed to the minds of all the Zerg troops still remaining on the battlefield.

"Long live your majesty Adelf Citele!" A half-human zerg who was submerged in the sea with only half of its body smiled, and inserted its own heart with a hand that could still move. , Destroyed their own core. The bright red blood burst from behind him and flowed into the red sea.

"Long live the great worm girl Adelf Sidler!" The several higher zergs gathered together and were about to launch the final beam of energy to attack, bowed their heads, and then blew themselves collectively, becoming part of the red ocean.

"Long live your majesty Adelph Sitler!" The last few surviving aerial killers spread their broken wings, and then used their greatest strength to give their closest companions the final blow. . The huge body slowly fell and sank into the sea.

"Long live the great worm girl Adelf Sidler!" Sitting in the tall alien zerg body, until the last moment, the commander zerg who was still fighting with a group of 7th-level powerhouses on the opposite side calmly closed his eyes and pressed down. The last red button. With a sound of "Boom!", a huge red wave burst out of the sea.

"Long live the great Insect Ji Adif Sidler!" The joint captured the last trophy-a seventh-level priest of the Supreme God, and ordered the last team of capture teams to send the priest to the ground. The top commander of the ground forces and two of the core figures in the plan, Raou and Figozia smiled at each other and looked at each other.

"I've finally reached this point. Her Royal Highness Nongji did a better job than we thought." Rawu, wearing a pink dress, smiled and looked at his feet. There is the place where the supreme Insect Ji of their clan is, and it is also the last hope of their clan.

In fact, generally speaking, it is impossible for Her Royal Highness Zushi Ji to have such a great power, and he passed the mother emperor and directly issued this order to them. However, everyone else probably didn't know. At the same time that he decided to send Her Royal Highness to carry out this plan, the great mother emperor had already decided to die automatically.

In other words, the current Highness of the Zerg, himself is the representative of the will of the mother emperor. In other words, she has become the new mother emperor.

"Unfortunately, the images of the changing clothes of the Supreme Goddess officials that were finally available have not yet been completed. It seems that I have to wait for my next term to continue. Go on, my offspring." Figozia is a little regretful. Said.

"Although it's useless to say it at this time, she probably can't hear it, but Her Majesty Worship, I love you. Listen, my offspring! If you have a chance to become the new King of Destruction, don't forget to confess to the Worship Hall. Ah!" Rawu's face suddenly blushed. This is a rare thing for him, who has always been calm in his work.

"Then, let's go together! Go to where we first started! Raou!"

"Ah! Let's go together, my good friend! Figoz!"


"Crack!" With two crisp sounds almost exactly the same, with the satisfaction and smile of task completion, Raou and Figoz gave each other a fatal blow to their best friend.

Bright red blood splashed in the air, and two smiling faces that also had no regrets sank into the bright red blood together.

Yes, it is a sea of ​​blood. With the self-destruction of countless zerg races, the sea that was originally just red has become a real sea of ​​blood. The blood of countless zergs, high, low, wise, and ignorant, almost all the zergs still remaining on the ground, all were chosen without hesitation under the orders of the worm Ji Adif Sitler Died.

Witnessing this unusual scene with his own eyes, even Yuffi and the twelve cardinals in the sky stopped their attacks in surprise. The other seven-level powerhouses were even more stunned.

How is this going? Are all these insect-like monsters crazy!

It was no longer necessary for the Supreme Cult to make another move. After witnessing the destruction of all the Zerg troops, Yuffi and the twelve cardinals stopped.

Ulysses, who was flying at high speed over the sea, stopped.

Grasping a Hydra rocket in each hand, Hydra, who had been killing frantically since the start of the battle, stopped.

While guarding Fali, the heroic kings Yuke and Leilu who were advancing stopped.

With a purple flame burning in his hand, Chris, who was about to evaporate the red sea water, stopped.

For an instant, the world seemed to stand still, and a vigorous battlefield seemed to have ended in this way. No matter how much Ulysses wanted to kill, there was no opponent for him to kill.


The war is over like this? Is it really over like this? The monster army that had just been fighting desperately died out so easily?


Those black pillars seem to have stopped absorbing sea water and energy, and the huge breath of life they exuded is also fading, and the degree of threat has dropped sharply.


In the sky, there seemed to be faint sunlight shining down, and the darkness, death, and killing of this world seemed to disappear.


So, what is this feeling of a heart beating violently! In the silence, there is only this voice, louder than any other voice.

After the hustle and bustle of the battlefield disappeared, the sound of this heartbeat became the only sound in this silent world, covering the entire world.

"Boom! Boom!" This kind of strong and powerful life pulse cannot be a human being, nor can it be an orc, and even the dragons don’t have such a terrifying heartbeat. The heartbeat of a powerful life that can be understood by common sense.

"On the basis of blood and death and sacrifice, on this battlefield overflowing with despair, madness, fear, kindness, guardianship, and firm feelings, with my wish as the soul, and the sacrifice of countless soldiers of our race, Reappear here, the holy grail of life!"

At the end of the world, among the huge eyes, a small cup full of vitality emerged from the void. Unlike the uncontrolled dark holy grail held by Fali, this white holy grail is full of huge vitality that cannot be described in words. The huge life force overflowing from there instantly flooded the entire world, not only the ground, but also the sky.

This is the true form of this cocoon, under the power of the huge Holy Grail of life. The entire world of space demons, at this moment, has become an ocean of life. Everything is back to the original point. The magic enchantment at the festival venue that guarded all the civilians also failed to prevent the invasion of the ocean of infinite vitality, and was completely submerged.

"Intrinsic barrier, the sea of ​​life!" From the depths of the underground world, the whispering voice of Insect Ji Adefu Sidler came.

Everything we did before this work was for the birth of this moment. In order to get enough life force, he even bet on all the lives of the remaining Zerg. But everything is worth it. With this, the newly born Zerg will be the strongest and unmatched race.

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