The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Guild Wars 2 (Part 1)

"Successfully completed the suppression of the third area, captured three seventh-level powerhouses, and about 300 remaining intelligent lives, which are being sent back to the base..."

"His Royal Highness Insect Princess, the fourteenth area is completely wiped out, ah..."

"The nineteenth area suffered a devastating blow. The battle is impossible. The opponent is..."

"The enemy's air forces and anti-aircraft tools are beginning to take effect. The air forces need to evade maneuvers at higher speeds, and support for ground forces has temporarily weakened."

Various sounds echoed in the underground base, with good news and bad news; in general, the battle situation was mixed. However, this is only from the point of view of the battle situation, from the point of view of strategy...

"Fifty percent of the planned progress..."

"Not enough, continue to increase the offensive..."

"Regardless of casualties, no matter how strong the opponent is, continue to attack..."

"Buster, ready to attack..."

One order after another was issued from the underground base where Chongji Adefu Sidler was located, and the large troops on the ground also faithfully continued to attack desperately in accordance with her orders. Even though, such an offense will only bring death to themselves.

No, something is wrong, what went wrong? Insect Ji Adefu Sidler, what is the idea on earth? Darwin frowned. From his point of view, this series of orders from Zergji was completely an order for the numerous Zerg troops to be sent to death.

No matter how many of these troops there are, even with the support of the air force that just joined, it will definitely not be the opponent of the elite troops of the Supreme God. What's more, the enemy of this unit is not only the Supreme Cult, but also the Mage Guild and other powerful men from all over the mainland.

If it is a conventional war, this Zerg army has the strength to sweep all countries in the mainland. However, now, it is not an ordinary human army that is fighting against this millions of Zerg army, but the elite of the Supreme Holy Knight Order and the Sorcerer's Guild. In addition to other strong people from all over the mainland, even if they can take advantage of unexpected assault warfare at first, they can temporarily gain a temporary advantage. However, after the Supreme Cult and the Sorcerer's Guild eased their breath, the battle could not go on smoothly like this.

The facts are similar to Darwin's guess. After experiencing the sudden attack of the aerial killers, many level seven powerhouses are slowly adapting to this air-ground integrated attack mode.

After all, the seventh-level powerhouses all possess incomparable strength. Even if he is caught off guard for a while, he can learn to deal with attacks from the air by relying on his own powerful strength.

On the other hand, the air forces of the Supreme Cult and the Wizards’ Guild also attacked, although not many. The Supreme Cult sent an aerial team headed by Noah, with a number of ten people; while the Wizards Guild sent a seven-member team led by a wind wizard.

"I can't forgive, I dared to destroy the sacred festival. You monsters, turn to pieces under the majesty of the gods!" Noah, who was still performing the rescue mission just now, was really angry. The silver light wrapped around her, making her look like a burning sun.

"Sword of Light! Respond to my call and show your glory here! God's will is with you!" Although I really want to use a super large-scale attack magic technique to bombard the opponent's ground troops, but promise Ya calmly chose the opponent in front of him.

At the moment, it is not the massive ground troops that cause the greatest trouble to the Supreme Cult, but the monsters flying in the sky at super high speed. Because of their existence, many strong men on the ground cannot go all out to kill the current Zerg troops.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" Four of the six steel sword wings behind Noah automatically disintegrated, turning into countless fragmented steel feathers. However, if you look closely, you will find that these steel feathers are not ornaments, and their edges are as sharp as sharp blades that have been polished countless times.

Then, as if they had their own will, these steel feathers drew an icy trajectory in the air, and began to track those aerial killers who were also moving at high speed in the sky.

In the beginning, the aerial killers who were proud of their speed did not notice these steel feathers in high-speed motion. Compared with these little things, the powerful single attack magic from the ground and city walls from time to time is what makes them vigilant. That is all the powerful magic used by the seventh-level strong, plus some attacks from strange treasures that they have never encountered before. In just ten minutes after being thrown into the battlefield, there were about 30 airborne killers. Shot down.

However, the rest are powerful fighters who can fly at super high speeds and can roll and soar in the air in a posture that humans living on the ground cannot imagine. They will never stay at the same place, they will fly at high altitude at a speed exceeding the speed of sound at all times, and attack while maintaining this flying state.

At this speed, most magic attacks cannot hit them. Even if there are seven-level powerhouses with anti-air treasures, it is difficult to lock them in constant high-speed movement. After testing out the areas of the 7th-level powerhouses with anti-aircraft treasures, the air killers also began to avoid those areas automatically.

Until, Noah's feathers appeared.

The speed of steel feathers is actually not particularly fast, far inferior to the aerial killers who can continue to fly at supersonic speeds. However, they were not in a hurry, but accurately came to the airspace where the aerial killers kept going back and forth, and then floated there quietly.

"God's majesty does not allow blasphemy, God's will is the will of the world, world, stop!" The sacred light on Noah's body instantly increased to the maximum, and a huge sacred cross emerged behind her. At the same time, all the steel feathers showed the same cross. The sacred light covers the entire sky at this moment.

The sky seems to be still at this moment! Both the fighters of the Supreme Cult and the wizards of the wizards' guild stopped their actions at this moment.

However, this situation only lasted for a moment. Soon, the powerhouses belonging to the human side regained control of their own bodies, while those huge aerial killers did not have such good things. They feel that the air around them seems to be solidified, and every movement they make becomes extremely difficult, and the flapping movements that can be done easily in ordinary times also become difficult.

"The attack, I can't last long!" Noah gritted his teeth and desperately manipulated the countless steel feathers to maintain this super-large range of still magic.

There is no strong magic technique in this world, only the most suitable magic technique. Under the current battle conditions, the effects of this super-wide range of static magic arts surpassed more than ten attack magic arts. Only when facing these weird flying creatures, the effect of this magical technique will be so obvious.

"Full attack!" Without Noado's words, the remaining air force immediately began to attack with full force. The cyan wind blades, bursting fireballs, and dazzling light blades all fiercely shot at those aerial killers whose movements had slowed down.

"Hiss!" The air killers who had caused huge losses to the ground troops uttered a dying roar, their huge bodies were cut open, and bright red blood was spilled from the sky, as if it were raining blood.

"Oh, it seems that there are so many good guys in the Supreme God. These guys, even this prince will have to spend a lot of time dealing with them." Prince Chris strolling leisurely among the ruins with a mentality of walking Lifting her head, the rain of blood sprinkled from the air happened to have a force on her head. Of course, it evaporates without getting close.

"Praise the great god, I didn't expect to see such a spectacular aerial battle..." Luo Ni, who had already joined Chris's team, shook hands together. Just now, her Fierce Fang Guanglun had set down five or so Zerg air units that were close to Qiye's team recklessly, which was regarded as a small favor to the Supreme God.

"Prince Chris, where are you going. If I want to leave, I can use space magic to leave this battlefield immediately. We are not obligated to help the Supreme Cult fight." Meiya frowned and reminded this man that he was obviously in a state of war frenzy. Seven Nights Princess.

This time the situation is indeed unusual. She, who is proficient in space magic, can clearly feel that the entire world of the space demon ten-dimensional cube is almost broken. Now, anyone can easily invade this world, just like a pocket with countless openings.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Prince Chris shook his head resolutely.

What a wayward princess, doesn't she know how serious the situation is? Since the Zerg dared to attack the festival of the Supreme God, they must be quite sure. Moreover, the reason why the Zerg was able to fight the world with the power of a clan in the first place was not only relying on this worm-sea tactic. In their clan, there are also super warriors who are not inferior to any racial powerhouse.

The title of those fighters is-Doom.

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